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Chapter 2 - A Duel Of Heated Hearts

After the near fatal encounter with General Wade. TJ, Neimi, and Ace, have now come face to face with two young women who entered the Shrine Of Victory. The horned woman looked over TJ's party. Ace stayed focused keeping an eye on the two girls. TJ however was mesmerized by the living, breathing Hiromi. Endra held her arm up as a sign for Hiromi to keep her distance. Hiromi grinned and pushed her arm down. She smiled warmly and began to speak.

Hiromi: Come on now, Endra. They don't look like Paradise soldiers.

Endra: Looks mean nothing. In the end they're strangers. Strangers cannot be trusted.

Hiromi: That's where you try to not be strangers anymore. Ask for names and stuff. Hi!

Endra: -She scoffs- Don't be ridiculous... Who are you people and why are you in this forest?

Ace: I don't need to answer to you...

Endra: Why you!

Hiromi: Endra, hush! Hello, I'm Hiromi, this is Endra. She's a bit on the paranoid side.

Endra: I am simply cautious!

TJ: (Amazing.. the demon, Endra. She's as angry as I figured. Earning her trust is gonna' be a tough task. Hiromi though. My goodness.. look at her. She's everything I imagined. Her smile's so bright. Her voice is cute. She seems to be extremely well mannered and kind. Sadly also very naive... just as I made her..)

Hiromi: We're here for the legendary sword of course!

TJ: -Gasp- (Crap! I totally have the sword now! Can I even give it to her?)

Ace: ... Are you.. the Last Hero?

Hiromi: Ya got me! -She smiles widely and sways her body side to side with her hands behind her back-

Ace: -He drops to a single knee- Please I apologize for my rude answer earlier..

Hiromi: Whaaa!? Nah it's okay! Endra is such an instigator. You have no idea..

Endra: I was being cautious! For your sake!

Hiromi: I know, I know.. but you were being so mean, and I could tell these people weren't bad at all. Look at that one he's all beat up lookin' already!

TJ: (She pointed at me!)

Hiromi: And look! Look at the little fairy! -She runs up to TJ and Neimi- Oh my goodness you are so cute! What's your name?

Neimi: I'm Neimi!

Hiromi: Neimi! So cute! -She holds her in her hands and cuddles her with her cheek-

Neimi: Agghh!!! Help me TJ! This chick's super grabby!

Hiromi: Oh.. -She releases her- TJ? I'm Hiromi -She extends her hand-

TJ: Nice to meet you.. -He meets her handshake-

Hiromi: So what are you guys doing here anyway?

TJ: It's sort of a long story...

TJ begins to explain to Hiromi and Endra the situation he's in. He sticks with his Southern Cross, traveling writer alias of course. He explains how he met Wade and Neimi. He goes into great detail about the corruption and Neimi's ability to purge it. He eventually reaches the part about accidentally wielding Victoria. Neimi fills the gaps with tales from her side. She tells them of how Ace defeated the soldier and simply scared Wade off without lifting a finger. She revealed his ability to heal and how she saw him heal TJ from what looked to be serious injuries. Hiromi and Endra let their stories sink in before asking them anything else.

Endra: So.. you pulled the legendary sword from it's slumber!?

TJ: Yeah..

Endra: How could you!? Don't you even know how the prophecy goes!?

TJ: Of course I do.. I was just.. I was staring death in the face! I wasn't gonna' just roll over and die!

Hiromi: Calm down. TJ where is the sword anyway?

TJ: -He holds out his hand and the blade appears-

Hiromi: Whoa! It just.. pops out whenever you want? That's convenient for travel!

Ace: As well as combat..

Endra: Hand Hiromi the sword.

TJ: Oh.. here. -He hands her the sword-

Hiromi: -She holds it for about a second before it simply vanishes- Wha!? Guess it doesn't like me. -She laughs-

Endra: Fool! This is no time for games!

TJ: I didn't do anything..

Ace: It's fused with him. I'm pretty sure it's stuck with TJ until he dies.

TJ: Wha, wha, wha?

Endra: That foolish sword. I thought it to be more picky with it's wielders.

Ace: It is, but it isn't. Victoria will fight in the hands of anyone on the side of good or evil. It's what's made it so dangerous. It's only prerequisite is that it feels you have the potential to take it farther in it's own evolution. At least.. that's what I hear.

Endra: Power hungry weapon.. it's much like a human..

Ace: Can't argue that remark sadly.. From what I know, TJ. Victoria's fusion is only dispelled at death, or when the sword thinks the user no longer offers the possibility of growth. The fact that it chose you shows that you have the potential to push that blade to new limits.

TJ: I have that kind of potential?

Ace: Apparently so..

Hiromi: -She laughs and starts to throw punches in the air. She finishes her combo with a kick and takes her stance- Ahh.. well I'm kinda glad things turned out this way.

TJ: Hm?

Hiromi: Ask Endra, I wasn't really a fan of the idea.

Endra: Not really..

Hiromi: I'm a Hero! I have my two fists and my two feet! Them alone is plenty enough. I'll defeat Lord Leviathan and his whole army with my own body! I've been training for almost seven years now.

Ace: ..(Seven years huh...)

Hiromi: Besides, Endra! With all these new developments, I've come up with a new plan of action!

Endra: Go on...

Hiromi: Neimi! Cutie pie!

Neimi: Eh?

Hiromi: Your mission sounds just as important, if not more so than mine! That corruption stuff is infecting our world and from what you guys are telling me, You're the only one who can dispell the stuff.

Neimi: Yes..

Hiromi: Then how about we join forces? I'll be happy to help fight those corruption beasts and help you get rid of all that stuff! Which naturally means that TJ is coming along too! He is your mana bank after all. Not only that he's the keeper of the legendary sword! So TJ will you become one of my guardians, in return for helping to rid the world of corruption?

TJ: (Do I have a choice?) What do you think, Neimi?

Neimi: I say we do it! It'll be nice having more friends around and all the corruption beasts won't stand a chance with all of you!

TJ: (You don't even know the horrors that lie ahead of us as far as the Paradise Army is concerned..) Guess we're in..

Hiromi: Don't think I forgot about you, Master Ace!

Ace: Master?

Hiromi: That's right.. I know it's selfish of me to ask this but.. I would also like for you to become a guardian as well..

Ace: I can't.

Hiromi: You're the greatest martial artist on the planet! I was hoping you would train me.. if not just a little.

Ace: I have a wife and a daughter.. I can't be part of a journey to take down the Paradise Empire. (That and I don't deserve to be anywhere near you..)

Hiromi: ... I understand..

Ace: I'm sorry..

Hiromi: It's fine, Master Ace! -She walks up closer to TJ- Well then, I hereby dub thee TJ, Guardian of the Last Hero! By your sword and your courage you shall aid and guide me to victory.

TJ: Heheh... I'll do my best.. (Is this really happening?)

Ace: -He's seen picking up his breathing gear from the ground-

TJ: So this is it?

Ace: Hmm? Don't worry, I'll see you again. You still owe me money remember?

TJ: Eheheh.. right..

Ace: Hey, that sword picked you out for a reason. I'm expecting epic things from you. Ya hear? You're a guardian now! That girl's life is in your hands. I don't wanna' hear stories of the writer who wielded Victoria falling to some scrub soldiers.

TJ: Thank you Ace.

Ace: Good luck kid.

Ace packs his gear, waves goodbye, and exits the field in the northern direction. TJ now one of Hiromi's guardians simply gathered with her and Endra. Hiromi and the others exited the field in an eastern direction. The group walks through the trees of the clean forest. A herd of Green Bears pass by them and Hiromi is ecstatic. Endra quickly ends her fun by ordering their march to go faster. The pouty faced Hiromi agrees and they continue their exodus of the Forest Of Grand Dreams.

When they exit there is a large caravan waiting outside the border of the forest. Two young teens and a small white dog looking creature tended to it's security. As the party got closer the small dog started sprinting towards the party and jumps right into Hiromi's arms.

"Aww Ryo, you missed me! You protected everyone? Good boy" She continued to shower the dog with praise.

The two other individuals standing by the carriage were a boy and a girl who looked hardly any older than TJ or Hiromi. The boy was tall and average built. He had light brown hair that alsmot seemed to be orange in the proper lighting and a mystical pair of gray eyes that almost seemed to glow. He was dressed in blue and white garbs and carried a huge item bag around his waist.

The young female had black hair and brown eyes. She was a bit short and her build seemed quite developed.

Hiromi: Barden, Elsia. This is TJ and Neimi. They're new companions that will join us on our quest. TJ and Neimi, this is Barden and Elsia.

Barden: Hey! Nice to meet you.

Elsia: A pleasure..

Hiromi: Barden is a doctor. He's pretty much making sure we're in good health.

Barden: That's right. If you're fighting alongside the Hero, you can count on me to keep you in top shape.

Hiromi: Elsia is our cook! She also keeps us healthy haha!

Elsia: I do enjoy helping the cause.

Hiromi: She's also the Goose Herder! -She points to the front of the caravan-

TJ: Hmm.. -He looks and sees what appears to be two giant mongoose strapped to the front of the carriage. Giant mongoose with horns on their heads- (Huh.. Sabergoose.. heheh.. a more common folk's steed.. they're huge..)

Elsia: Yes, my family herds these guys and eventually sends them off to be the strong steeds to whoever pays. When the Last Hero passed through our town I knew I couldn't just sit by. I wanted to help take down the Empire.

Barden: And just like that the doctor sounds immensely sub-par...

TJ: Hahah! It's nice to meet both of you.

Hiromi: Also.. -She holds Ryo out over to TJ- This is Ryo! He's been my best friend for years and years now! He's a Black Striped Chiwu! He's as old as me!

TJ: Hello.. Ryo.

Ryo: -He stares blankly with his tongue out-

Neimi: Hiiiii!

Ryo: -He barks and tries to get out of Hiromi's arms to Neimi-

Neimi: Oh! I can tell we're gonna be pals!

Hiromi: Even though these guys don't get that big, Ryo is still considered a runt. Poor boy!

TJ:.. (Chiwu, they're pretty much wolf pups who don't get any bigger. However they have the ability to transform into giant wolves when they reach maturity. Ryo was the runt of his litter and picked on all the time. Hiromi picked him out to be her pet and the two virtually grew up together. That's how I wrote it anyway.. It's becoming somewhat clear that this world is.. the Last Hero world that I made, but there are some serious differences... I still don't have all the answers... I guess I'll just have to eventually stop caring and just move forward.)

Elsia: So! Where are we off to next Hiromi?

Hiromi: To the East.. That town we passed that was covered in that poison sludge. Neimi here has the power to fix it!

Barden: Do you really, Miss Neimi?

Neimi: Oh my, I've never been called "Miss" before.. Uhh, yeah. I can totally fix it.

Barden: Astounding! I've been studying this stuff for weeks and have been unable to even figure out what it truly is!

Neimi: Heh.. I guess.. I can explain it all over again... on the way.. -Sigh-

The party then begins to pack everything up into the storage cart hooked onto the back of the wagon. Elsia takes a front seat and mans the Sabergoose. Hiromi and the others get a seat inside the wagon and within minutes the party is headed eastbound to the corrupted town.

Meanwhile on the northern outskirts of the Forest Of Grand Dreams. Ace exits and makes way to a small cart of his own. Waiting for him are two girls. One a tall beautiful woman. Bright blonde hair and a pair of blue eyes. The other a young child her hair tied in two pig-tails. Her hair blonde like the woman and eyes blood red like Ace.

As Ace approached the cart The woman slowly walked towards him. The little girl was drawing in a book. When she looked up and saw Ace she dropped her things and ran towards him shouting. It was Ace's family he spoke of. Yukihime, the Celestian Field Medic he married, and their daughter, Ciel.

Ciel: -She jumps up into Ace's Arms- You're back!

Ace: Uhh.. yeah, It's only been like forty minutes, Baby Girl.

Ciel: I felt like... forty days..

Ace: -He laughs-

Yuki: Are you all right?

Ace: Hm? Yeah.

Yuki: There was a huge blast of light from the middle of the Forest. I was.. slightly worried.

Ace: Whaaaa? Worried about little ol' me?

Yuki: Only a tad..

Ciel: Mom! Dad is the strongest in the whole world. You don't ever have to worry!

Ace: She's got the right idea.

Yuki: Did you manage to get a sample?

Ace: I did, but from what I've learned I don't think it'll be easy to find a man made solution to cure this stuff.

Yuki: What did you learn?

Ace: A lot...

Ace sits with his family and goes over all the things he learned about the corruption. He eventually gets to the part about TJ and Victoria as well as Hiromi offering a position as a guardian.

Yuki: You turned down the Last Hero?

Ace: Of course.. We've too much going on as it is.

Yuki: Ace.. putting all of the family issues aside. When you sized up the company of the Last Hero.. What did you make of their chances?

Ace: Damn near hopeless.. A young girl still naive to the cruelty she'll face, a puny writer who accidentally drew the legendary sword, and a demon woman who's going to have to play babysitter... They won't survive a single fight with a General, an Arc-Commander, much less a Warlord.

Yuki: And knowing that you'd still chose to let them go it without you?

Ace: Where is this coming from all of a sudden!? When you first heard of the Hero going on her journey, you weren't pestering me then about this whole thing.

Yuki: It's because.. when I saw you again. Walking out of the forest. The look in your eyes, It's a look I've not seen in almost seven years.. when I first met you. There's a demon deep in your soul. I've never blamed you for running from it. Now I see it trying to get to you again.

Ace: -He places his hand over his face- That girl.. Hiromi, is the Last Hero. She's the last of them because of me.. I don't deserve to be anywhere near her. If anything I should be handing her my heart, straight from my chest.

Yuki: Babe, you're still one of the strongest fighters on the planet. Were you to join her. I know it would make a huge difference in their chances.

Ciel: Dad... If you're so strong, shouldn't you be fighting all the bad guys?

Ace: Not you too...

Yuki: Think it over babe, Whatever happens we'll be there for you. We'll find a way to join the party. They could always use a nurse right?

Ace: You guys are cruel sometimes...

Meanwhile on the east, Hiromi and company were about to reach the said corrupted town. They stopped the caravan and the combat team hopped out and readied themselves for a fight. Neimi activated her spell to grant corruption immunity to them. With that, Hiromi, TJ, and Endra headed towards the town on foot from the caravan's safe spot.

When they reached the outskirts the poison fog was already thick. The corruption was all over the place. Houses, streets, trees, all covered in the black binary coded sludge. The three ventured quite deep into the town but were unable to find any signs of a corruption beast. Though Neimi's spell had protected them from the effects of the corruption, the party could still feel the vile energy as they breathed in the sinister fog. They continued their search but found nothing.

Endra let out a shush sound out of the blue. The party froze and became silent. They could hear faint moaning and eventually very slow footsteps. Out of the fog walked a person. An old lady, she walked with a gimp and was covered in corruption on various parts of her body.

Neimi: That's what happens to those who are killed by corruption poison... They become an undead slave to the Cyber Devil...

TJ: She's a zombie?

Neimi: More or less..

Hiromi: This is horrible... Is there anything you can do?

Neimi: I can't bring those already dead back to life.. It'd be easier not to think of them as people anymore. Their souls have moved on. Their physical bodies are now just being mocked as the Cyber Devil uses them as mindless puppets. Think of it as freeing them from this curse. Let their souls rest easier knowing that what they left behind won't be harmed by their own bodies.

Endra: Easy enough.. -She swings her hand and razor sharp air blades slice the corrupted woman to shreds-

Hiromi: This Cyber Devil.. might be even more evil than Leviathan..

Endra: I hear more....

Hiromi: Great...

Endra: There's something else though...

TJ: The beast?

Endra: Perhaps... the ground..

The ground begins to quake violently. TJ stumbles and trips to a knee. Endra dashes towards him with blinding speed and smacks him away with backhand. TJ skids across the ground. Before he could ask what the deal was, the ground beneath Endra bursts open and the maw of a giant worm like creature clamped down on Endra's mid section and held her high in the air.

TJ and Hiromi dawned a terrified look on their faces. The worm shook her high in the air seemingly trying get a clean bite through her body. Endra screamed in pain as she grasped the jaws of the mighty beast and tried to pry it open. Hiromi screamed Endra's name and held her hand out to her. Endra's eyes began to glow violently and she ripped open the maw of the beast and delivered a swift kick to its upper mouth. She kept a tight hold of the bottom jaw and the impact of her kick allowed her to rip the bottom of it's mouth right from it's head. The worm flailed and cried. It fell backwards and the rest of it's body came rising out of the ground as it flailed. The tail side swung and destroyed buildings and trees. The head flopped up and down in the same area making a huge crater. The giant tail swung in TJ's direction. TJ began to panick. He quickly summoned Victoria to his hands and swung upward. A clean slice right through the beast's body. The tail flew and collided with more structures. Before TJ could catch his breath a corrupted human grabbed hold of his shoulders. TJ let out a shriek and elbowed it in the face knocking it to the ground. He held out his sword in a stance and saw that more of the corrupted were coming from all sides.

Meanwhile Hiromi was tending to the downed Endra. She was holding her wound and groaning. The wound seemed to be slowly closing up. Neimi flew up to Hiromi in a panic and began to cast a spell over her fists. She simply told her to drive her mightiest punch into the beast. Hiromi laid Endra's head down gently and stood up. She fixed her glasses and grinned. She ran towards the beast and jumped high into the air. She yelled her mighty battle cry as she plunged her fist right into the beast's body. Her fist blasted right through it like it was water. The unexpected force caused Hiromi's face to clumsily slam against the beast's body. The worm cried in pain again as it's whole body lit up in light and exploded into particles. Hiromi fell flat on the ground as the beast vanished.

TJ panicked and yelled for Neimi to hurry as he frantically fought off the corrupted. Neimi explained TJ's vulnerability when she used this spell and asked Hiromi to cover him. Neimi then began charging up her energy. Hiromi pushed herself off the ground and sprinted into the fray. She delivered swift kicks and vicious fists straight to the corrupted humans. She grabbed TJ by his arms and tossed him high into the air. The boy naturally yelled out in surprised terror. Hiromi's hands glowed and she thrusts both of her arms out. A huge sphere of mana surrounded her and the corrupted were all blasted in different directions. Bodies flew all over crashing into various structures. It was sloppy but effective for crowd control. She held out her arms and TJ fell right into them like a blushing bride. TJ's face exuded shock and surprise as he was held up. Hiromi simply retorted with her trademark grin as she set him down.

Neimi's mana was just about charged, and much like in the forest her energy erupted in a titanic beacon of light that stretched to the sky. A wave of light washed over the town and in mere seconds the poisonous fog and sludge were all gone. Neimi dropped down slowly and Endra allowed her to land on her shoulder. The party then looked at one another and their faces told each other the story. It was mission accomplished. The corruption was gone, though the bodies of the dead were still scattered throughout.

Hiromi: Do you think.. that everyone in this town was corrupted?

Endra: No.. I'm sure there were many survivors who got out. Probably started some sort of temporary camp some kilometers out. That or moved to a whole new un-corrupted town all together.

Hiromi: So.. this wasn't for nothing then right?

Endra: Of course not. This place is clean. It can support life again.

Hiromi: -She smiles- Then that's my first heroic act as the Last Hero!

Endra: You both did good.

TJ: Screw that Endra you were the MVP!

Endra: Em...Veepee?

TJ: Most valuable player!

Endra: What?

TJ: Yeah.. you saved my life back there.. then you took that brutal hit and you still managed to pretty much kill the worm on your own!

Endra: About that... -She flicks his forehead-

TJ: Gah! -He skids across the ground-

Endra: Be more careful next time.. You need to sharpen your senses.

Hiromi: No fair Endra! You have better senses cause your a demon. I could have just as easily been the worm's target. I didn't sense it either.

Endra: -She flicks her forehead as well-

Hiromi: Ack -She rolls across the ground-

Endra: Yeah.... I can't be doing that all the time.. -She holds her side- So please.. try to sharpen your sense more.

TJ&Hiromi: Yes Ma'am..

Endra: We should head back to the caravan.. we'll heal up, then return. We'll gather the bodies of the passed and give them a proper sending. Does that sound good to you, Hiromi?

Hiromi: Hmph! -She nods-

TJ: ( Simply amazing.. Back there Endra must have been using her Contract ability. In the game it supposed to use her own HP or the HP of an ally to increase her own strength. However in this more real life situation it seems she can use it to heal her wounds as well... Also I'm wondering if it's still HP per se.. Does that mean she just took some of Hiromi's life force? I doubt she'd ever allow that kind of price on her best friend. It must be a trade off of mana.. The little differences in this world continue to intrigue me..)

Hiromi: Neimi!! Cutie! You were so amazing!

TJ: Yeah! Great work again!

Neimi: -She blushes slightly- Aww c'mon guys.. it's nothin'. Let's go back to the cart! I am thirrrsty!

Hiromi: Let's!

The party then dusts themselves off and start to head back over to the home base caravan. When they arrived they saw that food was already being prepared for them. Elsia was feeding the Sabergoose and Barden was watching over her cooking. Hiromi and the others informed them of a mission complete and the details of the battle. Endra sat down still holding her side. Barden began to check up on her. About twenty minutes went by before the group started eating. They sat around a table that they pulled from their storage cart.

On a table out in the open field enjoying one another's company over a hot meal. Making jokes and listening to nature in the background. After most were finished TJ helped Elsia with the dishes while Hiromi and the others put all the dining gear back into the storage cart. Endra then gave the other two a heads up that they would leave to go and finish cleaning up the town soon. Hiromi and TJ complied as they began to get ready.

The three began to walk along the dirt road heading to the town again. Endra paused and had told the others to halt. She glanced to the left and noticed a small troupe of soldiers heading in their direction. With the safety of the caravan and the newly freed town in mind Endra and the others made a decision to try and cut them off. She advised the other two to the stay on guard and take their stance as they waited for the group to approach. It was clear on the opposite side that they noticed them and were heading straight towards them. As they got closer the group could see the leader. He was massive, near eight feet tall. His body covered in fur, he had the face of a lion and the build of a god. He only wore a loin cloth and many trinkets with all types of fangs and claws on them. His company seemed to be about twenty men and five more giant beasts behind them. They were three headed lions, that breathed flame. Their manes were ablaze, and a line of fire burned on their backs all the way to the tail.

When the two parties finally met face to face, the huge lion man halted his army and stared down the opposition. Endra's face was serious but without a display of concern, she showed no sign of real emotion. Hiromi looked stern and cautious. TJ however dawned a nervous look as his hands sweated over the hilt of his blade.

Endra: Genral Fero..

Fero: The Last Hero... We noticed a huge pillar of light earlier so we figured we'd check it out. To think I would find you again!

Hiromi: -She takes a stance- What of it..

Fero: Don't play stupid! I'll make you pay for that embarrassment of a loss! I'll take back what you stole!

Hiromi: I can't steal what was originally stolen, Jerk! Or.. I guess I could.. That's not the point! The Fire Orb belongs to my family! So long as I live you jerks will never take it for yourselves again!

Fero: Rrrggh! About that town.. It looks to me that somehow.. You all purged it from it's poison! I'll have to thank you. Life in there will be much more comfortable than out in the outskirt camps!

Endra: What's that?

Fero: Did you not know!? I controlled this town before all that fog rolled in! We've been keeping all of it's remaining citizens in a camp up north! Once I dispose of you all I'll move back in! I'm going to defeat the Hero and reclaim my honor! I'll deliver you to Lord Leviathan and become a Warlord! Life.. is about to get great for me!

Endra: Don't get too far ahead of yourself, Fero!

Fero: What will you do!? You're severely outnumbered and outmatched!

TJ: (He's right.. Just him alone is a boss battle.. He's got five Trileos with him and about twenty soldiers! Even if Endra were at a hundred percent I'd call this a pinch situation...)

Fero: Last Hero! Duel me! One on one! We shall finish our rivalry! Any of my men who interfere will be killed by me on the spot! They will deal with your lackeys however they see fit!

Endra: Hiromi.. we're the ones in the uphill run here.

Hiromi: I'll take Fero... You and TJ have to make sure none of these creeps get anywhere near our caravan. That's an order..

TJ: (You're going to fight a General by yourself!?)

Endra: (If it weren't for the five damn trileos I'd be much more confident in fulfilling that order..)

Fero: I'll make it easier for us to focus... Men! To the west.. should be a caravan, I believe that it's the Last Hero's mobile base. Reduce it to dust..

TJ: (You bastard!!)

Hiromi: TJ get to Ryo, He'll help you defend them. Above all else protect Barden and Elsia. We can replace everything but them..

The troops and the trileos begin to rush in the direction of the caravan. TJ and Endra begin to chase after them. Endra instructs TJ to dash as quick as he can to the others while she cuts them off and holds as much back as possible. He nods in understanding and continues forward. Endra then takes off at blinding speeds with her next step. TJ's eyes widened in amazement as nothing but grass blades and dust were beside him.

Endra dashed in front of the whole fray and cut right into them. Her body passed through the troops like a violent whirlwind. About ten soldiers went flying into the air and crashed down into the ground. They were as good as defeated. The trileos all rushed passed her. She quickly turned and got to the front of the pack. The first one that was about to pass her by again. It was grabbed by it's flaming tail and Endra swung it back with all her might slamming it into another one of the beasts. One of the trileos tried to bite her as it passed. She grabbed it by it's face and tossed it through the air. It flew pretty far back crashing into the ground. She simply tried her best to stall them while TJ ran to the others.

TJ was kicking himself mentally as he dashed forward. He was barely catching up to where Endra was holding the line. Endra continued to simply toss the big beasts back. The soldiers eventually were able to get passed her. He had to get over his self frustration and simply try to catch up to the soldiers before they reached the caravan.

Meanwhile Hiromi and Fero were locked in a stare down. Fero showed his fangs and took his stance. Hiromi gripped the red orb on her belt tightly before taking her stance as well. Fero roared as he leaped from his spot. The ground where he stepped crumbled into a small pothole. He took a massive downward swing at Hiromi. She quickly ducked the attack and swayed to his right. She unleashed a powerful kick to his ribs and hit him clean. She pulled her leg back as the hit seemed to have hurt herself a little bit. She grunted in pain, and Fero looked over at her with a vicious grin. He brought both hands up and went for a double axe handle. Hiromi evaded the attack with a quick back flip and when she landed she thrusts her palm out forward and a huge blast of air erupted. The ground around Fero was destroyed but he stood undamaged. Hiromi's face grew concerned as Fero rushed in again. He seemingly went for a grab. Hiromi hopped over him and delivered a rolling heel drop to the top of his head. Fero finally showed signs of damage as he released a loud grunt and crashed face first into the ground. As Hiromi was about to land Fero's tail wrapped around her ankle and slammed her into the ground as well. She was shaken up by the massive hit and before she could regain herself she felt the tail pull her up and she was then wrapped in his giant arms. Fero already back on his feet started to crush her in his arms. The more Hiromi screamed the more excited he seemed to get. He sniffed her neck and applied pressure again. Hiromi then kicked her foot as high as she could and caught Fero in the face. She continuously dropped her other heel right into the beast man's knee until his grip loosened enough for her to slip out. She hit the ground and started holding her leg as the high kick was not something she usually does. Fero pounced at Hiromi like a true beast feline. Hiromi countered with a well timed donkey kick and sent Fero back into the ground. Hiromi quickly got to her feet She took her stance but immediately found herself holding her body with one arm trying to rub away the pain. She began to grow a bit frightened. Perhaps she underestimated her foe. She had already held a victory over Fero, but maybe it was a fluke. This General Fero was nothing like the one she had battled before. Fero got to his feet and was smiling from ear to ear. His hands were opening and closing with excitement.

At the caravan Barden saw a handful of soldiers rushing towards them. He gasped in fear and quickly had Elsia hide in the wagon. Barden grabbed a shovel from the storage cart and stood nervously with intentions of trying to save his traveling companion. When the soldiers reached the caravan they saw Barden and began to laugh. As one of the soldiers was about to make a move Ryo ran in front Barden and began barking. The soldiers began to laugh even more. The angered Ryo's eyes glowed and he was engulfed in a spiral of mana. He emerged a big white wolf with a broken horn on it's forehead. He bared his fangs at the soldiers and the laughing soon turned to fearful grunting. Outnumbering Ryo the soldiers tried to attack him. Ryo vanished from their sight and before they could try and find him he reappeared tackling one of the soldiers from the side. Another soldier swung his weapon. Ryo swayed and bit his arm right through the armor. He swung him and took out another soldier. From behind a weapon fell aiming to slice the wolf in half. Ryo swayed again and pounced on the man's face taking him down. Ryo stumbled and from his right he saw a sword coming down. He messed up he was going to be hit. He closed his eyes. He heard the sound of blades clashing. Ryo opened his eyes and looked up to see TJ blocked a lethal attack for him.

TJ grunted as he pushed away the aggressor's blade. He pushed him off balance but before he could finish him another soldier took a swing at TJ. He ducked under his blade and delivered his own one handed slash to his mid-section. The soldier's eyes lit up as spit flew from his mouth. He fell to the ground out cold. Two soldiers came at TJ from his front and back. It was like time slowed down as he battled. TJ could easily see the path their swords would take and dodged completely with a simple side step. He drove the blade into the back of one's head and delivered a kick to the other one sending him back. It was incredible. TJ had never fought with a blade his whole life. Yet here he was reading moves and countering. It was as if the blade itself was sending information straight to TJ's brain and muscles. Victoria was training him to fight on fly. TJ was no longer being dragged like a puppet by the blade. He was actually learning to defend himself. He decided to take the offensive. He dashed towards another foe and clashed blades with him. After the initial hit, he struck the soldier's hand disarming him and delivered a slash to his neck putting him down. Another soldier approached from behind, bringing his axe down. TJ side stepped without even looking and drove the hilt of his sword into his face. The last standing soldier hesitated to attack but eventually charged in shouting. TJ swiped his forearm and he dropped his blade. The soldier held his arm yelling in pain as he dropped to his knees. The other two conscious soldiers got up off the ground and began to run. TJ looked around him and was surprised that he could defeat so many of them. He was also surprised at how Victoria didn't seem to cut a single person he struck with it. However the damage it inflicted seemed to do the trick everyone hit by it was still not moving. TJ was willing to let the last soldier he hit leave. He gripped his arm and slowly rose up as he turned he was crushed by the landing of a massive trileo. TJ and Ryo jumped back in surprise as they stared down the face of their new foe. A second one landed not far from the first and there were now two deadly beasts staring down the caravan party. TJ then began to wonder if Endra was okay and if more of them were going to show up.

Endra was still in the middle of Hiromi and the caravan. She was fighting to hold of the last three trileos. She was unsure if the others were okay and she felt she had to try and kill these beasts so she could help her comrades. However even the most hardened warrior would have trouble beating a trileo, much less three of them. Endra was already covered in blood from head to toe. Her once white dress shirt barely spots of white left on it. Scratch and bite wounds all over her arms and body. A trileo lunged at her. She quickly sidestepped the attack and delivered a solid right fist to it's body sending it skidding across the ground. Another one attacked her from behind. She tried to evade the attack but the head on the right side clamped down on her arm and dragged her across the ground. It tried to sink it's teeth deeper but Endra grabbed a firm hold of it's face keeping it from locking down harder. Another came running at them. It looked as though they were gonna try and tear her in half with a combo attack. She planted her feet and pressed her claws as deep as she could into the trileo's face. It's other two heads roared and Endra began to lift the beast off the ground and swing it's body right into it's oncoming comrade. The two trileos crashed into the dirt and flailed around trying to recover their stance. Endra dropped to her knees seemingly at her limit. She began to laugh softly and it eventually became a hysteric laughter. It seemed like she crumbled under the pressure of the fight. One of the trileos rushed her. It looked as if all three faces wanted to rip her apart. She grinned and her eyes glowed that violent red color. All the blood from her cuts and clothes seeped out and converged at her palm as she pushed it forward. The blood in her hand formed into a massive blade and ran the trileo through straight down the middle. The beast fell apart around her and it seemed Endra had pushed the handicap down to one on two. [Scarlet Sword]

Back on the most eastern side of the field Hiromi was struggling in her duel against Fero. Every exchange seemed to go the same way. No matter how many hits Hiromi could land on the beastly General he seemed impervious to damage. On the flip side single attacks that Fero would land would send some critical damage Hiromi's way. It was like he had entered a full berserk state. Fero charged at Hiromi throwing huge rights and lefts. Hiromi would dodge for her life dancing around all of Fero's attacks. One of his punches came in hot, and Hiromi couldn't dodge it. She put up her arms and blocked the hit. The shock wave of the attack felt like it broke both of her arms. Fero then struck her across the chin with a monster right. Hiromi's body was about to go flying, but Fero's other hand punched Hiromi clean in the stomach. She wheezed for air as she went flying bouncing across the ground. Hiromi opened her eyes and saw the blue sky. She tried to move but was in too much pain. Fero appeared over her. He raised his fist high and was going for the finishing hit. Hiromi pushed through all the pain and quickly kipped her feet up driving both boots into Fero's face. He stumbled back. Hiromi saw her spot she shouted with all her might to distract her body from the pain. Aura gathered around her feet and she vanished from Fero's vision. Fero grew bewildered by her speed. She appeared right in front of him and delivered a super punt straight to his chest sending high into the air. As Fero twirled upward he saw Hiromi vanish from the ground beneath him. As he spun he noticed a red light above him. He slowly gained control of his body and saw Hiromi descending at him with a giant fist of fire. She yelled with all her might and plunged her fist straight into Fero's heart. She blasted him into the ground yelling the whole way down. [Blaze:Hero Technique #3 - Firefly]

Hiromi landed on her feet. She gripped the orb on her belt tightly. If Fero were to get up after she threw her best shot at him. She felt she had to risk it all with the power of the orb. The smoke from the crater started to move. Fero's giant hand swatted the dust as he rose out of the destroyed ground.

Fero: Impressive.. You've gotten a bit stronger.. but I'm sure you've noticed.. that I have as well..

Hiromi: You're far stronger than me right now Fero.. I'll give you that..

Fero: Heheh.. Looks as though your little crusade ends with me..

Hiromi: No.. I've got one last gambit up my sleeve..

Fero: Is that so?

Hiromi: Or have you forgotten... about the source orb I possess..

Fero: Hmm!?

Hiromi: It's time I show you the true power of a Hero! -The orb lights up and Hiromi is engulfed in a huge vortex of fire-

Fero: What's this!? A Hero transformation!? I thought it took years of harsh training for those people to unlock that kind of power!! -He rushes at Hiromi- I cannot allow you to transform! -He gets blown away by a wave of fire- Gaahh!!

Hiromi: -She emerges fully transformed into the Fire Hero. [Blazing Heart: The Blazewing Luchadore] Her outfit resembles that of a masked wrestler. The mask over her face, the tight singlet, boots and arm bands. The fire dissipates from her being and she stands in front of her foe looking as if she had taken no damage- Hmm.. -She takes her stance- Now get ready!

Fero: You had an ace in the hole like this the whole time!? Why did you not use it from the beginning?

Hiromi: Simple really, Fero. I sensed just how much stronger you've gotten. In fact I was so aware of your strength I figured If I had started this way there still might be a chance for you get the victory over me. Heh! So I figured I'd try and milk my regular body to tire you out as much as I could.. so I could get a certain win over your punk face!

Fero: Urgh! You've.. played me! You.. Wretch!

Hiromi: Ding-ding-ding! You win the prize! Ding-ding-ding.. That's also the sound of the bell!

Hiromi takes off. Her speed even more great then before. Fero can't see her but a trail of fire is left wherever she goes. He holds his arms up to guard himself. He feels like a huge wave of hot air passes through him. Confused he lets his guard down. He hears the sound of Hiromi laughing. He turns in frustration and see's her standing with her back to him snickering. He swings a backhand at her. He connects and his arm burns as she burns up into nothing. A body double made of fire.


Hiromi wraps her arms around him and flies him high up in a release German suplex. Before Fero can hit the ground Hiromi appears above him and drives a knee into his face smashing him into ground with even more brutal force. She then grabs him by the legs and delivers a giant swing. Fero shouts in discomfort as Hiromi tosses him high into the air. She then envelopes her body in fire and sails after him looking like a giant fireball. She zips past him and makes a sharp turn crashing into him like a meteor. Fero coughs out more air and blood. He feels as if time slows as he absorbs the damage from the attack. Hiromi still covered in flames crashes into him again, this time like a flaming boulder to his spine. The Hiromi fireball continues to make several sharp turns in mid-air and pelt Fero several times over until she decides to crash into him one final time from above. Fero screamed in agony as he crashed back into the ground. Hiromi dropped down and taunted the General.

"Come on Fero, I'm just getting started.. Heheh.."

Fero rose to his feet and roared out in anger. Hiromi simply retorted with a cocky smirk.

Meanwhile TJ was faced with his own dilemma. The trileo had him pinned down. It was trying to chomp at him. He held two mouths at bay with his sword and frantically tried to keep his face far from the last one's reach. He saw the throats of the other two mouths start to grow brighter. TJ grew more concerned as he knew they were going to cook him with their fire breath. TJ couldn't overpower them and he couldn't think of a way out. He panicked under the pressure. Just as the light got it's brightest the trileo was tackled right off of TJ by Ryo. Flames spewed from one's nose as he shut his mouth just as he released his breath. The other face fired up into the air as the Trileo stumbled over. Ryo hit the ground hard and struggled to get up. TJ quickly rushed over to him. The fight was taking it's toll. Ryo was tough but the trileos were just too big and strong for him. Singed fur and open wounds all over his body. He slowly closed his eyes and he reverted to his small self. TJ petted him, thanked him for his save. However the other trileo Ryo was fighting was slowly creeping up on them. The other one that was on TJ slowly got up and approached them as well. TJ was now outnumbered. These beasts were taking everything he could dish out and he couldn't find a way to beat them. He began to damn his own weakness again. Just as he thought he was getting stronger he had run into another wall. Frustrated his mind filled with thoughts of needing more power. He continually screamed in his head that he needed more power. One trileo rushed TJ. He shouted in anger and swung his sword like a baseball bat swatting the beast away sending it rolling. The other trileo unleashed it's fire breath from all three mouths and the blast was headed straight for TJ and the downed Ryo. TJ again yelled at the top of his lungs in pure frustration. Victoria in his hand began to shine bright. The blade swept through the fire breath and blew it all away. TJ Held Victoria high over his head. The blade had transformed into a massive great sword. A giant blade rigid at the base with a pattern of red across the huge blade. He dropped the giant sword down aiming to crush the trileo. The beast itself was in shock and awe from the giant blade. It's face grew blank as the giant sword crashed over it's body leaving it smashed in a huge hole in the ground. [Victoria:Grandeur]

TJ: (Amazing.. I demanded power from you and you delivered. This is Grandeur.. the great sword power mode of Victoria. With this... I'll never need to cry about being weak again! I can still feel... you training me, teaching me to battle. Despite the size of this blade.. it feels just as light as when you were in your knight sword form. Let's go! I gotta finish this trileo and help Endra and Hiromi ASAP!)

The other trileo rose to it's feet and began to slowly approach TJ. He let loose a mighty swing. The trileo easily dodged it and ran passed TJ. It's tail wrapped around TJ's neck and he dragged him across the ground. TJ dropped his sword and it vanished into air. As he was dragged he summoned his sword. Victoria was back in it's normal form again. TJ swung and made a clean slice right through the tail. The beast roared out in pain and TJ unwrapped himself. The trileo rushed angrily at TJ. He got to his feet and quickly countered with the hardest straight stab he could thrust. The blade collided with the middle skull of the beast. It did not pierce it simply struck it and stopped the beast in it's tracks. It's middle face was out of it and it's whole body wobbled around. TJ capitalized on the situation and drove a mighty swing into the skulls of both other faces one after the other. As the beast fell to the ground seemingly defeated TJ then rose his weapon high for the finishing strike. He looked down at the beast and his grasp wavered.

He dropped the sword. TJ simply stared down at the once vicious beast that tried to kill him and his comrades. He dropped to a knee and began to pet the head of the monster. despite everything he still didn't want to kill anybody or anything. He stood up and glanced at all the bodies he caused to lay still. Barden and Elsia simply looked at TJ astonished at his actions. Neimi had the biggest smile across her face. TJ had Barden take Ryo in for treatment. He then Instructed Elsia to move the caravan south of the battle. They both complied with his request and readied themselves for a quick migration. TJ stared down the fields and knew what he had to do next. His body was sore, covered in scratches and bruises. He simply grit his teeth and began running as fast as he could towards the remaining battles.

Endra stood face to face with but only one more trileo. She panted, her eyes half open she could barely stand anymore. Blood once again covering most of her body.

The trileo also stood with wounds over itself. All three faces panting quite hard. He unleashed a fire breath attack. Endra quickly rolled to the side to dodge it. The trileo then came charging at her full speed. Endra ducked under it and rammed her head straight up jabbing the beast from below with her horns. It fell over to it's back and Endra hopped on it's body with her hand raised high for a finishing blow. The beast's left head shot a fire ball that caught Endra right in the face. She flew back and crashed into the ground holding her face in pain. Before she could regain herself the massive beast dropped it's huge paw on Endra's chest and pressed her down. She screamed out as it tried to crush her. All three of it's faces then opened up as light built in their maw. Endra tried to push the monstrous foot off of her but the battle had taken too much from her. She groaned in pain and struggled as she stared down what might be her last moments. Endra closed her eyes and simply braced for damage when she felt a powerful shock wave erupt through the body of the beast. The next instant she was sunken into the ground underneath the monster. She was halfway asleep under the dead weight of the trileo. She felt a hand pull on her arm. She squirmed her body and tried to wiggle free from her dirt prison. She looked up and saw TJ in her faint vision. TJ pulled her up to her feet. She was so weak she actually allowed herself to lean against him.

Endra: Right on time..

TJ: Are you all right!?

Endra: I'll live.. The caravan?

TJ: Taken care of. All the enemies are defeated. The only thing left is Hiromi's duel.

Endra: Then let's hurry.

TJ: Endra.. take as much mana from me as you need. Heal yourself!

Endra: You are sure?

TJ: Of course!

Endra: I'll take the very minimum.. thank you.

TJ: Don't be shy, Neimi says I've got a lot. Must be Victoria's mana now that I think about it.

Endra: Whatever it is.. it feels amazing.. (The hell am I saying?)

The two continue their march towards the duel. They eventually reach the duel and to there to their surprise Hiromi has transformed into Blazing Heart and was wiping the floor with Fero.

Fero tries all his fastest punches but Hiromi simply continues to dance around them and giggle with every dodge. Fero roars out in frustration. Hiromi appears in front of him and delivers a strong uppercut to his jaw. Fero is rocked and stumbles back.

"Time for the finish!" Hiromi shouts.

Her fists ignite in fire and she vanishes from sight. All that is seen are faint lights crossing back and forth on Fero's face. Vicious strike after strike looking like his head is being jerked in whatever direction the hit comes from. The trail of light connects with his jaw about twenty four times. Hiromi reappears and delivers a back flip kick sending Fero airborne. She spins and vanishes into flames again. She appears in the air behind Fero and wraps her legs around his neck. She begins flipping backwards over and over until Fero catches on fire. She releases him from the hold and sends him crashing into the ground yet again. When she lands she strikes a pose and a huge explosion occurs behind her. [Blazewing Collider]

TJ and Endra look on in amazement. Hiromi's form burns away and she emerges as her usual self covered in all sorts of battle wounds. Hiromi sighs in relief. She smiles again and starts to walk towards her friends. As TJ and Endra also walk closer Endra's eyes widen. She shouts for Hiromi to move. Hiromi in shock turns to see Fero lunging at her from the crater she stuck him in. Her eyes widen in disbelief. She had made a huge mistake. Fero was going to finish her with his final desperate ploy.

Fero's face grew more satisfied as he sailed through the air but his victory was cut short when he was struck by a massive bolt of lightning that yet again put him in a crater. The party was stunned. Out of the smoke a huge figure walked out. Hiromi's eyes lit up as the man who emerged from the crater was Ace.

Ace: Hiromi... that's your first lesson.

Hiromi: Huh?

Ace: Hands up at all times till the fight is done.

Hiromi: Uhh..huh. yeah..

Ace: Lesson two, don't let your arrogance control you in battle. Arrogance will get even the mightiest warrior killed.

Hiromi: Uh.. Yes! Yes sir! If you're agreeing to mentor me.. does that mean you've changed your mind about being my guardian?

Ace: You have my wife and daughter to thank for that.. They'll be joining us by the way..

Hiromi: Of course! None of us will mind!

Ace: Well you can go ahead and do your thing..

Hiromi: Oh right! Ahem. I hereby dub thee, Ace Blitzkrieg. Guardian Of the Last Hero! By your fists and by your knowledge you will aid and guide me to victory!

Ace: Heh.. -He places his hand on her head- And I hereby accept this duty. I also see you, Hiromi as my apprentice in the ways of the warrior.

Hiromi: -Her face dawns a huge grin and she starts hopping up and down in excitement- Yaaay!!

TJ: So you're back..

Ace: I told you I'd see you again... It's only been a day but you look tougher.

TJ: Heh..

Fero: -He grunts as he tries to move in the crater- To think Ace Blitzkrieg has joined the Last Hero...

Endra: He's still alive?

Ace: Well yeah.... I wasn't trying to kill him...

Fero: -He slowly rises to his feet and begins to crawl out of his hole- Hero! get over here.. and finish this!

Hiromi: Hmph! -She starts walking over to him, when she reaches him he is barely out of the crater on all fours struggling to move-

Fero: Go on.. Kill me...

Hiromi: -She kneels down and places her hands over his- There's no need for me to kill you, Fero. You've been beat!

Fero: Rrgh!! You would.. dare to insult my pride yet again?...

Hiromi: Live on, Fero. Challenge me to a duel again!

Fero: Wha!?

Hiromi: My first win might as well have been a fluke, and today's win only came because of a dirty plan and Master Ace's last second assist. The whole thing is leaving a horrible taste in my mouth. I need to beat you, one on one, with no help and no Hero Transformation. So what do ya say, Fero?

Fero: -He laughs hysterically- To think that after all I have done.. You'd be willing... to let me go.. I'll only keep coming for you..

Hiromi: I know.. It's kind of fun, plus I think deep down... You might be a hero in your own right, Fero.

Fero: ....(How long has it been.. since I was even mentioned in the same sentence.. as that word.) Hiromi.. I won't forget this.. I will become stronger... and when we meet again. You'll be disappointed in the fact that you won't be able to beat me.

Hiromi: -She stands up- Sounds good! Now just release the villagers up north and we're all good for now!

Ace: No need for that..

All: Huh!?

Ace: I passed through the camp on my way here. My wife is leading them back to their town as we speak.

Fero: Hmph! I trust you did things... with minimal bloodshed..

Ace: They surrendered immediately.

Fero: Damn you Ace.. damn you all... -He stands up- Till next we meet then... Last Hero... and her guardians..

TJ: Fero.. you may want to collect your troops.. I didn't fatally wound any of them..

Endra: Sorry.. can't say the same..

Fero: .... Thank you.. -He walks passed all of the party members and heads in the direction of his fallen troops-

The party then regrouped with the caravan in the south. Beaten and bruised it was a second mission clear in one day. They all gathered in the wagon and decided they would stay in the town for the night. As they traveled in the wagon the group was finally able to sit back and breath. Ace looked over Endra as she was asleep sitting up. Hiromi also slept sitting up with Ryo on her lap. Her head fell to the right and she found herself resting on TJ's shoulder. TJ looked over in surprise. He looked over to his other shoulder and saw Neimi cross her arms and make a pouty face of sorts. He gave her a nervous smile. He glanced at Ace who was giving him a corny thumbs up and nod. TJ's face grew flustered and he retorted with an irritated glare at Ace. The giant medic simply grinned and continued his work on Endra. Barden was quite ecstatic about also becoming Ace's apprentice on the field of medicine. He took notes as Ace continued. The caravan made it's way to the town and it seemed like the party was going to have an actual easy night of rest.

As darkness began to fall over the land, Fero and the remainder of his troops were marching north. All of the soldiers low on morale and beaten badly. The three remaining trileos limped behind the group. Fero was the only one able to stand tall and walk straight. It pained him with every step but he refused to show his troops any sign of defeat. He turned to his troops and was about to start a inspirational speech of sorts. It was then he heard the sound of air being cut through. Hundreds of arrows came flying through the air. He was stuck in the back by dozens of them. His soldiers were all shot down and killed by the barrage. The trileos were also hit hard and trying to shake it off. Two huge Serpent necked dragons came down and ripped the trileos to shreds. Fero looked on in terror as his whole troupe was annihilated before his eyes. He got up off the ground with arrows in his back. He turned and face his aggressor. To his shock it was his own Paradise Army Comrade, General Wade.

Fero: Wade!? What is the meaning of this!?

Wade: Fero.. you've lost your prisoners.. you failed to retrieve the Source Orb of Fire. You failed to capture the Last Hero. What else need I say? You're simply a failure..

Fero: Urgh! You..

Wade: Your efforts are worthless to the cause.

Fero: Is this the orders of my Lord?

Wade: No.. Lord Leviathan is far to compassionate to put down an old dog like you.. I'm doing this as a favor to our Lord and to our Kingdom.. The fact that you are starting to chum it up with the Last Hero is quite disturbing as well..

Fero: You bastard! Is this.. by orders of that damned Jester!?

Wade: I already told you.. This is simply me doing what I think needs to be done. -He draws his spear- Don't worry Fero. I'll make you sound like a hero. Heheh.. that's what you wanted right? To be a hero.. just like your little girlfriend, Hiromi.

Fero: I'll be laughing in the underworld.. when you get what's coming to you.. You spineless wretch!

Wade: -He runs his spear through his chest- Hahahaha!

Fero: Urgh!. I hope you rot.. -He coughs blood- I hope... you die slowly... -coughs- begging.... like.. the worthless cur you are!

Wade: Hahahahaha!! Awww show me pain Fero! -He pulls his spear out and stabs him over and over piercing his body until it seems like the big General is finally dead- .... Huh.. -He looks back at his men- Oh my... It seems that.. General Fero has died. He fought bravely.. he had the Last Hero on the ropes... It seemed victory was in his grasp. Nobody expected Ace Blitzkrieg to come crashing down, murdering him off. Naturally with the appearance of such a powerful foe, we had no choice but to fall back. Remember this day men... for a hero has fallen. Let us forever remember the powerful and courageous, General Fero. There will be no forgiveness for that rogue, Blitzkrieg! We must report to Lord Leviathan at once!

Soldiers: -They raise their weapons and cheer-

Wade: -He laughs hysterically as he mounts one of his dragons. He flies off into the horizon as the sound of his maniacal laughter echoes through the sky-