I want to Save The World

The question startled her.

Kyou was one of the few people who knew about her feelings regarding her fiance.

While she feigned ignorance this whole time, Lyn wasn't clueless when it came to love, or maybe she was. But she knew what it meant to be in love with another person. To be exact, somebody was occupying her heart. A deep sigh passed her lips, "Honestly, I don't understand anymore," Lyn muttered. She loved Allen; she did for the longest time, but lately, it didn't bother her so much that they couldn't meet.

And yet, could she let him go? Lyn knew she couldn't. What's more, she still felt so strongly towards Allen. It's not a simple matter of letting him go or not.

"How about that, man? Kazuya is it? I feel like the gap between the two of you should be a lot larger."

"Kazuya and I may not be the same. But I realized it now, how we are so different and yet drawn to each other. I think love is funny. One day you're just walking through life minding your own business. Then the next you're in love. It's confusing, it really is. It's hard to comprehend, and you end up getting dragged into tense situations. However, none of that matters in the end. The feelings I have for Kazuya aren't something I can describe right now. I can say I like him - but love? I wonder if love is this suffocating, this painful - I'm still not sure."

That's right; those feelings only keep on growing even till now. "Suffocating, huh. Then are those feelings real, I wonder?" Kyou questioned. Even without him saying it, Lyn understood where he was coming from because she shared a similar thought process.

"It's real; I realize that love isn't all fun and games. A relationship can't be filled with happiness alone."

"Your learning, huh? That's right."

Lyn sighed, so he knew and was just stringing her along? Well, she supposes it's better that she came to a conclusion herself, "In the first place I'm not that kind of person, anyway. I come across as negative, and I don't trust people easily. Even now, I have little confidence in myself. I don't have confidence that I can keep on loving someone for long. The feelings I have for that person grow stronger as each day goes by. At times I feel it isn't enough."

That's right something is missing even now. What she is missing; Lyn wanted to find it.

If it's the present her, Lyn knew she would be able to. Meeting Kazuya gave her strength.

A strong gust of wind blew before them. Since it was approaching winter, the brief wind left her trembling. She should have brought a cloak with her.

"That's fine, though. Because in the end, your being true to yourself," Kyou said.


He suddenly seemed strange.

"My dream is the same as yours," Kyou started, which caused her eyes to go wide.

"Don't tell me...."

"I want to save the world," Kyou declared.

Is his dream like hers? She didn't think there would be anyone like her. She never thought this was possible. Even though both of them took separate paths, even though... even though, she was so upset when it happened. She was so confused when he left, and she cried endlessly for days. After all, Lyn considered him as an important friend.

"I want to save the world after all. I want to save the world. But as expected I can't do it on my own. So will you help me?"

Despite being completely stunned, Lyn got some words out, "H...how, do you plan on doing it?"

"That's up to you. Rather, we can decide this together, can't we."

This is too good to be true? It felt like a dream? No, there's no way she would ever have such a good dream like this one. She's never had such pleasant dreams before so there's no way it would happen now.

Why was she crying?

Lyn wasn't sure. Yet she felt the tears falling from her eyes.

Kyou suddenly appeared in front of her; he left the other side of the pillar and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Don't cry idiot,"


"You really are troublesome. You're senseless and clueless. But even so, I know that you'll be able to help us. Rather you're the only one who can," Kyou said.

She was the only one...? "Alright...as long as it will save the world."

As long as it would help ease the sufferings of people who disliked their powers. As long as she could do something to help. She would. If there's something she can still do now, then she would.


"But, you know me aside," Kyou trailed off, he ran his hand through his hair, "You should probably speaking with Kazuya."

Lyn blinked in confusion, the two of them were making their way back. Why is Kyou talking about Kazuya like they know each other? Lyn didn't get a chance to question him since she spotted maroon colored hair leaning on the tree.


"Hey," he smiled at her, "I heard you came down this way and wanted to see you for a bit."

"What about your meeting?"

"I escaped."

Lyn laughed, "So silly."

But she's glad, after admitting all those things to Kyou- Lyn wanted to hurry up and meet Kazuya.

"You weren't alone?" Kazuya asked as he wrapped his cloak around her.

"Ah, yes, I was with a friend."

Lyn turned around and was ready to introduce Kyou, but for some reason, he was no longer there. The spot he once stood in was empty. She frowned, he left? Why? Lyn, however, didn't get a chance to say anything since Kazuya pulled her into his arms. A familiar warmth washed over her body, "Kazuya?"

"Getting my Lyn power."

"Aha, silly."

"I can't come with you to the ball. Be careful, yeah?" Kazuya whispered.

Lyn's eyes widened in understanding. So he must have snuck out of his meeting for this reason. "Please don't worry, I'll be safe," Besides, it's not like she's going by herself.