Too many pests hang around my fiance

4019 Mist Kingdom Main Castle - Prince Allen Chambers-

A few days later

People viewed Allen, the second Prince of his family as a man of pride, honor. Someone who always remains calm and never lets his emotions show on his face. The perfect Prince. Someone who could support his brother in the future. At a young age of 19, he realizes that suppressing those emotions become rather difficult.

A deep sigh passed his lips, as he leaned back on his chair. His gaze flickered on to the paperwork for a few seconds before he shook his head. Even if it is him this much alone is impossible. But he could not ask for help since it was the rare day off he gave all his assistants and guards.

Indeed, he knew better than to keep working them endlessly like that. When Allen received word that his brothers would not join him here in the Mist Kingdom, Allen understood — attending a business meeting proposal overseas during this period. They are trying to escape from the upcoming fight that is sure to happen in the nearby future.

Allen knew that as members of the elite they'd have to think of their own safety before all others. Because if something happens to them, how can the royal family continue? It's only natural they'd run away. But at this stage, others see it as cowardly, especially since they are the ones who ignited this fight.

When he thinks about the families that generally would cause trouble by now, the Kisaragi family comes to mind. As of late, however, it doesn't appear like they've made any moves. None of their branches either. They are not taking any action ever since the previous case with Prince Andrew subduing their forces a few months ago. What could those guys be thinking?

Prince Andrew, Allen was skeptical that he would stay quiet, that he would remain indifferent after what happened. But the Prince is doing just that, what is that man planning? Is he hiding the situation even from Queen Orthez?

Prince Andrew is a problem.

And so is the Kisaragi family.

With those two alone, it's enough to give him a headache. But now there is another headache to deal with. This next one is closely related to his fiance, the Second Princess of the Mist Kingdom current throne, Lyn. Despite his stay here, for the last few days, the girl disappears on him a lot.

Allen knew the game the members of the Sound Kingdom are playing. They clearly want to overthrow the Mist Kingdom. But the steps the man named Kazuya took have nothing to do with this game or this current battle. Instead, it's towards his fiancee; he's trying to pull Lyn away from him.

That kind of move would benefit them and he ought to worry because there is indeed a strong chance for them to be able to pull this off. However, that may be why Allen wasn't worried. Even if he does something about it, in the end, the one who makes those decisions is Lyn and nobody else.

There's also that other man; it surprised Allen when he saw him. The man named Rhys. If it's not one guy, it's another. Exactly why did his fiance gather such a troublesome crowd around her? It gave him a headache. Allen ran his hand through his hair and deeply sighed. Maybe he ought to take a break for a while.


It's during these times Allen thinks about the past a lot.

He recalled Prince Andrew words.

'If she found out, Lyn won't..she definitely won't forgive you'.

Indeed Allen knew, he was well aware of that. Even if he wasn't directly involved, it doesn't change the fact that he knew who did it. To this very day, he knew she still searches, searches endlessly for the main culprit.

' I will not hate you' huh?

In the end, Lyn always means what she says. Contrary to his cold attitude and indifference towards her. She expresses no form of dislike towards him.

But unlike when they were first engaged, Lyn no longer remains with him for a long time. As much as he wanted her too, Allen knew that he didn't have any more rights to make such a selfish request like that.

That's right; it's because he no longer has that right. So if she decides to leave him for the Sound Kingdom's Kazuya...If she breaks off this engagement, then Allen knew he would have no choice but to comply with this request. He will have no choice if she decides to go with someone else.


40XX Wind Kingdom

For the last few minutes, his brother said nothing and Allen watched him as he silently stood from the sides. Why did his brother call out to him? How unusual.

"How is she?"

"Lyn? She is quite well," Allen trailed off, "She seems to have warmed up to me. We go on frequent walks together, even without our guards."

Allen regretted saying the last line when he saw the expression on his brother's face.

"You have to listen, Allen, as a prince you have to conduct yourself properly. You cannot disobey the orders from above and must live your life according to the decisions of others. You do not have a say anything. The existence you lead is only for the sake of the royal family. There is nothing other than that for you. That is why you cannot disobey. Whatever actions you take will affect the rest of us, that's why it is best to follow orders."

Allen wanted to retort back if there was a need for this speech. He's already heard it countless times from father.

"Do not tarnish our name, getting friendly with that Princess is fine. But there's a limit to how long you can play house. Remember the reason for our alliance to the Mist Kingdom."


Allen knew, he knew he couldn't, couldn't do anything, that the reality was that he was powerless.

He lets out another sigh; it won't do him any good like this. Allen took one glimpse of the sky to see the grey color and picked up a parasol from the corner as he made his way out of his room and down the hall.

Walking down Allen immediately noticed how quiet it was; it's strangely peaceful. Though there are still people hanging around the office at this time, there aren't as many as usual. This place is usually bustling with people.

His thoughts broke off upon hearing singing - only to find it coming from the decking area. He followed the source and saw none other than his fiance. While Lyn is normally not allowed to roam free in the Main Castle, she is granted permission when he comes. But of course the servants in the area are temporarily replaced with ones who know of her existence.

Lyn, seeing her...made Allen lose control of his senses. He wanted nothing more than to embrace her, wrap his arms around her and not let her go. Not let her go again, yet he restrained himself seeing the color that surrounded the girl.

Red, it was something he knew. Allen confirmed with his own two eyes two years ago. But perhaps there was a part of him that had yet to accept it due to what happened back then.

The security around the girl increased, and they restricted her actions more. Their duties seemed rather endless, and they barely had enough time to exchange a few sentences with each other.

It had rained after the first stanza of the song, and he opened up the parasol to shield him from the constant droplets that fell from the sky, "How foolish," Allen suddenly murmured to himself. Though it was brief, he saw the tears in her eyes. Allen was about to step forward and reveal his presence, till she spoke up and extended her hand out to reach for the sky.

"I want to be free.."

His gaze darkened at those words. One can't help but pity the girl. Freedom? Even if they didn't lock her up like this, as long as she is royalty. She can never be free. Allen always knew she desired this. But this is the first, no the second since he heard it from her very mouth.


The first words aside, the second came as a great shock to him. He did not think it would be this painful hearing Lyn say these words directly. Allen shook his head, as he looked over at her. The girl's clothes were sticking to her body, she's already drenched, at this rate she will get sick. He made his way over until he was on the decking and extended the parasol over her head.

Lyn looked at him, eyes wide, "Ah, Allen."

Her tone contained disappointment, was she waiting for that man?

"You'll catch a cold. Let's go inside," Allen said averting his gaze. For some reason, he could not meet her eyes. No, it's normal, it's normal after he just heard her whisper another man's name.

That longing look and piercing gaze; another man is the cause of it. He knew that there would be nothing stopping the two from getting together. Nothing is stopping Lyn from admitting her feelings for another man. Nothing is preventing her from leaving him.

If it weren't for him, then she would have been long gone already. Lyn must think she doesn't know her own feelings. But Allen could tell, Lyn is in love with the Sound Kingdom's Kazuya.

Too many pests lurk around his fiance.

And the biggest one had to be, "She really forgot about him."

"Did you say something?" Lyn asked.

Allen shook his head, "Nothing."

If he told Lyn, that she met the man named Kazuya before - then would she regain her memories from the incidence two years ago?