Chapter 24 : Truth revealed...

Nic want to know what happen with her but he knew that she would not open the secret, so, he decided to want to the graveyard to find the truth. Angela called Nic's father when he went to graveyard. Angela said, dad today I knew who is Nicholas. His dad shocked and said don't told him please he is my only child. Angela said, I talked to his parents spirit they told me the same thing, I will not open the truth.

Here Nic found that in the graveyard not only angels but devil dead body was also. And suddenly , he stopped in front of his actually parents grave and saw a grave with his name Ad Nicholas, son of Ad Edwin and Ad Lisa. He realised all the things and he cried in front of his parents grave. But he wants to know how they died, so, he went to Angela and thought to ask her.