First Kill

After the Experiment finished I asked with strong order verbally "answer truthfully! Did you like your brother?"

"no" Marcel answered shortly

"did you hate him?"

"a little"

"what would you felt if he were to die?"

This time Marcel's answer was long." I would felt a little sad since he was my only known relative left alive but at the same time I would felt relieved since he always bullied me and pushed me around" after answering this Marcel seem to be a little shocked and I left him in his shocked state.

So I walked toward the sleeping Aria and before I woke her up I looked at my smart phone only to find out hours have passed and it was already evening.

I woke Aria genteelly as I know she is tired and when she is awake I took her to Thompson, when we reached him Aria looked questioningly at me.

"so do you want to kill him or will you let me kill him?" I asked with a voice that's not to loud or small.

Thompson and Aria seem shocked but Marcel seem to anticipate this and Aria asked me "why do you want to kill him?"

"it is without doubt if I want to continue to live with you I have to learn to kill and what's the best time to kill aside from now, since the enemy can't fight back, what if I suddenly froze in the middle of a fight when I killed one of the enemies it would be disastrous even if I am immortal, you are not" I calmly explained my reason.

After a while Aria seem to come into a decision "alright I will let you do it but remember I will be behind you to support you, Michael Febrianto"

Ah, she rarely used my full name. Usually only when she teased me that she used it.

I silently took out the knife and I approach Thompson as he cursed me but I still step steadily and I immediately stabbed my knife toward the gap on his ribs where his heart is located and I twisted around it before I pulled it out making the blood gushing out like a fountain , the whole time I stared at Thompson's eyes who stared at me with eyes full of hate and even after his mouth vomited blood he kept cursing at me.

Finally when Thompson finally dead I felt the connection between us vanished but it seem his copied power stay with me. I stand still before the corpse of the one I killed, suddenly I felt a warm hug from behind me and I knew it was Aria who hugged me then I turned back and hugged her too wordlessly.

She finally asked me to release her after a few minutes, after that she want to kill Marcel to, you know taking a grass out to it's root but I prevented her and I along with Aria want to the second floor with the hole I made before after ordering Marcel to not eavesdrop on us.

I told her about my experiment and it's effect, Aria was very shocked as she never hears of such a powerful power to ever exist then when I told her I planed to make Marcel my underling she agreed after I told her about my questioning and she is there if anything gone wrong.

So I let Marcel go after telling him to live in this town and I let him do what he want as long it didn't demerit me, my family , or Aria.

Just when I was about to ask what do we do with the corpse, Aria said there are a special organization called cleaner that clean and renovate the aftermath of expert fight.

Aria said that while the cleaner is here she also asked them to build a new building here or renovated this one, and from this one call I realized how rich my wife is.

On the way back home I seem to forgot that I just done my first kill and I even teased Aria if she want to get an 'injection' to test if the 'injection' could restore her stamina too, at first she got angry but at the end she agreed to it since she is curious too about if it will work or not.

When they reaches home, they acted as normal Aria used her illusion to make it as if she was not there and Michael as usual took a large amount of food and ate it inside his room.

After that Michael begin his test for the 'injection' and thankfully Michael's room could be soundproofed because it succeed, the 'injection' test and in the middle of sex with one man with endless stamina and one woman whose stamina is restored every time the man ejaculate into her or she could just sucked it out from him that sex last for hours because the restoration cannot keep up with the man.

Michael was already satisfied since the first two hours into the deed but he is curious about his semen restoring limit so he kept doing it with Aria.

Perhaps he kept doing it to distract himself from his first true murder, the one that he is aware of because every day by living we kill and we kill millions of microorganism accidentally or perhaps we kill some ants, flies, mosquitoes or some small animal consciously and purposely kill it but did we fell the guilt of killing it, we don't, maybe some do, maybe it has to be a being that can speak and communicate with us or does it have to be human to awaken this guilt.

Nerveless Michael lay on the messy bed with Aria sleeping on his arms just when Michael was about to go asleep and he just closed his eyes.

He saw something different form his hourglass, on the upper wooden part that hold the glasses of the hourglass there are two craving, one eagle and one tentacle with the eagle shining while the tentacle one dark with no light.

Shocked Michael opened his eyes and he closed it once again, he tried to activate the power that stole form Marcel and his body transformed while the eagle mark shone with a golden light and a hologram of it is projected in front of it's symbol.

When he tried to do the same with the tentacle, it projected a hologram too but the hologram is a wooden craving of tentacle it self like a bigger version of the symbol and he can use the Spiritual Tentacle.

After Michael figured out an other part of his power, Michael asleep peacefully because he forgot for a moment the fact that he became a murderer.