Chapter 3

Under the bright sunlight, the metal signboard of the New York Medical Center reflected the light. A handsome young man that wore a denim jacket entered the glass door and walked to the hospital's reception counter.

There was a young nurse sitting at the counter, and she seems like doing something important. Zach approached the nurse to ask for a form for a physical examination but he was stopped when he saw the nurse suddenly giggling to herself.

"Ahhh! My husband's so handsome I think I'm gonna die! Ahhhh!"

This nurse was surprisingly a fangirl. She calmed herself down, looking around if anyone saw her because usually at this time during afternoon, there were only few to none that comes in the hospital. But contrary to her thoughts, her smile froze after discovering that someone actually did saw her going on a crazy fangirl mode. She blushed thinking to herself, 'My gosh, someone saw me! It's so embarrassing!'

Zach didn't mind what he saw as he said with a smile, "Miss, are okay? Your face is red."

The nurse immediately gave her attention to the man talking to her, "Um, yes I'm okay! Sorry for shouting earlier, it's my bad. What can I do for you sir?"

Zach gave a low laugh before saying, "No, it's okay. I'm just here for a physical examination."

The nurse gave a shy nod before replying, "Oh, is that so. Please fill up this form and take your number over there before you proceed to the physical examination room."

"Okay, thank you." Zach smiled, making his cherry lips curve like a crescent moon.

The nurse paused for a moment at the young man's mesmerizing smile before responding, "No problem, it's my job."

Zach gave a nod to the nurse and went to the physical examination venue after he filled up his form and receiving his number.

An hour later, a man can be seen walking out from the hospital. It was Zach Adams, and he was just done taking his physical examination. Thinking about the results, it left him pondering.

'The doctor said that I don't have to worry as my body is healthy, and that I should avoid drinking too much alcohol. He said that I was lucky, as the toxins of the alcohol in my body almost reached the level where I will be intoxicated by alcohol. As according to the doctor, alcohol poisoning or alcohol intoxication is serious and sometimes deadly. As a consequence of drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time, it can affect your breathing, heart rate, body temperature and gag reflex and potentially lead to a coma and death.'

Zach then recalled a vague memory of the previous owner before he came to this body. That as he was drinking away his sorrow as curses the man on the poster, he felt that it was getting harder for him to breathe until there was suddenly a sharp pain on his chest before passing out.

'How unfortunate, you died due to alcohol poisoning as you did not even get a chance to take revenge. Don't worry, I will make sure that he would get your retribution.'

Zach hadn't yet reached his apartment when his phone buzzed loudly. He narrowed his eyes as he took out his mobile phone and saw the name flashing on the screen, he thought for a while before answering the call.

Once he picked up the phone, a childish female voice was heard. "Big brother? Where are you? Didn't you say that you would pick me up to school this afternoon? Are you on the way to school now?"

Due to the rapid questions muttered by the child, Zach can't help but chuckle. He picked up his pace, and said with a smile. "Slow down lil' sis, aren't you a little too excited? I'm just going to pick you up in school, you know?"

"Of course! Because you said that after you pick me up, you will treat me an ice cream! And also, I told daddy that you would pick me up today so he won't come! If you don't pick me up then, hmph!" The child replied, with fake anger and eagerness in her voice.

"Fine, fine, wait for me for a while, as I just came from the hospital." Zach muttered while he was helplessly nodding his head.

"Hospital? What happened big brother! Are you sick? Mommy said that if you feel sick you should go to the doctor!" cried the child worryingly.

Hearing the concern in her voice, Zach unconsciously feels something strange, yet cozy and warm in his chest. 'Weird, what is this strange feeling in my chest? Is it heartburn?'

"No, I'm okay. I just did a check-up because I passed by the hospital today." He was still trying to discern what was wrong with him but he had decided to just ignore it and replied.

"Really? If that's the case then, I'm gonna say goodbye now big brother! My friend is calling me! Make sure that you come here on time okay?" Replied the child, as Zach hears an someone calling her voice in the background.

"Mmm.. yeah."

"Take care of yourself on the way here big brother will you?"

"Yes, I will. Take care also of yourself okay? Remember, don't talk to strangers."

"Yes big brother, bye-bye!"


Ending the call, Zach can't stop himself from smiling as the child was really adorable. Can you imagine a kid that worries about him more than his mother?

Zach called out a cab that passed by and after he got in he immediately said, "White Rose Academy please, thanks."

15 minutes later, a cab can be seen stopping at the gate of a 2 meters tall gate. Beside it, there was a label White Rose Academy in the placard. Paying the driver as he gave his gratitude, he got down and looked at the school where his sister studies.

But before he could enjoy the sight, he heard a familiar voice calling him.

"Big Brother! Big brother! You're here!" Mary shouted as she ran straight towards Zach.

He looked over and saw a female child with long wavy brown hair that reaches down to her shoulders, and green eyes. She has this cute dimples at the both side of her cheeks, that makes her smile more adorable, a fair complexion, that makes her look like a sheltered princess, a snub nose, that makes her small oval face look more lovable, and pink lips, that was like a finishing touch to a masterpiece. For sure, when this child grows up, she will be a femme fatale, that would cause the heartbreaks of many.

This child was his 6-year-old sister, Mary Adams.

"Come on, let's go buy ice cream big brother!" Mary yelled excitingly, pulling his arm towards the ice cream shop near the school.

"What ice cream?" Zach said, as he makes a clueless face.

Hearing what her brother just said, Mary made an angry face that made her already adorable face more cute, rather than aggressive as she intended. She kept pulling him towards to the direction of the shop as she replied, "Hey no backsies! You just said earlier that you will buy me one!"

"I was just kidding, how could I disappoint my little princess?" Zach said as he let himself to be helplessly pulled by his little sister.

"Hmph! You really should not! If you did, then I will be really, really mad!" Mary told him as she made that angry cute face again and harrumphed.

Seeing his sister like that, made Zach feel that strange yet cozy and warm feeling in his chest again. 'This heartburn is really weird, by just seeing my sister makes it even warmer? How unusual. But honestly this heartburn, it's.... not that bad at all.'