My Wuji

Tae-oh came back with Eun-ae but something seems off and this bothers me because he just got back from Mandir.

I walked up to him, Jandi and Tae-oh beside me, immediately little Eun saw her father, she ran to him and he pulled her up and begin to hug her.

Jandi grabbed hold of Tae-oh's hand and begin to lead him inside, I tagged along not knowing how to ask him what I have in mind but after some few seconds, i let it out.

I asked him what happened that has him so shaken up and not his normal cheerful self. My question made him stopped walking before he turned to me, now looking at me ..he says.

"We narrowly escaped death."

He whispered this but I heard it and I really want him to clarify his sentence.

"What are you talking about?" I asked at the same time made sure I didn't let out any unnecessary sound that will prove how worried and scared I now am.