Kazuya P6

Lost in his thoughts, Kazuya didn't feel another person presence until he felt a familiar warmth touch on his cheeks. Lyn sat crouched down beside him; her hand caressed his cheek.

"Lyn?" he called out surprised.

The girl seemed quite flustered since she moved her hand away instantly.

"Um ....—sorry about this...but...you weren't moving so," Lyn stuttered.

So she's only concerned, that's a given. Maybe because he had just dwelled on the memory of their first meeting, but Kazuya felt something stir in his heart.

Kazuya sat up, "I was only sleeping. Lately, my ambassador work has taken a toll on me," Kazuya explained, yet he attended that lunch. Lyn must have understood that since she sent him an apologetic look. Kazuya shook his head, "Don't mind it too much."

"Ah, I heard you participated in a Joust tournament congratulations?"

Kazuya thanked her before he realized something, "How did you get up here?"

Rather than say he was on the rooftop area, it's more like he was on the actual roof. He watched the girl fidget with her fingers and noticed that her face color was anything but normal. The words that passed Lyn's lips came out as a stutter; he could barely make out what she said. Kazuya scanned the place and saw the ladder.

"You climbed here?"

Lyn slowly nodded her head; her cheeks seemed to color red. Kazuya looked at her puzzled, why is she getting embarrassed?

"But aren't you afraid of heights?"

It was something he learned about her during their first meeting, and something he quickly picked up when he saw her again. Lyn doesn't join him when he climbs on trees and her reaction with the carpet too.

The girl's cheeks were already stained red, but now her whole face was red.

"I—I am...but Fukami said you were here, and that you didn't seem to look too well. So I only came here to check," Lyn stammered. Though the girl stammered, Kazuya understood.

Is she still worried about him? Even though he used her in such a cruel manner? Even though he hurt her all over again. Kazuya shook his head. What is he thinking? She knows none of that. She doesn't remember it.

Lyn knew nothing now. Does that mean she forgives him? Forgives him for arriving too late? For not using his powers, if he used it, then he could have stopped that situation quickly. To protect his identity, Kazuya reached over and entangled a strand of her hair in his hands. He brought the strand to his lips and kissed it.

Lyn seemed very surprised; this is the first since they met again - that he's acted this way after all. It must be because he was reliving in the memories of the past. Yes, that's it.

Kazuya had no intention to do anything at all to her. Right now he only wants to bluff and maybe scare her a little? Let's face it; Lyn really is innocent. He can see why Rhys finds it amusing to tease her. But it's not like that; there's something more to it. Sometimes, Kazuya felt a fit of burning jealousy whenever he watched her, whenever he is with her. She's a noble, and yet she isn't one at the same time. She isn't free, and yet she is freer than him - this burning jealousy engulfs him, and he ends up thinking such horrid things.

Whenever Kazuya looked at her, all he sees is a young girl filled with hope. Somebody who could offer and bring so much to this world. Kazuya had yet to hear the girl's ideas on the world. But he could tell from her behavior. There is hope in her eyes, hope, and strength that would not lose out to anybody. Those who knew of Lyn's identity underestimate her; they all see her as a naive, young and sheltered girl.

The first part he agreed with. Lyn is naive. He kissed her randomly, and she did something petty and 'returned the favor' so they could be 'even.' Kazuya remembered the feeling of the girl's lips all too well. It was brief, clumsy, and he doesn't remember the last time somebody got so close to him. But now he thought about it; it wasn't the first kiss for both of them - they already shared one in the past.

Maybe it was because of the teachings in the establishment, but his feelings turned numb on most topics. When he sees somebody filled with so much hope, can anybody blame him for wanting to keep that innocence for his own? Everything about Lyn - everything that made the girl who she was, he wanted to keep her all to himself. For the longest time, he's thought this way, and it seems like that mindset has not changed even now.

A twisted part of himself thought, wouldn't it be fun to see her lose all that hope? Rhys always said that sort of mindset is due to the corruption of the establishment's teachings. But back when Kazuya was in that place, he never paid much attention to what the establishment taught. Kazuya attended all their lectures and followed their instructions. But he only did those things like a robot; he had no feelings on the matter. So, where did this twisted mindset come from? Kazuya was not sure.

"Kazuya? What's the matter?" Lyn looked at him very confused.

"Are you not afraid of me Lyn?"

His question only confused the girl.

"Why would I be afraid? You're so kind to me Kazuya; you treat me well."

But there are many things about himself that he has not told her. Because he is kind to her, she thinks that she's safe and that he won't do anything. Then again Lyn doesn't know about the relationship between men and women. She doesn't seem to understand how easily he could take advantage of her. Then again, does she even know what that stuff meant?

Kazuya closed the space between them, and suddenly his lips were on hers. It came unexpectedly, like a meteor shower - and he felt the warmth of the girl's lips. Before he could do anymore; however, he felt an unexpected sensation on his cheeks. He took a moment to register what just happened.

"You punched me," Kazuya said stunned. What is this?

Lila, seemed just as surprised and still said nothing. Both hands-free now as she rubbed her sore right hands with her left hand, "S-sorry but....you can't do something like that...."

Oh, boy, was he surprised, he wasn't expecting this sort of reaction from her. Especially since it's her of all people, he didn't expect this. Then again, she has changed quite a bit.

"Were in a fake relationship, so I guess kissing is a no," Kazuya said a tad bit disappointed. What did he expect?

Lyn averted her gaze, "That's not it Kazuya. Just wait a moment, I want to talk about this fake relationship a bit. Um, say, exactly what am I supposed to do?"


"I mean, you seem to know what you're doing even though you have no experience with girls and I know it's better if we just act like ourselves. But I want to do something for you."

Kazuya didn't know what to tell her. Or rather it surprised him a bit. Lyn thought about this stuff? After they got past the awkwardness, they spent many moments together. He thought that they finally had an established pattern regarding their relationship. But, Kazuya looked up at the girl who fiddled with the hem of her skirt.

Lyn looked cute as always, but since they started dating, he began to see many different sides of her. He doesn't want to let this girl go. No matter what happens with their Kingdoms, he will keep her by his side.