
"What do you want Aoi?" As expected Arata's sister had come snooping around probably because there was no-one for their parents to vent at. By vent it meant abuse. Akira always looked up to Aoi like a sister but witnessing the coldness between the two his perception took a turn.

"I was worried about you, you disappeared for three days. Mom's worried." Arata laughed before leaning up face to face with his warning wild eyes. Aoi gulped seeing her twisted brother's personality change on a dime. Akira also witnessed the change for the second time.

"Mom's up in f*cking fairy land while we fend for ourselves. It's her fault for not taking the medication, what do you want me to do huh? Come home so I can get cups thrown at my head? No thanks, I'll pass. Come on Akira." Arata waltzed by her casually followed by Akira when his sister gripped his sleeve desperately.

"Don't leave me alone with them brother please. It's not fair." She sounded like a spoilt child and it really rubbed him the wrong way. Arata gripped her hair pulling her face towards him.

"Oh really? Then should I kill them for you?" Aoi eyes filled with tears, he was a monster for sure. How could he say it so coldly?

"Just say the word and I'll do it gladly. Then my poor big sister won't have to suffer anymore right?" She flinched as he raised his hand. Arata let out a big sigh as if disappointed.

"I see. So even you're afraid of me. How sly, it's partly your fault I am the way I am. Why don't you take responsibility then?" Arata didn't hesitate as she gasped for air his fist clenched tightly around her windpipe. It didn't take much to break the human neck.

"H-Hey Arata that's enough!" Akira tried to pry his hand but for such a small guy he was insanely strong when he wanted to be. I guess that's the condition of insanity.

"I'M NOT YOUR PET THAT YOU CAN JUST THROW TO THE MONSTERS WHENEVER YOU F*CKING PLEASE!" Aoi was choking for air quivering as her brother's otherworldly voice rattled inside of her ears. Akira wasn't strong enough and the sound of her vertebrae cracking was ungodly. As he struggled, he frantically looked around for help when an unfamiliar face strutted from the bushes.

"Come one Arata, look I know she's a b*tch but do you really want to go to jail for the likes of her. Pick a better target." Arata suddenly stopped bewildered, that was something Haruka would say. As Aoi collapsed to the floor he met an undesirable feat.

"Reporting, are we? He'll get mad at you ya know?" Reo smiled enthusiastically. It was Haruka's younger cousin unbeknown to Akira who looked terrified Arata had been caught in an episode.

"Nah I'm tired, he'll shoot the messenger eventually anyway. May as well quit while I can and anyway your way more interesting. Is this your friend?" Arata stepped in-front of Akira defensively, he didn't want him to become a target.

"Oh dear. It was a mistake to bring him into the circle. Once you're in there's only one way out right Arata?" Arata gritted his teeth and bowed his head.

"Tsk! Shut-up your f*cking mouse he has nothing to do with it." Reo giggled wildly, this was the first time he's seen Arata's weakness.

"Hey Arata's friend, have you ever hurt someone before?" Arata lunged forward grabbing his collar, he knew what he was trying to achieve.

"Don't answer that Akira, he's trying to get inside of your head." Akira stood there dumbfounded, this was like a circus of violence and mental turmoil. His heart was too pure for this kind of thing and Arata knew that, but he also knew he couldn't be saved without him.

"No and I don't plan to either, if your done talking sh*t we'll be going. You should have a little more respect for your seniors." Arata felt his shirt get tugged as Akira pulled him away from the situation. Reo clapped clearly amused.

"Careful you don't fall for him Arata, we all know what happens when you fall in love!" he called out skipping away. That little brat was a knife in his gut, and he couldn't escape from him. Mice had tendencies to creep in small places scaring the wit out of people when they least expect it.

"I'm guessing that was the kid you were talking about?" Arata nodded his eyes still twitching from containing his blood-lust. Deep down he could feel this pain writhing around but he didn't know what to call it. They both entered Akira's place locking the door behind them. Finally, he was in a sanctuary. The heavy air seemed to calm down along with Akira's heavy heart-rate. Arata was silent carefully dissecting the best possible way to either recruit or destroy his new pest. Akira didn't say much else and started making dinner while Arata stared at the table. Akira put down his ladle, Reo's question burning in his brain.

"Hey Arata, what did he ask me that for?" Arata froze and looked up, that's right. Akira had no idea about these things.

"It was an initiation to see if you were a threat. That's why I told you not to answer. Now he knows you're not like me." Akira looked a little unsettled, frankly wasn't that a good thing. Arata could read him like a book. Not like him huh? So, he wasn't a violent sexual deviant itching to slit someone throat.

"If Haruka finds out your innocent it'll make him target you more just to spite me. Akira…sorry. I dragged you into a vicious circle and now you're stuck in the middle with me." Akira sighed and sat down opposed.

"So that's what he meant by circle. I see." Arata sometimes wondered if Akira was listless or just hiding his fear. Reactions to something so horrific shouldn't be that simple.

"You don't have to apologise but I have something I want to ask you." Arata felt his heart hurt again, beating heavily it pulsated through his veins. It was always so painful sharing thing with Akira because he was so pure. Akira took a deep breath.

"When you were killing with Haruka…did you hurt people for revenge or to please him?" Silence filled the room as the question broke him in two. Reo had mentioned something taboo and now it had come back to bite him. Arata killed out of love for the man who had given him strength to hurt others. It was neither revenge nor commands, it was love…

"You might find it hard to understand but when your naked in a pit full of vipers, it doesn't matter which hand reaches down to pull you out, you will be grateful to that person regardless. I live in a home plagued with violence and insanity, that small pat on the head or three praising words saved me in an instant. I was begging for affection no matter what form it took. Turns out that form was Haruka." Akira was pretty surprised at the wisdom coming from his mouth, he sounded completely different from earlier as if he'd hit a soft spot. To his annoyance that soft spot was Haruka, he would need to eradicate that very quickly.

"Do you love him?" What a horrible question, too hard to admit…

"I thought it was love for a long time, but I was wrong…it was dependence. I think now I know what real love is…" Arata looked at Akira adoringly while blushing, Akira also blushed and looked away embarrassed.

"Don't t-tell me you've fallen for me?" he said nervously, Arata began laughing hysterically. Arata thought back to Reo's last comment. We all know what happens when you fall in love…Arata didn't want anyone to know about that side of him so he would hide it carefully.

"That face is really something ya know. Heh, don't worry I won't lay a finger on my precious best friend." It didn't ease Akira's heart at all and Arata had avoided the question. Maybe he was begging for the attention or just looking for some affection, but Akira didn't mind showing him true kindness but as far as romance he wasn't prepared for that at all. As they slept side by side Akira looked at his sleeping face, his long black eyelashes and shoulder length ebony hair. If he didn't already know Arata he would mistake him as a girl without a doubt. Girls were supposed to be kind and gentle so sometimes when the profanity would escape his mouth Akira couldn't help but feel shocked.

There were times Arata wouldn't say anything at all and listlessly nod at everyone as if he was no longer grounded on this earth. Since they had been together for such a long time, this new person he watched deeply breath inches away from his face was a stranger. As his best friend he wanted to protect him and accept him no matter what he'd done because that's what true friendship entailed.

Arata winced his brows and started whimpering in his sleep, Akira was starting to get used to it now. That kid had more trauma than a centipede had legs. Seeing him look so fragile Akira wanted to pull him close and comfort him but retracted his hand. Until Arata admitted how he truly felt about Haruka he wouldn't lay a finger on him. As much as he wanted too.

-------------------------------------Next Morning--------------------------------------------

"Good Morning.", Akira.

"G-Good Morning.", Arata. Dragging his aching feet, he sat down at the table watching Akira make breakfast, he was so loose a tune even hummed from his mouth. Truthfully, Arata felt a little unnerved, this wasn't like Akira to show such emotion.

"Um Akira…You don't have to pretend to be happy to cheer me up you know." Akira stopped stir frying mid-air and placed his hand firmly on the bench. Sometimes trying your hardest to push through a difficult situation can have adverse effects. It was idiotic of him to think he could just ignore what was truly going on. Arata felt overwhelming guilt by the day dragging his best friend down with him. Akira was of pure heart but next to him it was corroding quickly.

"If you want to stop helping me, I understand. I was selfish bringing you into my world. It's like asking a kid to ride his first bike without stabilisers. They would get hurt." Akira could hear the remorse in his tone along with heart wrenching loneliness. There was no way he could leave him now, to be snatched up by that psychopath again.

"Bullshit don't give me that now. We're in this together remember now shut up and eat your breakfast." Arata couldn't help but smile selfishly. That was the answer he desperately needed and as always Akira was cool and collected even though he was feeding a murderer. Maybe Arata was underestimating him?

As they settled in silence and started eating together Arata couldn't help but stare at him. Reading through his phone like nothing was amiss.

"What are we gonna do about that brat if he stirs up trouble again?" Arata already had a plan for that scenario.

"That kid although he's pretty twisted is still pure when it comes to killing. I'll try my best to save him if I can l just need to get into his head." Akira didn't have much of an understanding so nonchalantly nodded. Reo was a thorn in his side but he was valuable considering his connection with Haruka.

"What's the plan if you run into Haruka while I'm not there?" Arata felt the food in his mouth turned sour as he swallowed it unwillingly, why did even the mention of him make everything taste so dull. Arata sipped his tea and lay back in his chair, promising to run away was unrealistic there was no way he could outrun Haruka, he used to do track and field, so his body was in peak condition. As for fighting him off the image almost made Arata burst into laughter, it would only take one blow to end that. Talking to him was completely useless, he had no emotions so understanding how Arata felt was a wild shot in the dark and pointless.

"You'll just have to stay at my hip, I can't win against him right now." When Haruka once mentioned Arata would surpass him he didn't just mean killing, that also included intellectually. His best weapon was his brain and his ability to lure. Luring professionals was like breathing to him, it didn't matter if it was teachers or police. They both finished breakfast and put on their shoes to leave, Arata winced as his hand slipped knocking off one of the scabs on his skin. Blood soon trickled down his leg, watching it weave in and out of his skin pores he suddenly came to the realisation that he'd felt it happen. Pain…it was just quick and sweet, but it was definitely pain. Akira was too busy straightening his tie to notice the subtle smile on his best friend's face. How long had it been since he'd felt such a thing? Strangely, it put him in a better mood and practically skipped out the door with Akira closely by his side.

"You can hold my hand If you want?" he teased playfully noticing the distinct closeness between the two. Arata said he should stay by his hip, but he didn't mean literally.

"Don't be stupid who would want to hold your hand." Akira was trying to act cool but Arata could see he was blushing up to his ears, since when did he get easily embarrassed, he thought to himself. Then it dawned on him, he wasn't there before to discover such things. After meeting Haruka he made it his mission to ensure Arata needed him and him only. There was no room for walking home with friends, playing videos games, eating with other people. All of that had been deprived…two whole years of his life dedicated to that asshole. It was funny how small little cues like that would shoot reality his way full force.

"Hey Akira, you don't have to cover for me on the train today." Akira looked a little uneasy, he could tell his brain was cooking something up. It was like his job was pulled from under him, he was the designated pervert repellent after all.

"What are you talking about, do you want to be groped?" he said seriously, Arata simply smirked back. What the hell was he thinking now? Arata had a plan in his head which would sever a link to Haruka, he wanted to refuse someone solely on his own without his influence. After all no meant no. They stepped off the platform and boarded the crowded train. It was filled with tired salaryman and students either looking listlessly out of the window or texting. Arata intentionally stepped into a crowded space next to a middle-aged business man. Akira stepped back but maintained visual waiting for something to happen. Arata could pick a pervert out of a crowd easier than a needle in a haystack, they had a certain frustrated aura. Arata turned around and looked out of the window happily, there was nothing more attractive than innocence to conceited men with small boy fetishes. Akira waited nervously, his fists clenched tightly. Like no-one else was there the man began staring directly at Arata scanning him up and down. Akira couldn't believe how quickly he'd targeted him; this train wasn't crowded enough to hide any advances, yet he was taking the bait eagerly.

Arata jumped intentionally as the man put both hands either side of him, as if trapping him. The heavy breath on his head and stench of sweat and stale beer made him want to vomit. Akira could barely see him anymore but was shaking with unease. This salary-man was pretty well built and tall. Arata didn't stand a chance in hell.

"Um…mister you're a bit too close." He said in a sweet submissive voice. The salary-man smiled widely as if even more excited. Arata wasn't uncomfortable in the slightest if anything this is where he strived. Peeking behind the man he could see Akira's pale face, reassuringly he waved to him.

"Mister it feels strange when you touch me there." This time he was a little startled feeling the mans hand grope him firmly, he was getting greedy. Arata finally let his innocent expression slip and smirked darkly letting the mayhem out to play.

"Ya know groping little boys is a serious mental illness, you should really reconsider your preference old man." His voice was deeper and gravely, the man froze and quickly retracted his hand. Arata brushed his uniform down disgusted enjoying the panic on the stranger's face. As he turned to run Arata grabbed his tie and pulled him down to his level.

"No ya don't. I'm in the middle of being molested right now, don't be getting cold feet." His black eyes were almost demonic, and the sexual desire initially experience transformed into utter terror. Arata smiled widely until his mouth almost split.

"I'm used to perverts like you so a little touch won't kill me…but it will kill you indefinitely. I'm not sure if your just not getting enough action for your wife or you've always had this desire but I'm not someone you can't touch without payment. So?" Arata outstretched his hand eagerly asking for money. The man twisted his face and clicked his tongue.

"Not very cooperative, are we? Fine if you don't pay up, I'm going to scream for help, you can say goodbye to your shitty marriage, shitty job and shitty life pervert. Oh, and before you start defending yourself by saying there was no witnesses, my good pal over there saw the whole thing. "

Akira sheepishly waves back. The man's eyes were wide with terror, the classic hunter becomes the hunted scenario. Arata smugly kept his hand outstretched.

"Fucking brat, I'll get you for this." He fumbled in his wallet while cursing him but Arata wasn't phased in the slightest he'd won after all. Target the weak to become the strong, what may seem small hides a thousand secrets and what may seem large is an empty shell.

"I'll look forward to it." The man slammed the money into his hands and scurried away suspiciously. Akira quickly rushed over and Arata counted the money in his hand.

"100,000¥ looks like we hit the jackpot." Childishly he hummed away as they arrived at the station. Akira was left with little words seeing such craft. His trap seemed easy from an external point of view but being a lure was hard work.

"How did you do that?" Arata seemed excited about his question.

"It takes a lot of practice. Firstly, you must study your target, line of work, relationship status and read the expression on their face. The happier the face the less chance off success so generally I look for tired workers. Secondly create an ideal situation after captivating your target, as we walked into the train, I brushed past him ever so slightly attracting him. A boy too shy to apologise to a stranger is too shy to call out when cornered. Once in a space he could entrap me I maintained an innocent persona which is like catnip to perverts and my lure was set." Akira was a little taken back, he'd planned it all perfectly in the few minutes they'd been in contact with the man. It was play pretend in the real world and Arata was a professional.

"That's amazing. So, I guess dinners on you then." Arata chuckled this guy never failed to surprise him. There he was witnessing a murder adequate impressed as if looking at an idol. Akira was always like that, adaptable to new situation or too listless to see the bigger picture. How lucky he was to have such a friend.

"Hey Akira, your doing really well. Keep it up." Arata smiled sincerely catching his best friend off guard, his sudden care made him feel slightly uneasy. Akira didn't have anything to respond with so simply grinned back.

School was surprisingly quiet that day not even the little mouse made an appearance nor did the guidance counsellor call for Arata after class. This put him on edge throughout, he was frantically searching for something to disrupt his existence. This was a trick surely to lure him into a false sense of security. Akira noticed he was very twitchy at lunch as well as alert. I guess you can't take the paranoia out of the victim he thought to himself.

"Could Arata Hidou please come to the student guidance counsellor office immediately." Arata stopped eating mid-bite and felt a shiver run down his spine. Immediately huh? So, this had some urgency, looks like someone let their lips flap a little too much. Akira could see him turn pale as he threw his lunch in the trash and stormed off. He looks ready to kill someone.

Arata pace sped up until he was almost running, this cold rush in his veins he knew this feeling too well. The feeling of being lured, played at him own game. Only one person was capable of such a task. As his arms slammed the door open, he was sickened by the site.

"Ah Arata take a seat." Arata was frozen in rage. Nice suit, tie, smile… How did you get into my school you f*cking psychopath? Arata smiled and casually strutted over to his seat keeping eye contact the whole time. Then quietly under his breath he began war.

"Long time no see…Haruka."