They're here

"Escort me over to the mango tree." I said to Tae-hwan two hands behind my back, I strode upfront without glancing back. I know he's now behind me, I can hear his footsteps.

"You smuggled Kim Inna inside my palace, trained a girl she presented to you and gave her to my wife as her personal guard. My wife is missing and I know you this. If I don't know you Tae-hwan, you and I won't be having this conversation but.., speak." I said while still walking forward slowly and I can still hear his footsteps so I took it that he got up when he falls to his knees a while ago but I still kept walking.

"She told me she just wants to see her daughte.." Before he could finish his sentence, I interrupted him by shouting so close to his face in anger. "I hope you have a plan to tell me afterwards!"

I didn't really want to yell because sometimes it gets me nothing but headache but I couldn't help it and god help Tae-hwan if he has no plans.