CH. 3 Professor Oak

Eileen was happy that she meets with Professor Oak. George, Lisa, and Oak start making there way toward the table where Eileen was sitting. They reached the table and start the meal. Suddenly "So this is the girl, you were talking about." asked Oak looking at Eileen. Eileen was confused and turn toward George and Lisa. "Eileen, we know that your dream was to be a pokemon master as well as a pokemon researcher," said George. "So we decided that if you are with Oak, there will be more possible that you will reach your goal as he has agreed if you to make you his assistant, and we are also moving back to Heonn soon" continued Lisa. After hearing their explanation she was surprised at how much both George and Lisa cared for her, but she was also sad that she needs to leave them, it has been two months since she reincarnated here and they were the first she gets to meet.

"However to be my assistant there needs to some test," said Professor Oak to lighten the atmosphere. "What test?" asked George. "Well, an Unova Pokemon has been found and it was delivered to my lab by Professor Juniper, asking me to do some research with it.", "Well there has been some problem with the pokemon, it always tries to fight with every pokemon in my lab." sighed Oak. "So Eileen if you could win against it in battle, then I will accept you as my assistant. Do you agree?" asked Professor Oak.

"Yes" answered Eileen. George, Lisa, and Oak was surprised at how fast Eileen accepted the challenge.

Then the four went to the back of the fields, Eileen and Professor Oak stands at different ends.

"Go Larvesta!" Professor Oak throws out his Pokeball. a medium size Larvesta comes out and it was ready to battle. Eileen knows that Larvesta was strong, so she sent out "Go Munchlax" and Munchlax who was sitting under the tree went to the battle, once it hears its master call for it.

Professor Oak knew that Eileen has Ekans and Muncklax, he expects that Eileen would send out Ekans, not Munchlax. George went and be the referee "Start!"

Oak "Larvesta use Ember"

Larvesta shots out Ember toward Munchlax.

Eileen "Munchlax use Defense Curl and roll away"

Sensing the fire coming toward it, Munchlax did as it's master say and rolls away dodging ember, that Larvesta keeps shooting.

Eileen "Munchlax rolls toward Larvesta and uses Chip Away"

Oak "Larvesta don't let that happen, used String Shot and slower Munchlax down then used Ember again"

Larvesta shots out a string and it completely covers Munchlax and stops it from moving. Larvesta then shots ember toward the string.

Lisa and George were in panicked as Munchlax was now covered in flame. However, "Munchlax!" shouted Eileen and then the string with flames that cover Munchlax breaks as Munchlax stands there with no injuries, surprising Professor Oak, Lisa, and George and even Larvesta. "Munchlax now used these moments and attack Larvesta with Lick then Double-Edge," said Eileen.

Munchlax launched itself toward Larvesta and Lick Larvesta, causing it to paralyzed and used Double-Edge knocking Larvesta out of the fields.

George went toward Larvesta and see that is unable to battle he announced "Larvesta is unable to battle, Munchlax wins. The winner is Eileen." Munchlax runs toward Eileen and she patted him.

"Eileen" called Professor Oak as he walked toward her. "How did Munchlax survive after being covered in flame?" asked Professor Oak. "Well, Munchlax could you jump." and Munchlax jumped and berries fall out of its fur. "This is.." Professor Oak, George, Lisa was confused. "Munchlax is known to keep food hidden under its fur, so I always asked it hides away berry like Pecha, Rawst, and Oran berry under its fur," said Eileen. Then he asked, "Even if it had a berry to help, Munchlax should have been injured a little." "Professor Oak, could you name the ability of Munchlax." "Well, of course, it is Pick Up, Gluttony, and..." then he paused and looked at Eileen.

She smiled at him "Yes, Professor Thick Fat is my Munchlax ability." Professor Oak laughed loudly confusing both Lisa and George. "What does this mean Eileen?" asked George. "Well, as Munchlax was cover in flame, it had Rawst berry to recover from the burn and Oran berry to helps it recovers. Thick Fat is an ability which makes it has higher resistance against Fire and Ice type," explained Eileen. After the explanation, George and Lisa laughed along with Oak.

Finally, they have calmed down, Oak then went toward Eileen "Welcome my new assistant." said Oak and reached his hands out. Eileen shakes it "Thank you, Professor Oak."

Eileen was happy that she was accepted as his assistant and she knew that this was just the beginning.