[2] They're Bad

"You promise." She asked sounding uncertain and I told her yes. After a minute passed, she let out a joyful scream while jumping happily on my bed.

This was how the Emperor and Min-ho walked in on us. Wuji came to my side and sit while still looking at the two of us curiously.

Min-ho has the look of surprise which later turned to confusion.

Wuji carried a very still happy Inna down from my bed with a steamed look which he later changed to smiling when Inna suddenly hugged him while shouting yes.

"OK, what has my little girl so cheerful today?" Wuji asked now holding his said little girl to his front.

"Mother said she's going to birth me a baby, she's doing it for me." Inna said cheerfully but what has me smiling is the look on my husbands face who's now looking at me.

"Mother are you pregnant?" Min-ho asks as he walks to my side.