Consumer (1)

Michael then closed his eyes before red light pierced out from his closed eyelids and in that moment, Michael scanned the whole Akihabara for any lifeform that contain lifeforce.

Deep underground Michael found several humans that is still alive, weirdly the underground space wasn't connected to any place that might lead to the surface as if it appeared there just suddenly but well considering that the one that caused the whole Akihabara to be deserted it wasn't that unbelievable anymore.

Michael then instantly covered in black amour while his body size expanded to the twice his normal body size, then he jumped to mid-air before falling down with a pose as If he is diving to a swimming poll.

Michael easily penetrated the layers of concrete and asphalt there before he 'swim' to the place underground leaving a huge hole behind him so that Aria, Melinda, Lydia along with Hajime can follow.

Michael then finally reached the underground several kilometres deep, Michael then weirdly found a roof but deciding to not mind it Michael just went trough it and he saw that he was inside what looked like a typical Japanese house that is slightly bigger.

Michael looked around and saw that there are many anime merchandises scattered on the floor such as keychain, shirts, jackets, and many more.

Michael then confirmed this is indeed the place before he wondered downstairs and met a fat man that just seeing him making you wonder how did he move with all those fats. Instantly Michael Status Checked him.

[Awakened Talent: Consumer




Description: User can consume things that user like or have affection into to gain desired power that won't exceed a Realm higher than user's cultivation base that User can change anytime.

The quantity will determine how much power boost User will get and the quality of User affection will determine the activation time. This power can only activate two power at the same time.

-Universal Language

-Ultra Powerful Sex Prowess]

"Oy! Don't you know it's rude to get into someone's home without permission." The fat man spoke.

Michael then looked behind the fat man where the two remaining life force he had sensed from, there he saw a very surreal scene, he saw that from the wall there is a butt sticking out from it along with two hands besides the butt and above it is a screen that shows two pretty girls faces.

One of them is a buxom adult woman while the other girl looks like she was at her high school before then Michael scanned the two of them to make sure that they won't be a threat.

[Awakened Talent: Super Regeneration


-Super Regeneration]

[Super Regeneration

Description: User will be able to regenerate with unimageable speed, if user have QI or any energy left the regeneration speed will rises but if User don't have it the regeneration speed will just slow down a little]

This is the buxom woman's talent, she looks resigned lowering her head slightly.

[Awakened Talent: Rebirth




Description: User will be able to rebirth endlessly , nothing can kill User but if User continually die and revive without a rest period, User's mind will be gradually consumed. ]

This is the high school girl's talent and by the look on her blank and drooling face, she had died multiple times.

Seeing those talents Michael instantly connected the dots and said unconsciously "Wait, you don't…"

"Hmm…it seems you are not an ordinary intruder, yes! Isn't it such a great view I loved the two of them with all my heart, it was hard to find such a fitting woman that can survive my love" The fat man moved to side before presenting the two naked butts and while that is happening he opened his mouth wide before taking a bite off the buxom woman's ass.

Instantly the woman on the screen showed a face that is full of pain but it was obvious that she is already used to it, then a large bulge on the fat man's lower body that Michael thought was only part of the fat on his body shrunk as the power that grant the fat man great sexual prowess faded and replaced with 'Spectre'.

"Now! Tatakai shimasho." The fat man then threw piles of figurines, keychain, cd disk that laid on the floor abandoned into his wide mouth as the Universal Language vanished and replaced with 'Super Offense'.

Then the next thing Michael knew he was already floating on the sky with his black amour full of cracks. Then the fat man launched up from the hole with speed unfit for his size. It was thankful that the rest of the group haven't entered the hole yet.

Michael then punched down with all of his strength making the cracked amour destroyed and revealing his naked body but it didn't matter to him, the attack also make an air pressure that destroyed the asphalt surrounding the hole.

Realizing the attack, the fat man fight back with his own punch and it indeed penetrated Michael's air pressured punch and made a new one that headed toward Michael but Michael fight back too by repeatedly.

It seems although the Consumer one attack overpowered Michael's however it seems he can't do it repeatedly at once like what Michael did because it's not an attack that is caused purely by his physical ability so he stopped mid-way to the surface still in the hole he turned semi-transparent, effectively disregarding Michael's physical attack.

Seeing this Michael smiled widely as he finds an interesting opponent. Looking at this it seems his Talent is indeed supportive not Combative by itself. It seems there is many talent that is supportive and indirectly strengthen the User, also when Michael scanned the fat guy he sense that the fat guy's aura is at the Transformation Realm although his Qi and Spiritual Sea is still the one that is at Qi Gathering Realm cultivator.