Reason for Melinda's Weird Behavior

In the three days of Melinda's 'training,' Michael discovered a few things at the evening of the third day, Friday. The first thing was after not eating and feeding sperm to Melinda he felt his cultivation decrease a little, the decrease was very minute and if it were not paying attention he would have missed it. The drop would have to repeat thousands of times before his cultivation will even drop by a small realm.

The second thing he discovered was the reason for Melinda's weird behavior and sensitiveness. On Thursday Aria knocked out a pair of cat man and woman and when Aria want to interrogate them at first they resisted like normal but after a short time, the man behaved just like Melinda. It seems they are from Ailuros clan too, their clan was blessed with every child that was born with at least half-blood will awaken a feline transformation when they are 18 years old but it comes with a curse if they are subdued by anyone that is not from their clan they will immediately recognize the opposite gender as their master.

Aria also discovered that the reason that they are always paired together that was so that if one of them got subdued, one of them will kill the other while killing them self or fleeing after that.

After two days of the training, Melinda immediately became her sex-crazed personality and stripped Michael when he went in without any word. His experiment was successful as his body part can be used as material for things and indeed that if there is enough sperm it can supply a person all of their need except for water and wastes.

When it was not 'training' times Melinda usually watched TV or chatted with Aria and sometimes talked to Michael.

As for the man and woman, Michael gave them his blood to make them his slave after he subdued the woman in a not sexual way. Then he sent them back to their Ailuros clan so he can monitor them and reported that both Melinda and her brother has died.

Since he thought that the super-sensitivity and personality change were weird but interesting and Michael thought it was the part of her personality but since it was a 'curse' he wants to try if his order can eliminate it or not also he wants to experiment with something.

So he searched for Melinda and found her in the room where they had sex all the time. The moment he comes in she equipped her butt plug and cat ear headband just before Melinda was about to rush toward Michael he ordered her to sleep.

Approaching the bed Michael placed his forehead to Melinda's forehead, using his power he compressed his connection to became thicker but shorter and when the connection was only a few centimeters long he stooped.

With all the spiritual energy that he could gather at his current stage, Michael sent a permanent order to destroy the curse, right after the order was received by Melinda a strong rebound bounced out making Michael collapse on Melinda with sweat gushing out from all over his body.

After several minutes of pain, he recovered all his spiritual power and effect from the rebound, even when his power tried multiple times to reverse his body time the rebounds persistently remain in his body before disappearing.

With all his spiritual power recovered Michael tried once again but with a different order, the order was to not act on the effect of the curse. With his spiritual power exhausted once more Michael stood up with a pale face but in a second it was gone.

Michael took a seat on the chair that he left here since two days ago, he sat and closed his eyes to rest. Minutes later he opened his eyes as Melinda was groaning, there was the anticipation in his eyes as he looked at Melinda who is holding her head.

However the moment Melinda laid her eyes on him she rushed to him just like the usual and Michael sigh because he thought it failed.

Just like the usual as Melinda begins to suck on his dick he spoke the result of his experiment.

"Huh... i thought it would be successful but it seems the curse was to strong, with all my power, of course, it was impossible to eliminate a curse that was plaguing a family that had at least a solid stage expert but who knows i want to try. Even just preventing the effect that makes you into this sex-crazed state failed, Huh..."

The moment he finished his sentences Melinda who was bobbing her head up and down while looking at me excitedly stopped for a noticeable seconds before continuing with a red face and her no longer looking at me.

Noticing something Michael spoke as he wants to confirm something "if it were Melinda's fierce side saw she was doing this she would have died from the embarrassment seeing that herself was sucking and licking up my dick like it was the most delicious and precious thing in the world."

Seem to couldn't hold her embarrassment anymore Melinda deep throated Michael's dick before biting down every centimeter as she slowly pulls out the dick from her mouth.

Melinda then stood up and wiping her lips of some liquid and curly hair while she was smiling proudly.

Michael just calmly sat on his chair while smiling "so it was success besides it wasn't that painful it even feels good, come bite me again."

"but it was so delicious..." Melinda whispered but Michael can hear it.

"so the suppression was not perfect, you want to suck my dick don't you," Michael said.

"no, even if it was delicious it was not worth it" Melinda turned her head to the side while pouting.

However Michael could feel the excitement pumping on their connection 'so this is a tsundere, huh.'

"then please suck my dick Melinda" Although he said this Michael still sat there nonchalantly.

"really, you are begging me?" Melinda looked at Michael.

"yeah, i am begging you"

"then i couldn't help it" Melinda knelled down with a wide smile on her face.

Melinda sucked Michael's dick slowly like she was savoring its flavor unlike the wild sex crazed personality of her. After sucking out sperm from Michael as usual Melinda took off her cosplay and wore her clothes before proudly walked out from the room.

'interesting, so consuming sperm daylily can cause a habit' Michael rubbed his chin while looking at Melinda who walked outside.