
Michael stood at the sandy beach looking at the endless sea whose water is supposed to be brown in colour from the pollution and trashes in the sea was now blue and clear. Michael closed his eyes and he felt numerous Qi sources in the sea, big and small but thankfully there is none at Transformation Realm since the Qi he felt is still colourless. In those two days before he had scoured the sea too even though he found that there is many Solid Stage creatures on the sea perhaps because of their numerous number and conflict but it resulted in big number of expert.

As Michael had read from his novel that high level creatures that have Qi usually have high level intelligence but it seem the one at Solid stage only have intelligence similar to before the Awakening Era.

Actually Aria, Melinda, and Lydia said they wanted to go too but Michael felt a little weird if he really witnessed a woman who would be his one-night partner get along with his actual lover but he is just delaying the time since Anira is moving to near his house.

Michael sighed then he looked and saw two new black dots on the sky and he infused Qi into his eyes while transforming it into an eagle's and he saw that the black dots was a human shape with another one behind it, gradually with high speed the human shaped shadow neared and it was revealed the human shaped shadow is Anira with a man that seems to be bounded by something and is still struggling against it.

Seeing this Michael just sighed and was wondering where is her subordinate that she spoke about after looking around her and he see nothing and as he was about to withdrew his enchanted eyes but he saw a giant dot far behind Anira and Michael thought 'Oh, I was just talking about it.'

Michael then saw that a giant plane that is supported by several giant birds, just then Michael was tackled by the flying Anira. The momentum that she had built pushed Michael back several meters back and foot deep into the sand, of course he couldn't stay still no matter how physically strong he is, he could do so but he would have used some Talent or Qi to stay in place or disperse the momentum.

Michael knew about Anira was nearing him but he let her be since she did have done such a great job.

"Ah~ Master's smell, body, Master~ have sex with me." Anira said while burying her head into Michael's chest.

Michael looked at the bounded man while thinking 'Just how did this woman got so crazy about me, well I know the reason partially but just how did she became this weird, from dignified evil scientist to a woman who is obsessed with me (Well before she is obsessed with Michael too just in different way)'

"Yes, yes, I know I already got permission for our one-night stand." Michael said while drawing the struggling man closer.

"Can it became whole life stand?" Anira said while looking up at him.

"What the heck is that? Also shouldn't you be helping your subordinate the giant birds looked pretty tired to me." Michael said pointing at the plane that is still distance away.

"Oh! I forgot about them!" Anira said before turning back and flying to the giant plane.

"Hello, Dracula do you have any last wish before you die." Michael said smilingly.

"DIE!" Dracula said while his whole body was breaking into bats that pushes the boundary that bind him and he almost succeed because Anira who set the Gravity Bind was far away so it got weaker.

Nonchalantly Michael grasped his hand into a fist and the Gravity Bind that is set by Anira was instantly destroyed and a new one was made by Michael along with that the bats that was trying to escape was pounded back into human shaped Dracula.

"Well as it's your last wishes I could grant it to you I suppose." Michael said after a thoughtful look .

Just then with a boom the giant plane landed on the sea water near the beach as the result waves rises up but Michael calmed it down.

"Anira, you there I want you to help me with something!" Michael shouted.

The newly arrived subordinate of Anira thought in that instant 'This guy is dead.' But then a blur passed their vision and Dr.Anira shows up in front of the man like a dog that is excited meeting her master. They are surprised, is this the woman who killed people who forgot to add 'dr.' to her name, is this the woman who killed anyone who looked even a little lewdly at her sexy body, is this a woman who toyed with their body.

"Ah, so how do you want me to die?" Michael asked Dracula who is still trapped.

"Eh? Eh!?" Dracula was confused.

"Well since you can't decide I should just take decapitation, Anira make sure this guy didn't escape okay." Michael said this while his hand was covered in black amour that gradually changed to a black metal that coated Michael's hand in the blade shape and purple Qi was coated on it and gradually it became thicker and thicker while a faint purple light showed up around Michael's body before vanishing signalling that Michael deactivated the Qi Shield while the muscle arm with black blade thicken.

While everyone there except Anira was confused Michael's arm flashed quickly and suddenly his head was chopped flying off while thick red blood flew staining the pure white sands.

"The Heck!"

"What just happened? What just happened!? Tell me!"

"Did that guy just chopped his own head!"


"I want to try that too."

Along with normal and weird reaction was mixed because some of them could sense life or energy that represented life because of their talent, this include the stupefied Dracula too.

But then the blood that is still spewing out mid air paused before returning along with the fallen head as it's not far from Michael's body and it combined, in that moment the life energy that they felt have vanished returned and Michael opened his eyes.

The first sentence he spoke was "Wow, Dying after such a long time is really refreshing, I even slowed my revival for more dramatic effect." Michael grinned while watching the surrounding people's reaction.