"At the moment I am on my way to the complex were cupcake day is or was held."
"The time and date don't matter anymore, this doesn't make sense anymore, what's going on, where are my friends, what happened to cupcake day." I thought as I entered the gates of the now empty cupcake day complex (is it just me or do you think they should lock their gates). "Was there a terrorist attack, did cupcake day get canceled, if so why didn't anyone tell me?"
"Actually now that I think about it, I have been hearing lots of rumors about cupcake day but I really did think much of it....hmm" I began pondering on whether it really was worth it to go walking around and searching for clues when I could just call my friends and ask for the info like a normal person.
[The number you have dialed has appeard to have blocked you, have you done something mean to this person humm?]
"This is the like third time this has happened, guess I'll have to do this myself then, guess I can't runaway from plot."I said to myself as I put my phone off silent just incase one of my friends calls while I'm gathering information
"Hey you there, what in the world do you think you're doing here! You are trespassing on my bosses land, get out!" suddenly a little man walked up to me and started pushing me outside the facility.
"Excuse me sir?" I said " I am very sorry for trespassing but what happend to all the people of I may ask?"
The man looked at me as if he had done this before and sighed "Well I'll summarize this because I'm tired of saying this over and over again. You see just this morning there was a announcement here explaining that the location had been moved I can give you the location of the area but that's all I ain't tell you how to get there and I'm not telling you when cupcake day is ending now that the avenue has been changed." He said (all in one breath surprisingly)
"I see so please tell me where cupcake day is being held so I get to my friend's and make it in time." I said to him as I shuffled restlessly.
Ok ok I'll tell you the new location is.....