EXTRA:The Bullies

In the secluded alley where the bullies decided to make it their hanging spot.

A teenager with a yellow hair that is clearly unnatural and painted with bruises on his face and bodies said "I know this day will come to us since we decided to became bullies since middle high school but I didn't think the one that beaten us will be this ruthless"

"I know Steve ever since we were a child, we watched many film, anime, cartoon on the TV of course all of us knew this would happen sooner or later even if it's not in the past at middle high school or now in high school or later in our life, ever since we decide to do this we know how it will end" a teenager with similar state to Steve said but his hair is natural black.

"Haqi is right we know the risk and now even the other students don't fear us anymore and just laughed us off when we passed by them and when we tried to intimidate them the others around them helped them" another teenager who is smoking while sighing with similar state to others and with a red hair that is unnatural and painted too.

"Maybe this is juts one time thing, you know it right there is a saying that no successful man didn't fail once maybe we just need to try once again In collage or we could just join the gang and start a new" Steve tried to persuade them.

"Just let it go Steve this is the fate of 'villian' after the 'hero' beat them, even if we knew it we just can't stop we got addicted to it and we think we will just be let off for it or even could get back against the 'hero' with our parents influence but it failed, how about we just be a little normal or good in collage and study hard now, what do you think Jaya?" a teenager with similar state with three people around him with white hair said.

"I think Agung's idea is good and in the collage, there would be more people stronger than Michael or whose parents have infinitely stronger influence compared to us" Jaya the red haired teenager said.

""Alright!"" All of them shouted and Steve reluctantly joined seeing that his friends fired up.

"Previously we didn't give up because we always reasoned since there is no one that will beat us and we thought that with our parent help everything will be solved but yesterday we have gotten the lesson" Haqi said.

"However, since we are about to get out from this bullies or gangster business, why don't we just used our connection nor our parents okay, to do one more blast for our revenge against that 'hero' Michael and after we see him beaten just like us we will stop after that alright!" Steve encouragingly said.

"hmm… Alright just this one more time" Agung said while nodding.

"Yeah just this one last time" Jaya added.

"Right after this we are out" Haqi added too.

Perhaps they said this to hypnotize themselves to believe their words even though they didn't believe themselves, remember if you really decided on something don't let others influence you to not do it.

After that they put out their smokes and went to toilet to wash the smell of tobacco and they went to class and studied obediently that day, this create numerous rumours like Michael threatened them to do so or They have repented or they do this to deceive people around them and many more.

That night the four of them discussed how they will do their revenge and decided to hire the gangster like mercenary since they will work harder that way, if they just relied on being 'friends' with the gangster they will probably tried once and if they failed they will complained to the four of them and demanded recovery money but with this reward, now they could just say that it was planed the recovery money is given along with the reward so they can't give it to them also they requested that the beating have to be recorded and if they manage to beat Michael they must sent the video and photos.

The four of them decided to donate a third of their saving each, not their parents money but their own and it was quiet a lot even to them, after that they decided to post the mission on the gangster website, yes right now in the modern age even gangster have their own website and called their bosses so the hang pay more attention to it.

After that the four waited for weeks and after many complained to them but they replied with "it's a mission so bear the risk yourself and if you succeed you guys do get a lot of money didn't you".

"I think we should really give up this time" Haqi suggested.

"Yeah even with that many people against him he is still unbeaten" Agung added.

"They even accidentally sent the video of them getting their ass handed to them even after equipping knives or metal bar, he is still unwounded by the end of fight" Jaya added more.

"Enough! Since when did you guys become such a coward, are you really my friends that bullies the whole school huh!" Steve enraged said.

"We are but look at the reality, we are just a kid playing around" Haqi said.

"Even our effort is in vain" Jaya added.

"Look at these videos that reminded us more and more how we got beaten by him and just how string the 'hero' is, Don't you know when to give up, three of us have studied hard these weeks and passed the test with good scores but what about you, you are just being obsessed with the thing that have passed, of course I knew a saying that say a successful man at least fail a few times or don't let other sway you and more but look at the reality Steve, didn't we promise that four of use will be always be together" Agung argued with Steve.

"I knew then I will just wait one last week and I will gave up" Steve relented.

Just then a video was sent to them, in the video Michael was beaten until his bones broke, all four of them watched wide eyed but of course it was just an illusion since Michael noticed that all gangster who is challenging him always brought camera with them and thus he planed this.