The Alpha Of Discovery

United Nations Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, March 15th, 2022

"Ladies and gentleman welcome to the United Nations Conference. Today we are going to discuss on this issue. On the 7th of March we opened a portal that seemed to be another world. The fact that there appears to be three moons, floating islands, no signal of any sort and mountain ranges that are not similar to any mountain range we know of. Any suggestions on what to do next?"

"I represent Germany, we have concluded that the problem with portal is it's size. We are not too sure exactly but after further research, a portal that exceed 657 cm² will instead break down and fail to connect the time space in this dimension. So, as we know it, the portal connects to another dimension.

Among the delegations, discussion is pretty wild.

"I am a representative from Switzerland. We suggest we shut down this project so therefore we are guaranteed to be safe. We do not know what is out there, or what it can do to us, or how advance their civilization is. It might be a threat to the human race. Not to mention the new environment is prone to diseases."

Not few people agreed on this statement. Some even shouted "For the sake of humanity!"

"I am a representative from the United Kingdom. I suggest we study this new world. If it is not safe, then we have no other choice but to shutdown this project. But, if it is safe, we should study the life forms. And if it were a civilized, and much less advanced than us, we could trade with them. We could also extract some useful resources there. And to remind you that we are not doing this by force or war or colonization, simply peace."

The representatives are silent for a while, thinking. Some muttered "Of course, it's the Brits who want to bring colonization!"

Among the silence, one of them stood up.

"I am a representative from the United States of America, I agree on the suggestion by the United Kingdom, as we know it, we humans currently depend on a lot of resources. Like coal, nuclear fuel, oil and steel. If we can extract it, we could sell the commodities cheaper. Think about it, cheap oil and cheap steel means building roads within a country much cheaper. Helping our nations advance."

He then continued, "We also could plant any edible commodities to provide enough food for the people. Not only that, the United Nations, as one of the world's most trusted organizations, to monopolize those markets, not expensive, not to cheap and stable price, to maintain balance of the economy. With the money earned, it could fund this project and also fund the United Nations on aiding the poor nations who needs our aid."

It is a very ambitious plan indeed. People awe in these suggestions. Most of them convinced. This also meant that the Arabs and other oil dependent nations have a stable price.

"I am a delegation from Japan. Thank you for letting us have the chance to speak. As we know it, humans need oil. Aside from fuel, it is used for most of our commodities in our life, fuel and electricity is also the main usage from oil. Our recent studies showed that by 2050, oil will be very scarce, once it is finished, it will meant catastrophic. So I agree on the suggestion by United Kingdom."

"Then let us vote on which suggestion to be picked"

After the votes counted. The results are shown. 82% voted on meddling the other world, while 18% voted on shutting down the program. The results are settled.

Heinz is always a proud man. He was part of the United Nations since he was young. All the experiences that he gained since his youth made him promoted to be part of this project's supervisor. And it really did show how a capable man he is with his quick thinking and quick action skills.

After quarantined for more than a week, he returned home to his family and his wife. He is relaxing with his wife on the couch when suddenly a phone call rang. He picked the phone and to his surprise, he is called back by the United Nations to supervise an expedition.

He thought that after the incident, he could at least take a break from his duties. Turns out he was wrong.

United Nations Research Facility, Frankfurt, Germany, March 17th, 2022

On the next morning he went to the facility. Here, he was briefed by the higher-ups, then went to the VIP room. This time, there are no cameraman or any news reporter in the vicinity. Though some of the VIPs including Richard and Birchwood are there.

They shook hands and chat, while the scientist below, preparing gadgets and other instruments that look peculiar.

"Are you excited? I am." Asked Birchwood to Heinz

"Why wouldn't I?" He said that while gritting his teeth. It was a lie. He just wants some break from his duties.

"Of course, why wouldn't you be? Everyone here is very excited. Learning the unknown. Like exploring the vast space with a spaceship. Everything is new, and we got to do that safely in this room." Birchwood said excitingly

Heinz frowned hearing this.

Then, a man with a black suit came to the room, "It's ready sir." Then left.

"Alright ladies and gentleman, we begin our expedition shortly."

Then a countdown sounded. After the countdown ends, the portal screeched.


And the portal turned into a purplish membrane.

All the scientist below currently wore a gas mask as a precaution.

"Facility hall, oxygen still stable, pressure dropped to 87 kPa. Temperature dropped to 21° Celcius."

The temperature of the hall is always constantly controlled at 23° Celcius. For some reason, the temperature dropped after the portal is opened.

"2 Minute benchmark! facility hall, Oxygen still stable, pressure still 87 kPa, temperature dropped to 18° Celcius."

"8 Minute benchmark! facility hall, Oxygen still stable, pressure still 87 kPa, temperature stable 18° Celcius."

"Proceed to entry" Heinz muttered through the radio to the scientists below.

Then, a rover, very peculiar indeed. A rover, with a pole attached to it was brought near the portal. It looked like a unicorn. The rover then with it's tracks slowly enter the portal. The pole was first to enter.

"Oxygen is at 20.95% same as earth! Temperature 18° Celcius." At this moment, the rover disappear from the facility.

"Safe levels of Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and UV radiation. Pressure 87 kPa. Gravity 9.97m/s2 slightly lighter than earth. Showing video display on screen!" The scientist shouted.

The rover footage suddenly appeared on the VIP room display. And the guests looked with awe. Why wouldn't they? It's a beautiful view. The floating islands and the three moons are also visible with it's majestic beauty. The rover then, circled around the portal and showed more stunning views of the mountain range, the plains, and the lush forest and surprisingly discovered a river not far from the portal.

The rover then rushed to the nearby river and took a water sample, dirt sample and air sample, and returned through the portal

The samples are the priority. If the microorganisms there are very dangerous to the human body, then it's best no humans go there without protective gear.

Then the portal turned off. And the sample from the rover is analyzed in the lab.

After the next day, the results are published to the public

It stated that the organisms are harmless to the human body. But there is a more shocking discovery. Some of the organism species are the same as earth. Why is that? The organisms that are same as earth's have an extremely small traces of beta particles that will not have an effect to the human body, while the endemic organisms from this new world do not have traces of the particle.

It is concluded that some organisms do get teleported to another world because of Beta particle 'overdose'.

After this revelation, the world went into an uproar. Such a new and exciting discovery indeed! Now only one question remains. How advanced are the civilization there? Or such civilization are yet to exist?

That remained a mystery. And it is the job of the second expedition. This time, drones. Military drones that can go up to 7 kilometers. Humans too will step foot on this mysterious land.