Information (Contain Spoiler)









-Qi Gathering Realm

*Gas Stages

*Liquid Stages

*Solid Stages

Each stages is divided into three sub-stages Early-Middle-Late

- Transformation Realm

* The Beginning: 1% of the Qi is transformed into Attribute Qi. Gain automatic Qi Shield.

*Crescente :34%. Gain the ability to naturally fly at max speed of normal people running. Gain the ability to actualize their Aura when manifesting their Domain.


*The Peak:100*

*Reborn: Attribute Qi and Infant Soul merged into True Soul.

-True Soul Stages



+Power: Any Spell, Superpower, etc that you brand in your True Soul will be carried to your next reincarnation and merge with your new superpower in you next incarnation.

+Self: You would brand all of your memories into your True Soul that so even after numerous reincarnation you will carry your 'Self' and after this stage any new memories will be automatically branded (note: After reincarnation new memories won't be branded automatically, in the new incarnation you must reach this stage again or the new memories in your new incarnation will be gone when you died leaving only your original 'self')



-White Hulk=Bryan Simon

-Parallel Mind=Myasya Rubelaus

-Golden Eagle Transformation=Marcel Sinbu

-Emblem of Power=Anira Marista

*Gravity Manipulation=DEAD

*Four Elemental Release=DEAD

*Clone Creation=DEAD


-Spiritual Tentacle=DEAD

-Lightning Cheetah Transformation=Melinda Ailuros

-The Perceptive Conjuration=Aria Proception

-Status Check=Lydia Marcia

-Cat's Nine Life=Cat

- Heavenly Insect Emperor= Misha Ainsworth

-Healing Light= Lilly Ainsworth

-Ghost= Marcus Smithson

- The Vampire Primogenitor= Dracula Smithsin

-Soul Palace= Christina Aleberstone

-Luck=Kang Shin


-The Real Nekomimi Transformation=Justin Jessica

-Steel Body=Mario Carolus

-Elf Transformation=Grandpa Li

-Illness Lord= Father Li

-Curse=Mama Li

-Shadow's Dream=Shadow/ Uncle Akiang

-The Imitator= Hajime Shirasaki

[Awakened Talent: Soul Palace


-Soul Palace ]

[Soul Palace

Description: Transform the user's soul space into a building that is capable to holding soul and liveable by foreign soul.

Inside the Soul Palace, User can control and create most of thing there. ]

[Awakened Talent: Luck



-Greater Survivability]


Description: The Holder of the greatest Luck in the whole world where everything would help him survive with the priority survival, first and The Holder's desire, secondary while giving The Holder instinctive direction toward the greatest possibility. ]

[Awakened Talent: The Imitator



-Mental Protection]


Description: Allow user to imitate perfectly a character that is wherever fiction or not in a degree according to his familiarity to the character and his power level.

Every Major Realm will allow User to imitate one more character

-Uchiha Sasuke 5%




[Mental Protection

Description: This is a necessary effect for an Imitator to protect himself from the mental encroachment of the character that he imitates so he will remain 'himself'.

Allow user to shrug off any mental controlling power]

[Awakened Talent: Illness Lord


-Store Plague

-Control Plague

-Absorb Plague

-Consume Plague]

[Awakened Talent: The Vampire Primogenitor


- The Vampire Primogenitor

-Bat Transformation

-Blood Bestowal

-The One True Vampire (Absorbed)

-No Weak Point (Absorbed)

-Shadow Power (Absorbed)

-Ghoul Creation (Absorbed)]

[The Vampire Primogenitor

Description: Grant the owner the body and bloodline of The Vampire Primogenitor permanently, granting near infinite lifespan, super regeneration, super strength, super speed, accelerated thought, infertility, the weakness positioned on the heart, and ability to feed on blood to grow.

As The Vampire Primogenitor, there is no other vampire allowed to exist aside from it's kin]

[Blood Bestowal

Description: Allow User to bestow a part of the blood essence to make a kin that can't disobey the higher ranking or the one that sired the vampire]

[No Weak Point (Absorbed

Description: There Is no real weak point on the user body]

[Ghoul Creation (Absorbed)

Description: Allowed user to make soulless slave without any individual thought who will inherit some characteristic of user whose lifespan is connected to user by sucking the victim's blood, the created ghoul can be stored inside user's shadow]

[The One True Vampire (Absorbed)

Description: Grant the owner the body and bloodline of The One True Vampire (Absorbed) permanently, granting user near infinite lifespan, super regeneration, super strength(weak), super speed(weak), and ability to feed on blood to grow.

As The One True Vampire , there is no other vampire allowed to exist as he is the only one]

[Awakened Talent: Elf Transformation



-Eyes of Truth



[Awakened Talent: Status Check

Effect: Identification]

[Awakened Talent: The Hourglass


-Affinity with Time

-Time Counter

-Time Freeze


-Blood Contract

-Time Transform

-Share Ability]

[Share Ability

Description: This ability will allow you to share your other contractor power with another contractor]

[Awakened Talent: Heavenly Insect Emperor


+Insect Control

+Heavenly Insect Emperor Transformation]

[Insect Control

Description: User can control any insect with an equal or lower cultivation stages than user.]

[ Heavenly Insect Emperor Transformation

Description: User will be granted the bloodline of Heavenly Insect Emperor temporarily which is supposed to have only one individual each generation, granting user similar power to Heavenly Insect Emperor within the same realm]

[Awakened Talent: Healing Light


+Healing Light]

[Healing Light


User can let out a light that consume user's Qi to maintain itself and it will became stronger with user's cultivation, this light can heal wound, cure sickness, restore stamina, and eliminate abnormal status]