The War Against Minds Begin....

"I swear to you I won't tell anyone. Our secret okay?" Akira moved closer and buttoned his shirt back up, he couldn't bare to see his wounds a second longer. Arata nodded with a painful smile. This was it; he would finally tell the truth about his true face and he didn't care about the consequences anymore. Akira felt his body start to shake slightly; he'd been waiting for this moment for two years. The moment his best friend would confide in him. Arata tool and deep breath and snuggled up with Akira's fleece, his scent was still the same as always.

"Two years ago, do you remember when I was supposed to meet you for lunch but went home early with a stomach-ache?" Akira thought for a while before recalling their morning, that was the last day Arata asked him to protect him in the train.

"Yeah…I noticed you were different after that." Arata looked a little surprised he's noticed.

"I didn't get a stomach-ache, that was a lie. I-I was raped by a bunch of seniors and got sick, after that I changed a lot. The person you see everyday is just my façade, truthfully, I'm a horrible person that does horrible things." Akira froze up and looked at him up and down, how could he say something so painful so casually.

"It was Touma wasn't it! From the rugby squad…That f*cking asshole I'll kill him." Arata lunged forwards and grabbed Akira's sleeve as if begging him not to get too heated, they were just getting started. Akira shuddered and settled back down seeing the coldness in Arata's eyes.

"That friend you've been asking to see was the person I thought had saved me from him…but I found out today that I was wrong…This next part I something you cannot tell anyone or I'll have to kill you understand?" Akira mouth flapped open in horror seeing the smile stretched across his face, this wasn't the best friend he'd grown up with…

"His name is Haruka and we've been together for two years now but he's not your normal person. H-He's a psychopath, people you see documented on the discovery channel." Akira recalled the specials he would watch about psychopaths and they were usually…

"Murderer…he's a murderer, right? Y-Your friends a murderer! Then that makes you…" Arata looked down shamefully and sighed, Akira already knew the answer to that.

"It's true, he's a killer and I am too. We're a team but recently we've been growing apart and I found out that he payed for Touma to rape me so he could save me." Akira was white faced and on the verge of being sick, Arata watched him cover his mouth and avert his eyes.

"I figured you'd react like that, you always thought I was this cute defenseless kid after all. I-I know I'm twisted alright b-but I never wanted you to hate me that's why I stopped hanging out with you so much. If Haruka sees me getting close to someone he'll kill them. I was protecting you Akira because even after all of this your still my best friend." Akira let a few tears trickle down his cheek as he looked at the broken little boy ahead of him. The horror he must have seen was almost too much to fathom.

"H-How did you end up like this…I thought of a thousand things but killing people…who are you?" Arata began sobbing into Akira's lap, it was a hard question. Akira couldn't help but subconsciously stroke his ebony hair.

"W-What do I do Akira…I fucked up. I don't know how to fix this; I can't trust him anymore. If I try to leave, he'll kill me for sure. I'm scared please help me." Akira pulled his face up and wiped the snot and tears from his red flushed face.

"We're going to call the police and turn him in, you just helped him, right? You were afraid so you helped him!" As if trying to drill I into his head he repeated the same sentence over and over. Arata's face seemed to lighten each time, that's right he didn't owe him anything anymore.

*Ding Dong* Both of them stopped terrified of the echo ringing in their ears. Akira looked at Arata in such horror his eyes watered.

"Arata, did he follow you?" Arata wiped away his tears and stood up shaking from head to toe glancing at the front door down the hall. It was impossible, he couldn't be that fast or did he already know where Akira lived?

"Akira listen closely. You have to act as natural as you can, I just came over to play video games alright? Your no-one special to me. I'm going to show my true face, but it won't be pretty okay. This guy is a psycho so don't upset him. Please Akira." Akira ruffled his head and gritted his teeth, how was he supposed to act natural in-front of a serial killer. Arata took a deep breath and walked casually up to the door, Akira wiped his face and ran over turning on the TV. Arata stood at the door looking at the shadow beneath, he'd never been so afraid, but he knew this aura too well. It was definitely him. Akira walked up behind him and plastered a smile on his face, Arata looked at him hopelessly, he wasn't made for pretend. Bravely he swung open the door and his thoughts were correct. Haruka stood calmly in the doorway with a smile on his face.

"What the f*ck do you want?" Akira watched his personality change on a dime. Haruka chuckled then glared behind him, Akira felt his heart rate spike and he began sweating. His body and mind were in conflict.

"Arata, don't be like that. Are you a friend of his?" Arata was stunned he could speak without stuttering. Haruka looked a little caught off guard too, this kid didn't look afraid at all.

"Sorry for the intrusion, I came to take him home he looked pretty upset earlier." Arata smirked hearing his fake voice echo within his ears, Akira could see straight through him and gripped Arata's shoulder.

"Yeah he looked pretty shaken up but he's staying over tonight I've already contacted his mother. If you want, you could come in for some tea since you've went out of your way." Arata couldn't believe Akira's composure and began to see him in a different light.

"Sure, that sounds good thank-you." Arata flinched as he walked past him before stopping inches away from his head.

"If you've let your lips flap, I'll kill him in-front of you. Got it." Arata felt his eyes well, that was something he couldn't allow, Akira was too precious to him.

"I'm not an idiot I didn't say anything but if you try anything, I really will kill you. Let's put my lessons to work, shall we? Game on asshole." Haruka smirked at the crazy look in his underlings' eyes. They sat down at the kitchen table while Akira made some tea for them all, Arata could hear the clattering as his nerves began to falter so he stood up and carried the tray to the table. Haruka was watching them both closely but Arata was calmer than air, his hands were still, and his eyes were wide open also observing Haruka.

"I'm guessing your Arata's good friend, he just never mentions you much that's all." Akira shifted nervously but then began to smile bypassing the overwhelming fear coursing through his body. Akira was taller and stronger than Arata, but nothing compared to Haruka.

"We've been friends since pre-school, Arata used to live next door to me that's how we met. What about you? How do you two know each other?" Arata glared up at Haruka warning him not to say anything that would give them away. This was all a front to deter him. If Haruka relieved their relationship openly then Akira would either have to die or join them. Arata didn't want that for his best friend.

"I'm a student at the University Arata will be studying at, he often comes to ask advice about things like living expenses and such. We grew pretty close after that." Arata felt his lungs relax hearing the lie escape from his lips. Akira played along also aware of his bluff, time seemed to slow down as they began conversing, Arata was awaiting the heavy blow.

"Okay you seem like a nice kid I don't mind letting him stay over for tonight. Thank-you for your hospitality, I'll be leaving now." Arata looked at him in disbelief, surely, he wasn't going to let him off that easily something was wrong here. Akira smiled and began walking him out.

"Ah Damn I left my phone on the table could you grab it for me Akira." Akira hesitantly nodded before running back to the kitchen. Immediately Haruka pinned Arata against the passageway wall by his throat.

"Looks like you didn't let your tongue slip but if you do, I'll slit his throat. Got it." Arata gritted his teeth.

"I told you what would happen if you touched him, you can't beat me anymore Haruka. Like you said I'm your rival now and Akira is off limits. Try it and I'll destroy you." Arata snapped his fingers tauntingly, Haruka face twisted in rage as the grip on his throat tightened suddenly. Seconds before Akira returned, he loosened his grip and switched back to his signature smile.

"Thanks, take good care of him for me." Akira nodded and waved as he watched him walk out on to the street. Arata slammed the door and bolted it tight, simultaneously they both collapsed onto the floor in exhaustion.

"F*cking bastard coming here just to scare me. Damn it." Arata slammed his fist against the wall trying to catch his breath. Akira's face was white as a sheet and he was hyperventilating.

"Oi Akira, d-do you…hate me now?" he said painfully clutching his chest.

"How could I hate you? You've been under that guys control for 2 years; it must have been hard for you but it's okay now Arata. I'm going to save you; I promise even if it kills me." Arata wiped away his tears and wrapped his arms around his best friend.

"Idiot, don't tempt fate." They both embraced each other until Arata came to the realization that this was what real love felt like and what he felt for Haruka wasn't love…it was pity. Arata didn't how him anything anymore and even if he did have the urge to kill, he could do that easily on his own. He didn't need Haruka anymore…but that was the most dangerous thing he could have realized because Arata wasn't the one in a trap, it was Haruka all along.

--------------------------------------The Next Day-------------------------------

"I'll meet you after school so keep your phone on, if you see him run away." Akira patted him harshly trying to drill it into his head, Arata nodded obediently and took a deep breath as he settled for class. Majority of the day remained the same and even when his homeroom teacher called for him, he avoided any unnecessary conversation, that horrific attitude he'd currently hidden was becoming more of a burden to contain.

"Oi Arata, the first year is here to see you." Arata stiffened at his desk recalling the promise he'd made to the cute kid three years his junior. Annoyed he rattled his desk and stormed out past everyone gripping his collar before even looking him in the face. Casually, he threw him into the bathroom stall and locked it before slamming both hands either side of his head.

"Did you get impatient Reo? Didn't I say I would text you a time and place?" Reo quivered and looked down at the ground, Arata released his hands realizing this poor kid wasn't prey he was just curious.

"I'm sorry for bothering you but I wanted to tell you I've found someone else who is going to show me how to do it but thankyou for listening to my request." Arata felt slightly relieved, he wasn't in the mood to break any little kids today but something in his heart caused his to shudder.

"Did this person by any chance have blonde hair, tall and charming?" Reo looked up at his in disbelief, Arata felt his body go numb seeing the confirmation in his eyes. Haruka was already a step ahead of him, this kid was his replacement.

"Listen to me very carefully, that guy is no good. He's my ex-boyfriend and he's very violent, if you f*ck him he will break you. Do you understand, look at me Reo!" Reo sat back on the toilet seat as Arata pressured him further into the stall. For some reason he didn't look very phased at all. Arata wondered if Haruka's hooks were already implanted inside of him.

"Okay then next question. Do you know how it feels to be violated by a stranger while he's decapitated in-front of your very eyes. How hard it is to wash the smell of guts and blood away from your body. No, you don't know at all." Reo began trembling and clenched his hands together insecurely.

"I don't mind that. Haruka said I could become someone special to him if I asked you to show me how to f*ck. Truth is Arata I'm not this cute little fairy everyone sees me as, even you should have seen right through me but maybe your talent doesn't stretch that far. But…I'm happy to hear how you really feel about him. Maybe now he'll pay more attention to me." Arata slid back against the door, this kid personality changed quicker than his.

"Why does it sound like you've known him a while." Reo smiled and began counting something on his fingers.

"I guess for around 13 years now. I've always admired him from a young age, but he said I was too naïve to be part of the club but then I saw this snotty little brat crawl in and steal my spot. Ever since then I've been watching you which was probably a good thing for him. Haruka often asks me what you get up to in school." Arata could feeling his aura wrap itself around him like a snake, Reo stood up and smashed his foot next to Arata's head.

"1-13 years, how so?" he said feeling his teeth clatter in rage.

"Dummy, we're cousins. I've known my twisted cousin most of my life, the age gap doesn't matter to me." Arata let a humored breath exhale from his mouth before feeling sick to his stomach, this guy was good he'll give him that, but he was forgetting one vital feature. Haruka those Arata for a reason. Reo watched the sniveling little kid in-front of him stand up with a different face, this one was expressionless, and his eyes were practically black.

"Are you finished talking yet you f*cking rat." Reo backed up slightly, he'd forgotten Arata was bigger and stronger than him, maybe settling things in such a secluded place was a bad idea.

"Such a shame, you should have just walked away but your much too prideful huh. Revealing your true identity was a big mistake because now I have the upper hand. You may be twisted and smart but your nothing compared to me. I haven't been beaten, strangled, f*cked for you to take my place. Don't get too cocky, you may be his cousin but I'm his underling. I learned from the best and that asshole of a mouth will be sown shut forever if you don't keep yourself in check. Oh, and as for Haruka since you're his most loyal disciple, tell him if he tries to f*ck with me again I'll end him for good. Now be a good puppy and run home to your owner." Arata's voice was so monotone it was frightening, Reo had never been under such pressure before and his body wouldn't move so frozen in fear. Haruka had warned him about his personalities but this was out of his league. This was truly a broken mind beyond fixing, one he couldn't contend with no matter how clever.

"Damn he was right you really are scary, okay I won't bother you again but don't think you can escape him so easily. Haruka didn't train you for two years for nothing." Smugly he walked past him and exited the bathroom. Arata couldn't believed he'd been scouted all of this time, maybe Haruka had predicted he would leave him after all.

"F*ck!" he slammed his hand against the bathroom stall.

"Arata, what are you doing?" None other than his homeroom teacher waltzed in hearing the commotion but Arata was too distressed to hide his true nature today.

"Can you still help me?" he said angrily hiding his tears, immediately Riko gripped his sleeve and began pulling him towards the private tutor room. Arata didn't even put up a fight and sluggishly followed behind ignoring the whispers of his classmates around him. As he arrived at the door, he spotted Akira walking towards them out of the corner of his eyes. Arata spun around and shook his head painfully, trying to tell him everything was fine, this was routine. Akira nodded sadly in understanding as Arata was dragged inside.

"Sit down." He said sternly. Arata rolled his eyes and slumped back into the chair looking up at the ceiling, this was pointless. If he let his lips flap, he would be dead by dawn.

"You're not messing with me, again are you?" Arata looked at him like an idiot before unbuttoning his shirt exposing his wounds. Riko was so appalled he covered his mouth and looked away to stop himself from retching.

"Does it look like I'm messing with you teacher? I need help and I need it now before I'm thrown into a ditch and left for dead. You may have thought this is just a typical case of abuse but your wrong. This is a f*cking nightmare, it's annoying I can't tell you everything because now I have no idea who I can trust. Who knows maybe he's already got under your skin?" Arata scanned him up and down intensely with his large green eyes, but the teacher was shuddering, and it wasn't faked either.

"Tell me the truth, are you working for Haruka?" Riko shook his head his mouth still wide open.

"I have no idea who that is but Arata…those wounds…who?" Arata smirked and threw his shirt back on, before collapsing back into the chair.

"That's easy. My mothers a schizophrenic, she has episodes pretty often and I get the brunt. We're too poor to afford medication so she'll be like that until she dies. As for my father he's a violent alcoholic, he tries to drink away the memories of his homosexual encounters, but it never works out well. I also get the brunt of that. Lat but not least is my ex-boyfriend Haruka, truthfully majority of these wounds aren't from him but the ones in my head he is solely responsible for…. he's a murderer." Riko was typing everything that came pout of his mouth as quickly as possible but when that last sentence reached his ears his whole world stopped dead. Was it metaphorical? Surely, it had to be there's no way he would admit something so openly. Yet again, Arata was unhinged maybe he would let it slip on purpose.

"Arata, that's a big statement. Have to record this, if they inquire your ex-boyfriend may be investigated by the police." Arata looked out of the window and then shot his head back.

"Sounds like fun. Let's go."