Today is: February 25, Sunday 8 am
25 days left until cupcake day
Today I'm on my way back home, why you ask.... well you see I was standing in line when my friend asked me a question.
"So dude do you have the money for the cupcakes the others are counting on you for that." Mark said. Since Mark was here before me and the others he has been been guarding this spot in line for a few months now he kinda needed to use all his money on food and other things to keep him alive and well. "Duh of-course I have the money only a big dumb dumb would forget the... um the." I reached into my pocket to pull out my wallet and show him that I had brought the money but it seemed not to be there, and then I panicked.
I was panicking for a few minutes until Mark suggested I go back home and look for it. I disagreed at first but because he will be without help when the position battles start (which was the next day) and it would take me a few days to get home because of all the commotion in the city. But in the end he reassured me by saying that it would be a few days before the others came and and a few weeks before cupcake day started so even if he lost his place in line he would still have us to take it back, so I started heading home.
But like I said before it would take me a few days to get home because of all the traffic and I wanted to run but with all the people in the street it was nearly impossible in the end I got back home a grabbed my wallet checked if there was cash in side then grabbed a few more hings like food and drinks even though one of the others where bringing some i thought it would be cool for me to snack on.
As I walked back I recalled how I first fell in love with the cupcakes at this store, it was about five years ago when the store first opened. At that time, no one knew about it and never thought it would be such a big store in the near future.