
After Hearing the offer Christina hesitated "Don't worry Christina you should know the effect of my power right, trust him." Kang Shin said with a confident smile on his face.

'it seems this guy is vaguely aware of his talent' And Christina then nodded so Michael too sent the ball of water containing a drop of his blood.

"Do you guys have a place to stay?" Michael asked kindly while all this time Lydia was laying on the bed while looking at Michael with a suspicious gaze, after all Michael was a man who is never been too kind, he is even could be said cruel and stingy but then Lydia remembered Michael have a power to copy talent so Lydia looked at both of their talent and she widened her eyes before smiling understandingly.

"No, sir but if we could trouble you can you just point us the way to Food Success company." Kang Shin said after his girlfriend calmed down from her upgrading process and held her hand.

"Why did you want to go there?" 'isn't that the name of Grandpa's company' Michael thought.

"Um… just before this whole thing started I was on phone with my sister who worked there and my childhood friend is there too visiting my sister." Kang Shin explained.

Michael then begin to think 'this guy is really careless huh! I guess the Luck soften him too mu- wait isn't this guy the possessor of the greatest luck in the world so that means his sister and childhood friend is most likely…'

Michael then smiled while patting Shin's shoulder with a face that says he had found a comrade "So your childhood friend is a girl right."

"Eh, how did you know sir?" Kang Shin asked.

"Kakakaka…don't worry about it my name is Michael Febrianto Li, the grandson of the owner of the Food Success company, you can call me MF." Michael laughed cheerfully while patting Shin's shoulder several more time. "Alright let's go!"

Michael didn't know the Soul Palace talent that he got will be a talent that he endlessly thanked to have, but it is in the future not present.

"Sorry Lydia, the date will have to end, how about we sleep together tonight." Hearing the first part of the sentence Lydia was about to pout before nodding.

"So both of you, do you want to try experiencing flying?" Michael said while holding Lydia in princess carry and stealthily warping the Spiritual tentacle toward Shin and Christina.

"Eh!" "N-" but it was too late Michael had already flapped the golden wings that appeared in less than a second while the tentacles around them carried them into the air.

"Wohoo!" "Ahhhhh!"

Shin who had confident in his luck along with Lydia who have trust in Michael shouted in excitement while Christina screamed in fear.

A few minutes later trough flight and teleportation the four of them landed just before the gate and the gate opened as the gatekeeper have seen their young master in the air.

After they landed Christina was about to fall with pale face but Shin supported her and whispered some words that Michael decided to not listen to while he himself stride in leisurely with Lydia still in his embrace.

Michael then went to the office where the administrative worker after letting Lydia down and he opened the door and saw that around 5 people was sitting down while 3 others was walking with papers on their arms but all of them was concentrated in their work, satisfied Michael shouted with a lowered volume.

"Is there Kang Shin's sister here?"

"Kang Shin!" two voice shouted from one of the tables and an empty table?

From those two places Michael saw a big busted glasses beauty that emitted elegance and a beautiful loli around Lydia's height just slightly taller.

"Where is he?" the glasses woman asked anxiously before the loli asked too after pulling his cloth, making Michael doubt whenever this loli is the same age as Kang Shin or not.

Michael pointed his thumb toward the gate while saying "He is on the gate."

The two of them then rushed toward the gate and Michael followed them smilingly. The moment the two of them saw Shin who is supporting Christina, they tackled him while Christina ended up squeezed between them while the glasses beauty kissed Shin and the loli then took the next kiss the moment the glasses lady separated her lips, even after seeing this Christina didn't have that big reaction that means she knows and accepted the harem situation .

From their body language Michael could see that they are in love with Shin and Michael commented in his heart 'Well Done, Comrade! I don't know how many lucky encounters you have encounter to harmonised this Harem while still a normal human who only partially activated his talent in modern world but congratulation! Because of the state of this world I think your Harem will expand tremendously, perhaps even in the modern world you could became the next Yuuki Rito if you want, well for me three is enough or perhaps two but I can only have three since the situations demand that.'

Michael gave a thumbs up when Shin looked at him before going upstairs with Lydia. Since there is sometime before dinner Michael walked further to the garden and spend time with Lydia there.

When night arrived Lydia sleep with Michael hugging each other as if using their body as hug pillow while they are still awake Michael, he suddenly remembered as question he wanted to ask.

"Lydia why did you put up those façade when you are trying to get into my heart?" Michael asked.

"Um…Um… well first I am used to it, mother used to take me to parties or gathering to socialize so I gradually adopted that mask and also I heard that men liked a sexy, confident, and mischievous woman." Lydia asked.

"So, you are sexy, aren't you Lydia." Michael whispered teasingly to her ears and he could felt her head that is on his shoulder is moving around and is heating up.

"Um…Aa.... Zzzzzzzzzz…" After panicking and couldn't finding words to say Lydia pretend to sleep but of course Michael could hear her heart beat beating so fast and how her face is heating up, it's very obvious, in response Michael chuckled and closed his eyes too.