[4] Sneakily

When I sneakily came back, I met Tae-ri and Mi-na sleeping on my bed, I didn't know when Mina came and it was obviously when I left ..I just hoped she didn't alert mother's attention and with fast beating heart, I looked around my room, eyes searching for mother's angry figure but I found none and then I breathe out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

I woke my two friends up and asked Mina why she came late. Anytime since I turned fifteen ..that Eun-Ae and Bun comes to the palace, I always invites my two friends for a sleepover so that I wouldn't be bored and this also applied today but my clumsy friend Mina chose to be late.

After querying Mina, she and Tae-ri pull me down and begin to question me.

"How was it?" Tae-ri asked excitedly while looking at me.

I shrug and the thought of lying to them did cross my mind but I didn't because I need their opinion ..Tae-ri's specifically. "He said he hates virgin."