Love Confessions

"Yong-hwan." Jandi started to say but Min Yong-hwan shush her saying..

"Before you say anything ..just know this, I have already thought it. I thought about our circumstances a lot but I just end up realizing that I love you more. I know fighters shouldn't love because they might end up putting their loved ones at risk but we're here now together and that's why we should cherish our every moment. I think.." Min Yonghwan continues to say but Jan di interrupt him.

"I don't love you Yong-hwan." Jan di said with her normal voice which happens to be so small.

"I don't love you Yong-hwan!." Jan di said louder when he still didn't hear her ..but to any passersby who might have heard her taking, they would have thought that she's whispering instead of talking loudly and that's even the loudest her voice could go.

When she realized that he now finally heard her, she breathed a sigh of relief while saying.. "I'm sorry Yong-hwan but I don't love you like that  ..I'm in love with someone else."

"Yabo, right? He asked spitefully before yelling..

"He doesn't even know that you exist and you're here crushing on him." He said, his voice now getting angry and loud.

"Stop." Jan di said in a low tone wanting him to stop because his words are embarrassing her and even though they are true she still refused to believe them or allow him throw them at her face.

"Stop..? Yong-hwan asks as if confused but he wasn't. He continues looking at her with so much hurt in his eyes but he counseled it with a smirk and an awful glare as he says in a whisper.

"You think I don't know you're crushing on him ..I know. Damn if everyone else doesn't too!

I know ..ok! I knew all along but I was hoping .. I was hoping that your little crush would have faded but this.. Him, why him?

I'm sure he even knows of you feelings but he doesn't give a damn so Jan do ..why him? Why the fucking him!?" Yong-hwan ask angrily and loudly. He suddenly grab her hand as if he would get an answer by doing that, not knowing that his hold on her is tight and is sending pain all over her body.

"You're hurting me Yong-hwan." Jan di said fighting so hard not to cry from the obvious pain her body is receiving but fail as a tear slid down her check.

"I'm so sorry.." Yong-hwan plead when he realizes what he is doing and the obvious pain Jan di is in. He pulled her to him and hug her while still whispering .." I'm so sorry nae ma-eum."

"We are friends Yong-hwan, we were best friends." Jandi whisper while still crying as she hug him back.

"I know and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let my heart get in the way of our friendship ..I'm so sorry Jan di, I didn't mean to hurt you." Min Yong-hwan pleas.

"Friends.." Jandi whisper, hoping and praying that he will agree to just that.

"Forever." Yong-hwan replied making Jandi to chuckle and as she did ..the two of them start laughing as they still hug themselves not wanting to end their renewed bonding yet ..that is until a voice that always sets Jan di heart to race asks in a steamed tone..

"What's going on here?."