Chapter 14:Nic kissed Angela

Angela and George came out of the castle for finding Nic, George called up the guards of castle and send them in search of him. Angela breakdown with tear but she couldn't stop their she uses her magical powers and also came in the form of a angel and fly in sky. She started speaking out the name of Nic very loudly. Nic was sitting in a river side and feeling sorry for his behaviour later he saw Angela was flying on the sky then he also took his devil form and fly in sky. Then he hug Angela and said I'm sorry dear its my fault I spoiled our special day. Now George saw and informed all the person in the castle all of them came out of the castle and then Nic kissed Angela in sky while flying in sky. All of the guest and family member clapped and the music started and the marriage was lastly happened with lots of magical wishes in sky.