
"Well I didn't expect this." Said Marcus while looking around.

Ray felt sweat appear on his forehead. He moved nervously on his seat.

The girls only frowned silently on the back seats.

"I SAID GET OUT OFF THE CAR!" Shouted a man, aiming his rifle at the car.

They had been traveling fot two weeks without much problems until now.

They were immediately ambushed after their car had a blowout, when they entered a town.

They guessed that the blowout didn't happened naturally but it was these people's doing.

"We are f*cked! What should we do?" Asked Ray agitated.

Marcus looked at the people surrounding the car from all sides. They were all armed with guns.

'Eight of them...' Counted Marcus, he took a peek at the two girls through the rearview mirror.

He was surprised how composed they were in such a situation, his gaze landed on Ray beside him. He could only shake his head, Ray moved around like his butt was on fire.


The man in front of the car shot into the sky.


Marcus removed the keys, and got out of the car, the others followed him.

"PUT YOUR HANDS NICE IN THE AIR!" Shouted the man who had his face hidden behind a red scarf.

They did what he shouted.

"Look what we got here, two nice looking girls." Commented another man while approaching the girls from the side.

Ray paled, 'Don't tell me!'

The man at the front walked to Marcus, his rifle placed touched his head.


Everything happened too fast.

Marcus suddenly moved with an inhuman speed. He slapped the rifle out of the man's hands and struck him on his throat. The man clutched his throat, falling on his knees. Julia and Lea moved almost at the same time as Marcus. They disarmed the man that had started to touch them, Julia went even that far to break his arms. Ray only stood there with his arms up, looking wide eyed.

It took the remaining 6 men some seconds to realize what happened. They lifted their guns ready to fire.

Ray closed his eyes, thinking that he would die.



Ray heard Lea and Julia shout words, the gunshots he expected didn't happen.

He opened his eyes slowly.

He saw how the six people stood there frozen without moving. The horror, fear, confusion was visible in their eyes.

A silhouette with sharp fangs and claw like hands passed the six of them in a flash. Ray's eyes constricted when he saw blood gush out from claw like wounds on their throats. It was Marcus who ripped their throats open.

Ray's gaze changed from Marcus to the two girls, there were strange runes swirling around their bodies.

Time seemed to stand still for Ray.

Julia stared at Marcus and Marcus stared back at her. The runes around them entered their bodies. Marcus turned back into his old self, he sighed.

Just as Marcus wanted to look after Ray, he felt a rifle on his back.

"What is the meaning of this, Ray?"

Ray had picked up the rifle that Marcus had earlier slapped away form the man.


Marcus stayed silent.


Marcus sighed again.

The survivors needed someone to put the blame on and those someone were the werewolves. Everything started to go down after they appeared.

"Who told you that it was the werewolves fault?" Asked Lea, surprising both Marcus and Ray.

"Shut up, I don't even know what the hell the two of you are!" Said Ray.

"They are witches." Answered Marcus.

"Witches?" Asked Ray confused.

"Yes we are, now calm down and drop the gun." Said Julia.

Ray took a step back his gaze wandered between the sisters and Marcus. He threw the rifle on the ground.

"No more secrets, I want to know everything!" Demanded Ray.

"Okay, I will tell you what I know while we eat, I know where their base is." Promised Marcus

"How do you know that?"

Marcus pointed at his nose, "I can smell their food."

Ray nodded absentminded, "Of course you do...."


"Oh my god, I can't believe those guys had so much food, look there is flesh! Wait is it human flesh?" Ray run up and down, looking at all the food.

"It isn't human flesh, It's cow flesh." Explained Marcus.

"How do you...right you nose." Ray believed him.

"I will cook it." Said Lea, inspecting the cow flesh.

They sat on the table, eating their first real meal in months. Marcus opened a beer bottle and gulped it down.

"Ahhh finally!" Marcus leaned back, rubbing his full belly.

The others were relaxing too.

"Now tell me, why isn't it the werewolves fault." Asked Ray, his gaze focusing on Marcus.

Marcus shrugged, "I don't know, I was just a good for nothing 6 years ago. My father turned me into a werewolf around the time the virus first appeared."

"You don't know?"


"I, we know the reason." Said Julia who exchanged glances with Lea.

"Tell me, everyone said that it's the werewolves fault."

"The thing you call virus is in fact, blood magic. It wasn't casted to go against the humans, it was casted to overthrow the witches." Explained Julia.

It was like a bomb hit Ray. Marcus too was shocked.

"The answer is visible, the blood magic spell shows its true form when the night comes." Said Lea.

"The blood fog..." Whispered Marcus.

"Exactly." Nodded Lea.

"Wait a moment, who are the witches if the first place and why does someone goes that far to do this?" Asked the confused Ray.

"The witches are the real rulers of the world. They existed since the beginning, even before the vampires. They just like to stay hidden." Spoke Marcus.

Julia threw him a questionable look.

"That's what my old man told me in the past. I didn't believe him first but I changed my mind after becoming a werewolf."

"Marcus is right, we are from the Northern Chaos Circle that controls Canada and USA."

"I think I get it now. What is in Oregon that you guys want to go there?"

Marcus glanced at the girls, "I don't know why the two of them want to go there but I need to find Palmer Falls."

"Same for us, we need to speak with our cousin, and the first place to look for is Palmer Falls." Said Julia.

"I have another question, what does the blood fog do to witches? I know what it does to humans and werewolves seem to be immune against it."

Julia clenched her fist, "It cuts off our connection to the world. We can't replenish our magic anymore as long the blood fog exist."

"We will be no different than normal humans once run out of magic." Finished Lea.