Princess Lyn P4

"Our engagement is what? Tell me, Lyn, what do you think about our engagement?"

It surprised her, in the years since they got engaged with each other. Allen has never asked her these things before. He really is acting strange today. But he's never held her like this before; he's never tried to overstep the boundaries between them. Most men would take advantage of their engagement partners, whether there's romance. But Allen has never done anything with her. He's never even held her hand until today.

"I, want to get closer to you," Lyn admitted.

"And once we get close?"


Lyn didn't think it through. In the end, she will still get married to him, regardless of whether they are close or not. At least that's what she thought. Lyn recalled the words he said to her earlier. What did he mean by those words? Is he actually giving her a choice? Why? This is something their parents set up; they don't have any say in it. At least that's how it's supposed to be. Lyn felt puzzled, what is she supposed to do in this situation?

Allen and her, this is the first they've been like this. She doesn't know what to think. Right now he's the closest to her than he ever has before.

This moment, however, is interrupted when they heard a sound from the bushes.


The last person she expected to see was Kazuya, but sure enough, it was him. Lyn knew after looking into his eyes something was wrong so she quickly pulled herself away from Allen and fixed her hair up with her hands.

Kazuya walked over and laughed, "Messy hair."

"Not funny."

"Mmm, what were you two doing?"

Sensing his tone, Lyn quickly buried herself in his arms. She didn't know why but she felt like she got caught doing something wrong. Kazuya's hands gently ran through her hair as he softly murmured in her ear, "I'm jealous."


"I can't tell you not to since he's your fiance, you understand Lyn?"

Understand? Lyn looked at him puzzled. But Kazuya would not say anymore. He turned to Allen.

"I believe we haven't been introduced before."


Lyn sweat dropped when she saw the exchange, why does it feel like she can see lightning bolts between the two of them?


Allen told her it was okay for her to take a stroll for a bit with Kazuya. It surprised her considering how he spent half the time glaring at him. A deep sigh passed her lips, well it's not like she expected them to get along with each other. But that was way too awkward for her.

"Lyn, stay still."


Lyn looked at him with a confused look on her face, but Kazuya didn't explain when he grabbed hold of her hand. "Close your eyes for a moment."

She followed his instructions, and after a few seconds, Kazuya told her to open her eyes again. Lyn does so, and she noticed a new addition on her finger. A gorgeous amethyst colored ring with a silver band on her finger.

"A ring.."

"Yeah, sorry if it doesn't fit."

Lyn shook her head, "It's very pretty."

But why is Kazuya giving her a ring? Maybe he just felt like giving her a gift. Lyn felt his hand brush against her hair, and noticed him remove the comb, "You don't need this, it obstructs your pretty hair."

Lyn softly laughed at his words, "I see."

For a spilled-second, she thought something was wrong with him. But it turns out he's his usual jokey self.

"Kazuya, um why are you here?"

"I heard there's a hot spring here that's good for healing injuries."

She frowned at his comment, injuries?!!


They returned to the springs and thankfully Allen was nowhere in sight.

"Put your feet in quickly," Lyn exclaimed. She can't believe this. Why did he get injured again?

Kazuya laughed, "Yes Mam."

Kazuya obeyed her instructions, and she watched as he removed his shoes. Lyn looked at him again and frowned. She wonders if the scars are only limited to his feet. Due to her focus on Allen lately, and him being busy. The time they have together is cut short than she would have liked. Of course, she understood how unreasonable it is for her to spend all her time on him like she did before Allen came here. Now Allen is here, she has to be wary about her position as much as she likes spending time with Kazuya.

"Come over here, Lyn."

Lyn nodded and made her way over only for Kazuya to pull her into his arms, "Kazuya?" Lyn called out confused.

"It seems like I should have made it clear before. But you're so cute and oblivious, so I thought it would be better not to say anything. You reacted oddly with Rhys too, because you didn't really understand. When guys get close to you like this, they have bad intentions."

Bad intentions? She recalled Pupillam tell her something about being cautious and wary. Is this what she meant? So when Allen embraced her he had bad intentions like Rhys? Lyn immediately categorized Rhys intention towards her as bad. But she isn't quite sure about Allen.

"What about you Kazuya?" Lyn asked.

What sort of intention does Kazuya have towards her? Lyn didn't think it was necessary to think of such things before. However, after facing the reality that she denied for so long about spying on Kazuya for her brother.

Lyn wanted to know exactly what he meant to her, exactly what he intends to do getting so close to her all the time. One would call her naive, isn't the answer obvious? She's a Princess, and he is a commoner. He's just using her. That would be the most likely situation if she were a normal Princess. But under her unusual circumstances, Lyn cannot figure out precisely what this person wants from her.

"Me? You can trust me."

Lyn paused, she can trust him can't she? Whenever she thought back to the events that happened

She wrapped her arms around him too, "Kazuya, I'm happy."


"But, I'm a bit lost still."

Kazuya laughed, "Well if you understood everything from this conversation alone then you wouldn't be adorable Lyn."

She stepped on his foot under the water.


Before getting up.

"Calling me that stuff sounds weird," she shyly looked down at the ground... As she murmured to herself, "He finds me adorable?"

The clothes she wore to the banquet were the ones Kazuya got her. Lyn wanted to show Allen's family that she had changed. Indeed, clothes really made a person, though they've always been friendly. Today their reactions were a bit different. Lyn's thoughts broke off when he stood up and wrapped his arms around her.


"I really don't get it Kazuya..." Lyn repeated.

His lips brushed across her neck, "Well, you lived an isolated lifestyle this whole time. If I told you straight up what my intention was. You'd never understand, so there's no use in me telling you."


She wants to ask, her thoughts broke off when she felt her heartbeat increase. From time to time Kazuya hugs her like this,

"Lyn, you smell nice, and you look very dressed up."

"Um, I'm wearing the dress you gave me," Lyn pointed out. Didn't he notice?

"Yeah, it looks good. But I'd rather you use it to impress me."

"Impress you?" Lyn repeated confused. But Kazuya only laughed at her reply. She felt confused, but when she saw Kazuya's genuine smile, her heart felt a lot lighter.