Unproven Theory

"Theoretically, this shouldn't be possible", Nathaniel stated. "But I'm not a magic professor like the ones of the two big schools, so maybe I just don't know about it. Most likely, such things are also the consequence of mutations. Anyway, it seems to me that your magic, which is accustomed to keeping it's host healthy, sees my magic as a threat and reacts instinctively to it. Not without reason, I believe."

Katherine's crossed arms loosened, and hope emerged in her eyes like tiny new stars, yet she was wary to accept this simple solution. "Does that mean I might be immune to your magic?"

Instantly, Nathaniel shook his head. "No, we should not think this way. My magic must not be taken this lightly. Before proven otherwise, we should assume that your body is vulnerable to it like anything else. Your magic's reaction can at most be an additional safty measure. A warning system, if you will so. Not to mention that this is only a theory. We should not test this out."

"Oh yes, we will", Katherine declared crisply. "Don't think you can get out of this. As long as we don't test it, how should we know the connection between our two magics? Maybe I'm just born to be your counter. It would make everything this much easier!"

Nathaniel's lips twitched at her new-found confidence. "Katherine... "

"Don't 'Katherine' me", she snapped back. "How long have you tried to find a solution by yourself? And did you get any closer to being my real husband or did you just stop, believing it was fate? From now on, we will do it my way, no backing out anymore! If a small risk like a test can bring us any further, then I will gladly take the chance."

She paused for a second, as if something just came to her mind. "Was this poison in your body also your magic? Wouldn't that mean we already know that my power can act as a counter?"

Nathaniel pressed his lips together. Seeing her all hyped up gave him a bad notion that something was about to go wrong. She would be very disappointed in the end. There was so much hope in her that it even sparked a little glimmer in him, despite knowing better than that.

Heaving a sigh, he gave her the information she was asking for. "It's not my magic, just remnants of it. They are like dead splinters of the actual thing, way less powerful but a pain to get rid of. Normal antidotes are of no use against it."

"But I can get rid of it, right? It was a bit difficult in the beginning, but I think I could pull it off easily now", Katherine mused and tapped her lips in thought. "Something in my magic also changed lately. Those black veins were troublesome previously, but I think it will be much easier to handle them now. Though it is a pity for the beautiful vi-"

Suddenly, she coughed, then continued: " I mean, a pity that you didn't wake up from it when you were unconscious the last time. Anyway, I believe we should just both summon a bit of our magic and see what happens when they collide."

With a glance around the dark shelter, she added: "Of course we should do it somewhere where we can see the results clearly."

"I will arrange a place", Nathaniel agreed in resignation. "Just give me some time to prepare."


Katherine used her free evening well. She finally did what she wanted for months: learn how to defend herself. Out on the grass field under the slowly setting sun, Jack showed her how to wield her dagger correctly, and explained why the way she carried it with her right now was totally inefficient.

"Like this, you can't draw it fast enough. You should make sure to include an extra pocket in your dresses in the future, or a slit disguised as a pocket through which you can take it out in emergencies. As an amateur, your best helper in dangerous situations is the element of surprise, so don't miss it."

Katherine nodded understandingly. "I don't want to get captured again. Thank you for retrieving my dagger from the wolves, Jack."

The old veteran grinned his signature bandit grin. "You did a good job killing the first one. Heads up for that."

"Thanks. Though if I learned how to wield it right earlier, I might have done more than that." With regret, Katherine looked down at her birthday gift. The hilt of the dagger fitted perfectly in her hand, the words at the crossguard boosting her confidence whenever she looked at it. 'For the brave to wield' seemed like such an easy motto, but to her it was more than that. That Nathaniel gifted her a dagger with these words on it, meant that in his eyes, she was such a brave person. A person who was worthy of this dagger and would use it well. She felt like she let down these expectations a bit in her fight with the wolves, but now she wanted to make up for it.

"Alright, let's start for real."

An hour later, just as sky began to blush in beautiful pink and red, Katherine was still training.

"And again. Your wrist is too stiff, and don't forget moving your feet. Your stance is so unstable that one kick would suffice to make you topple over."

"How about showing me that once?", Katherine replied sharply. She wore a simple combination of leather trousers and a shirt. She still had to get used to walking without her wide skirts and thus felt weirdly naked. Failing to attack Jack repeatedly for an hour only added to her annoyance. "How can I learn if you treat me like a glass figure? As if my enemies would be this nice! Come on!"

"I..." Jack glanced upwards to a certain window of the house, where he saw a person standing. It wasn't like he didn't want to show Katherine the reality of a fight, but with how the Prince was watching them, it felt like he would be killed the second he got any closer to Katherine. When Nathaniel noticed his glance, he raised a brow as if saying: What are you looking at? I'm just a spectator.

Jack's mouth twitched. He wouldn't fall for this, not when his instinct screamed danger every time he prepared to attack Katherine. The first time this happened, he had even spun around in surprise, shielding Katherine from an incoming deathly stab. Just that there was no stab, only the prince looking on from the window of his room. Still, his other attempts were just as irritating until he started to train Katherine in a more distanced way. Which made hardly any sense since they were working with daggers.

Whatever. Since the Prince didn't come down to scold him after an whole hour, Jack decided to treat it as disgruntled approval to Katherine's actions and ignore the death-threat behind him. In Jack's mind, it was somewhat exciting to fight with a time-bomb in his back.

"Alright. Come on then!"

This time, the fight was over even faster. When Katherine landed on the grass with Jack's knee in her back, Nathaniel up in his room balled his hands into fists. The woman didn't make a noise. Nonetheless, he had to hold back to not storm down and kick his own guard away, even though he knew it was irrational.

He had to close his eyes when Jack helped Katherine up. The picture of their hands meeting was familiar but burned itself into his mind as a sour feeling. He knew this feeling - it had been even stronger on the party when she touched a man's cheek. How he noticed now, he still didn't get a reason for that. Why would she touch this man's cheek? Why would she touch any other grown man if she loved him?

He knew that it was normal to greet by giving hands - heck, in some lands they even kissed each other - however, to him it was a privilege. Since he could not touch Katherine the way he wanted, he was annoyed whenever he saw others do it, even if it was innocent.

With a grumble, Nathaniel got up and closed the curtains before he did something he would regret. His rational side knew that none of his guards would do Katherine any harm or dare think about her in ill ways. Especially this big bandit of a veteran was putty in the woman's hands. Yet, watching it remained hard. Maybe it would get better if he could one day find a cure and the touch of a hand would turn into something natural in his life. But no, most likely not even then.