Release The Video

The next morning, Li Wei, Wang Xiu Ying and the twins arrived at Yu Yan's parent's house. It was very beautiful and also famous for having fifty two bedrooms.

"Good morning"The house keeper said as he welcomed the guests. When he saw Li Wei, Wang Xiu Ying and the twins, he quickly welcomed them.

"Good morning Master Li"The housekeeper said as he turned to Wang Xiu Ying and greeted her and the twins.

"Please come in"The housekeeper said politely. They walked through the passage and arrived at the garden which was beautifully decorated with different flowers.

"Oh look its Mr Li"

"Ah... Mrs Li looks so beautiful in that gown"

"Oh my...the twins are getting bigger and they're so cute"

The guests whispered as Li Wei, Wang Xiu Ying and the twins got closer to them.

"Hello Mr Li, Hello Mrs Li" The guests approached them and exchanged greetings.

"Hello uncle" Li Wei greeted Yu Yan's father as he approached him.

"Hello son,how've you been?, you never come to visit me anymore" Yu Yan's father said.

"Sorry uncle I've been very busy lately" Li Wei said.

"Li Wei" Yu Yan said as she approached Li Wei and her father.

"I'm happy that you're here. Come breakfast is ready"Yu Yan said as she linked her arm with Li Wei.

"What is this?.... Why is she linking arms with Mr Li?"

"This Yu Yan is really brave"

"I don't think we should make an issue of this, they've been friends for a long time."

"And so?,Yu Yan should know her limits. Mr Li is married. I wonder what Xiu Ying must think of her."Some young ladies argued. Wang Xiu Ying wasn't bothered about what just happened, all she wanted to do was to make Yu Yan pay for what she has done.

"Can everyone please come to the dinning area" the chef said as the guests moved to the dinning area. Yu Yan sat at the left hand side of Li Wei while Wang Xiu Ying sat ant his right hand side. The breakfast was served and everybody started eating happily.

"Do you still have any leads regarding Xiu Ying's kidnapping?" Yu Yan asked silently. Li Wei looked at her.

"Yes I do"He said calmly. Yu Yan was shocked and she began sweating.

"Oh... OK" she said anxiously. Yu Yan began feeling uncomfortable, she couldn't even eat.

"Yu Yan are you OK?" Yu Yan's mother asked.

"Yes mom, I'm fine" She answered.

"Excuse me" She got up and left the table

When Yu Yan made sure she was out of sight, she brought her phone out.

"Where are you?" she asked silently.

"Miss....what do you mean, I'm home"the voice said.

"Home...home, I....I thought I told you to leave this country?, how come you're still home?" Yu Yan asked angrily.

"Look, I'm not just doing this for me, I'm also doing this for you. If they catch you, it be the end of you."She said calmly.

"OK, fine, I'll text you an address, meet me there this evening around 7pm"the voice said as she hung up. Yu Yan immediately went back to the dinning area. After some time, the guests started leaving, bidding each other goodbye Li Wei, Wang Xiu Ying and the twins went home.

Nanny Zhou welcomed them and took the twins upstairs while Li Wei and Wang Xiu Ying went to the study room where Mr Cheng and the chief of police was waiting for them.

"So tell me what happened?"the chief of police asked eagerly even Li Wei along with Mr Cheng couldn't wait. Wang Xiu Ying started explaining. It turns out that when Yu Yan left the dinning area, Wang Xiu Ying left the dinning area using the excuse that she was going to the restroom, instead she followed Yu Yan and overhead all her conversation.

"She'll be going to meet someone around 7pm this evening"Wang Xiu Ying said as the men looked at her in amazement.

"We should put a listening device on her her so that we will have concrete evidence" the chief of police suggested.

"But a video can would be much better"

"Do whatever you want, just make sure that she'll be behind bars" Li Wei said.

"Don't worry we will surely do that". the chief of police said as he left.

"Master, we should get going, the investors are probably waiting"Mr Cheng reminded.

"Hmmm" Li Wei said as he turned to look at Wang Xiu Ying who was busy texting.

"Let's go" Li Wei said as he left the study room.

7pm in the evening, Yu Yan went to an open field where a car was waiting for her, she quickly entered inside. The chief of police placed a listening device and a video can on her purse. Luckily for them, Yu Yan's placed her purse on the dashboard and the video can was at a perfect angle revealing Yu Yan's face and the person she was with.

"Viper!!!"the chief of police said in shock. Viper was one of the notorious criminals in the country, he was the leader of a cult known as Black Bloods, he recently got out of prison.

"How the hell did Yu Yan come in contact with this lunatic?" the chief of police asked as he sat in his car which was positioned out of sight from the car Yu Yan entered.

"How could you be so sloppy?, you allowed Xiu Ying to escape I thought you were the best, it turns out you are really stupid" Yu Yan nagged.

"Look I did not come here to listen to your nagging. You should have told me that woman was a member of the Li family then I would never have risked my life to listen to your stupid plan" Viper complained.

"Are you blaming me?, In the past you've dealt with those three reporters and that stupid model who thinks she can compete with me, why are you suddenly blaming me for your mistake?" Yu Yan asked.

"Wh....What's going on?...What am I hearing."the chief of police asked his subordinates in shock.

"Goodness... this woman is the devil's incarnate"

"So this means Mrs Li isn't the first person to be Yu Yan's victim."

"She goes around like an angel, whereas she is wolf in sheep's clothing."

"Let's listen I'm sure there's more"the chief of police said as they continued watching.

"Those reporters and the model were very easy to kill but you had me kidnap one of the most important person in this country, even if I die in peace my sprit won't be at rest" Viper said.

"Whatever..... you have to leave this country. Here" Yu Yan said as she brought out two stacks of cash.

"Come on baby girl this isn't enough" Viper complained.

"Its all I have now and besides its not as if you did a great job" Yu Yan said as she left him in the car.

"Let's go" the chief of police said as they left.

The next morning, the chief of police went to Royal mansion. After playing the video, Mr Cheng who was watching was in awe.

"We've already confirmed the death of the three reporters and the model, the reporters were killed last two years" the chief of police said.

"What did they do?" Mr Cheng asked shakily.

"They found out about some of her illegal dealings with the Black Bloods. They were found dead in their home" the chief of police answered.

"And the model what happened to her?"Mr Cheng asked again.

"She posed a serious competition for Yu Yan. She was found dead at the bank of a river"the chief of police said.

"We are still in the process of getting an arrest warrant"the chief said.

"Master what should we do?"Mr Cheng asked.

"Release the video" Li Wei said.

"What?!!" Mr Cheng asked in shock.

"Release the video" Li Wei said again. This video won't just affect Yu Yan, it will also affect her parents and the company she worked for even her manager. No body will want to do business with Yu Yan's parents, nobody will want to sign with the company she worked for and her manager would probably not get a job. Everything and everyone associated with Yu Yan will be ruined.

Mr Cheng quickly released the video.

"I'll go get that arrest warrant" the chief of police said as he left. After he released the video, Mr Cheng's phone was buzzing with text messages so he left the study room.