Chapter 16: Crown ceremony

Nic only informed George about Angela and said, please don't tell anyone in the palace the news should not leak that she is missing ok! George said, yes but what we will do. Nic replied, firstly we have to announce all to gather in the town hall and dad will inform the crown ceremony will occur in town hall in front of all people. And then we will start our work. As per Nic's instruction Angela's father called up all the people present in the island. After 5min he announced that the crown ceremony would held in 30min so, said to them to enjoy the lunch. All people after listening that stayed there but Nic notice a girl who covered her face with hat seems like she was in some tension. Nic used the portion of vanishing and he vanished and saw her very doubtful then he saw the girl enters the forest.He follow her in middle of the forest he saw the girl was talking with someone else. He was not able to listen it but then the girl walked into the castle. Now Nic was sure that she was the assassin because the person she was talking was a devil solider.