The Ailuros Clan Assassin (1)

As usual when I got bored, I walked around the dark back alley searching for damsel in distress or… a man in distress.

I walked and I found a crime in action, a rape. However it felt a little weird, too fake, too cooperating, the woman is. So I watched it for a while and I noticed they just forcing and retaliating lightly repeatedly. After a while I got tired of it and I looked around but I noticed that even for a back alley it was too quiet.

The building that form the alley didn't even make a sound and I felt a familiar felling from it, suddenly the man shouted.

"fuck it, he's probably not showing up or already discovered us acting" the man let go the woman.

"it seem so, brother" the woman exercised her wrist that is still a little numb from the grab her brother do.

"and it seem there is someone who is watching us for a long time" the man looked me.

I observed them in more detail, the man was a handsome tall blonde man while the woman was a beautiful tall woman who is quiet busty different from Aria and Jessica.

The woman looked at me too and said "finally the target is finally here"

It seem they targeted me specially and from the lack of animals and people here it seem they are cultivator that are one Liquid stage since cultivator can only use spell from the Liquid stage minimum.

The man took out a piece of paper and he read out the content.

"Target, mysterious magical girl vigilante man, suspected to have an innate ability of extreme healing or an ability that produce a similar effect or even resurrecting ability, suspected Late Gas Stage at maximum and Middle Gas Stage at minimum, catch alive if possible and dead if not" the man looked at me one more.

Wow, their report is extremely accurate. I wonder how they determined my stages and power I wonder.

As if reading my mind the man read out an other part written in the paper while the woman continued to watch me silently "the report is concluded from the first incident where target clashed with a gang and receive a lethal wound to the chest and torso, The second incident where the target saved a little girl from getting hit by a truck and target's body was mangled with the next second he landed the injuries recovered. Therefore from the incapability to incapacitate dozens of gang member and speed target show when target attempt to rescue the little girl , he is not a Liquid stage cultivator and from the ability to survive and heal multiple lethal wound target is suspected to have an innate ability of extreme healing or an ability that produce a similar effect or even resurrecting ability. The target seem to have a preference in rescuing damsel in distress, it is recommended to made a trap based on this report" the man finished reading the paper and he is now a lion man.

In the fact I noticed the man is transforming into a lion man while the woman already transformed into a leopard or a cheetah woman when he finished the first part of the report.

Perhaps because the ability to revive from death I began to be confident that I could beat them, to be exact it recklessness and I am aware of it but I think until I receive a tumbling step I probably would continue to do so.

The lion man continue to speak while the cheetah? Leopard? Woman emitted sparks of electric and her clothes seem to be not affected.

"as you have heard we overpowered you by the fact that both of us are liquid stage cultivator, it is best for you to follow us and be obedient, if you are lucky your power will mutate and became stronger but if you are unlucky you probably will die or your power will degenerate" the man shrugged.

I just continued to watch them but I still prepared an escape route just in case I can't fight against them since I know I at least can escape with all the ability I have.

The man spoke again, although I know he is prolonging time for the woman, my confidence let my curiosity overpower my sense of danger and the sparks of electricity grow stronger on the woman.

"did you know why we are always sent to capture bastard like you, even the liquid stages one?" the man paused for a moment as if expecting me to answer it.

"it is because of this!"

The man shouted and charged at the building I am standing on while the woman suddenly disappear and she suddenly appear before me on the roof while she was still warped in sparks of electricity she slashed her claws toward me but I can only see a blur before my throat , chest, stomach, legs, and arms was slashed.

Right after that the electricity surrounding her disappeared and as she was about to leap back I copied the technique I read in a novel using the Spiritual Tentacles to warp around her spiritual light then I tighten it, making her spiritual light flicker and she screamed out of pain before fainting. The Spiritual Strangulation seem to uses a lot of my spiritual power.

While I was attacked and taking care of the cheetah, yes I decided her to be a cheetah because she is too freaking fast, a glass shattering sound voiced out and when I looked at the edge of the building, I saw the lion man climbing the building and he leapt while slashing his claws toward me.

My chest was split open while my ribs was broken and my body was thrown into the other side of the edge of the roof, thankfully he didn't hit my head.

The lion man landed on the roof and was his companion was unconscious without any visible injurious. I stood up as my injurious healed I took out my retractable spear and I expanded it while I hold it with one hand as I rush toward the lion man I bit my wrist and tear a wound on it.

The lion man rushed toward me too, when we met I stabbed with one hand bleeding but it didn't affect my power. The lion man stopped my spear with one hand, but his hand was wounded. Using the moment he was about to punch me I swing my wounded hand toward the direction of his wounded hand, most of it didn't land but some of it landed on the lion man's wound.

The lion man's punch landed right on my heart, I fly back to the edge of the roof again, the lion thought my blood must have poison on it and when he looked at it , it already healed.

Confused the Lion man was just about to mock me before I rushed at him again as my injures healed. I launched the remaining spiritual power of mine to send an order 'cancel your transformation and stay still'. If someone who had a higher cultivation than mine and didn't accept me, I have to use spiritual power to temporarily order them.

I picked up my spear as the lion man was still confused and his transformation regressed I stabbed toward him, in that moment the lion man struggled to move but my order hold him still as I pierced his neck with my spear.