
The reason why she was so particular about learning the bow was so she could help Kazuya. Lyn figured that she would only get in his way if she tried to use her sword. Her current sword skills are lacking.

"You know, are you stupid or something?" Rhys said.

"Ah, that's mean! Why are you calling me stupid?"

Rhys sighed, "No, you really are stupid," he trailed off and crouched down, "Maybe it's me who is becoming weird."

Lyn looked at him puzzled, one second he is insulting her, and the next second, he seems to be having complicated thoughts. Is he okay? Lyn caught a glimpse of the blood in his hands and exclaimed, "Ah?!! I'm so sorry, this bow is old!" she should have found a new one. But all the soldiers use the new ones for training, so she didn't want to take it.

"No, I'm fine with bows like this. It's easier to use. Hey, why are you crying?"

"Wahh, your hands. There's blood."

"Listen, it's just a small injury, no need to cry. Rather, why are you crying?"

"But, your bleeding."

Rhys brushed his hands across her face; the contact felt awfully strange, "Don't cry about this stupid. Can you treat wounds? I don't really want to go to the infirmary like this."

Lyn nodded, "Ah-huh, I can."


When Lyn returned with some bandages and medical supplies, she found him laying down on the ground. Rhys looked up at the sky, a serious expression on his face. She wonders what he is thinking right now. Lyn made her way over and put the box down, and Rhys sat up, "That was fast."

"Ah-huh, I keep some in my room," Lyn informed him, as she opened it up, everything was restocked after the last time she used it.

Come to think of it when she last used it; she was treating Kazuya's wounds. Why is it that the people she knew from the Sound Kingdom often got into fights? It's not just Rhys and Kazuya either - she often hears complaints from Pupillam about the Sound Kingdom group getting into fights. Then again, Lyn saw with her own eyes how badly others treated them. Even if they try to avoid it, the moment people see them - a fight breaks out.

Lyn dabbed the wet cloth on his wounds to clean them. Rhys hissed, "I'm sorry, it might hurt," Lyn apologized. The bow she picked up was old and while she only got minor cuts holding it, Rhys, however, must have gripped on to it, leading to more extensive wounds.

"It doesn't so don't apologize."

Lyn raised her eyebrow, "Why do you have to pretend to be strong? It obviously hurts, now stay still. I have to add a bit more," she said as she added some more alcohol on the wound. Rhys hissed, and she apologized, "I'm sorry, it must hurt."

"You could have just licked the wound."

Her face color turned red at his words, "That's inappropriate."

"Not really, most people do it. Especially in the middle of the battlefield when the blood gets in the way."

"Only you'd say something like that."

"I think you're getting used to me."

Maybe she is, they have spent a lot of time together lately.


A few hours later

Lyn tiptoed as she tried to reach the pole; damp linen in her hands. It was the last batch of laundry for the day, and if she finished this, she would be able to meet Kazuya. It's been quite some time since she last saw him, so Lyn felt very excited. She has a lot of things she wants to talk to him about. Still, lately spending so much time with Rhys has distracted her from Kazuya's absence. Lyn liked to figure out people who she would be spending a lot of time with. So she observed Rhys a lot.

Lyn never met anybody like Rhys before, somebody who tricked people often. Somebody who lived a life doing most things people would regard as immoral and yet people respected him. Kazuya said he was their leader - and he's supposedly a noble. With his attitude, it wouldn't surprise her if somebody said he was a host in a brothel. That's rude but with his attitude its only natural to think that. Yet, Lyn thought about how he thanked her for bandaging her hand and how he expresses his concern whenever she goes to meet with her family. He isn't a bad person; she can see his kindness.

Lyn shook her head frantically as she slapped her cheeks.

What was she doing, thinking of a man? And not just any other man, it was Rhys of all people. Calm down, how many times has that man tricked her? She shouldn't be praising or thinking well of him.

The wind suddenly picked up the pace, and the damp linen in her hands slipped off the highest laundry pole.

Lyn sighed, "It wasn't easy, and now," she shook her head. No use complaining, standing on her toes - Lyn tiptoed and reached out for the pole. But she lost her balance, however, didn't fall. A pair of arms wrapped around her and one arm reached out to take off the damp clothes from her hands and put it on the pole.

Lyn turned around, to thank the person, "T--ha--" Lyn paused in mid-sentence, as a sweaty Rhys greeted her.

"Rhys!" she exclaimed. Lyn noticed the wooden sword he was carrying around, ah. Did he continue training even after they parted ways?

"Welcome, Princess, who couldn't even do laundry."

Lyn pouted, "I can, I've been doing this for so many years now."

"Hmm, doesn't look like it."

Realizing he was still holding her, Lyn quickly moved away from him.

"Why are you doing the laundry?"

"Ah, the General said I don't have to do afternoon lessons. I wanted to see Kazuya right away, but when I asked, Fukami said he was still busy. So I figured I would pass the time with laundry."

"Kazuya? If it's him, he finished a while back."

Ah? Did she lose track of time? Shoot, she wanted to greet him the moment he finished working.

"Should I take you to him? He's resting in the waiting room area,"

Lyn's eyes lit up, and she grabbed hold of his hands, "You'll do that? Thank you!"