Death I

At the beginning of autumn, the sky was filled with rain. There was a sense of oppression from the approach of a storm.

A bone-piercing cold wind blew over. Accompanied by the sound of despair, the clang of swords and sabers clashing, the sound of sabers cutting into flesh, and the thick smell of blood pervaded the air, filling the entire palace.

The capital was no longer bustling with activity as it had been in the past. The palace was no longer magnificent, and corpses littered the ground.

The sound of the trumpet of victory echoed far, far away. Strands of well-trained soldiers rushed into the palace with their blood-stained swords. Waves of low roars of battle rang out, directly into the depths of the palace.

Whether it was those who had survived or those who had died with grievances, they all knew that Zhennan Wang's ironclad hooves had taken over the capital in one fell swoop, heading straight for the throne room.

It's going to change!

The palace maids and concubines were all thrown into confusion. Each of them packed their luggage and fled in a hurry. Furniture and clothing were strewn all over the place as screams and panicked cries could be heard incessantly.

The bodies on the ground were bleeding profusely and stained the ground. The blood was like a bewitching sand flower, a symbol of death.

In the midst of this terrifying battle and its mournful screams, a melodious and melodious zither music flowed out from the northwest corner of the Imperial Palace.

The sound of the zither was as graceful and elegant as the flowing water of a high mountain. The cool melody was filled with calmness. In this dangerous and bloody and cruel moment, it seemed out of place.

This was a forgotten corner of the palace. Very few people still remembered the emperor's first Queen eight years ago — the famous Nangong family's direct daughter, Nangong Yue. She had been imprisoned in this cold palace for a full eight years.

Inside the cold palace, you can see the dilapidated and desolate walls of the yard, the ground littered with dead grass and fallen leaves, the house was covered in spiderwebs, the broken doors and windows, everything was in poor condition.

At some point, the drizzle had stopped and the dark clouds had parted. A full moon hung in the night sky, gently sprinkling its silver light down.

On the cold steps, a thin white figure sat cross-legged with a withered yellow tree behind her back. In front of her was a carved ancient zither. Her ten fingers danced on the strings as a beautiful sound emitted from the zither.

Nangong Yue straightened her back and leisurely caressed the zither. She looked so thin and weak, like a piece of paper. If the wind blew, she would fall to the ground.

But she was tough, and her black eyes were as deep as the ocean. In this messy environment, she appeared to be untainted by mud, and her noble temperament was natural.

She closed her eyes, and the flustered footsteps and screams of the people in the palace entered her ears one after another. Her lips could not help but curl into a beautiful smile, and her actions under the finger suddenly sped up.

The passionate zither music symbolized the depths of her heart. The thick smell of blood in the air made her even more excited. It was a debt of blood owed to her in blood!

She seemed to smell the scent of her clansmen's fresh blood again. It was so hopeless, so profound, so unforgettable in her life!

Her slender white fingers were as tender as green onions as they danced rapidly on the zither's strings like ten thousand horses galloping. As the music spread further and further away, a faint smile always appeared on her face.

Whether it was the soldiers or the people in the palace, everyone was killed. The palace was already empty. Those who had escaped had already fled, and half of the palace had fallen. This moment had finally arrived …


The already teetering gate to the courtyard was kicked open roughly by someone and it finally came to an end. Waves of disorderly footsteps rushed into the cold palace.

The leading man wore a bright yellow dragon robe, and he held a delicate and beautiful woman in his arms. Following behind him was a group of sword wielding guards.