He's Good At Taking Care Of People

1 hour later

Lyn peeked from her blanket, she wanted to go to sleep and she did for a good few minutes. But Kazuya's presence was awfully distracting. When she last stayed over, Lyn didn't have time to look around much since she was confined to her bed. That's the case now too, but she could still look around. She could hear the faint sound of a knife on a cutting board. He's cutting something. He must be cooking for her. Even now Lyn still found it strange that Kazuya knew how to cook.

When they first met, she got a laid back and down-to-earth impression from him. That didn't change at all, even when she got to know him. But since they started dating, Lyn has learned more and more about him.


When she opened her eyes again, Lyn felt a warm hand on her face. The last thing she expected was to wake up to this panic-inducing situation. However, despite this, Lyn calmly asked him.

"Kazuya, are you going to kiss me?"

Kazuya's expression changed and he becomes frantic.

"L-listen, like you said I think we should take this relationship slowly. We shouldn't rush anything."

Lyn looked at him confused, kissing is rushing things? But didn't they kiss recently? A very long one she had to add, Lyn tugged on his sleeve, "But I want to," and she wasn't saying this due to the spur of the moment. Or perhaps she was. But seeing Kazuya so close to her, despite her embarrassment - she wanted his lips on hers.

It was light and certainly not as long as before, but it was a kiss regardless. When Kazuya pulled away, they hear the sound of clattering and Kazuya rushed over, "Damn, the pot," he muttered.

His lips, they taste of cigarette.

Lyn didn't know he smoked. Then again considering how Rhys smoked, and so did the majority of the Sound Kingdom group. It shouldn't have surprised her too much.

When Kazuya returned with a tray of food, the wonderful aroma grew stronger and Lyn looked at the tray with wide eyes. There were several dishes there, some she recognized, but some she wasn't sure of. The dishes she did recognize were all Western dishes.

"Omelette?" Lyn repeated when she saw the yellow dish, "It looks different."

"This is how we make it in the East."

Lyn nodded, as she excitedly took the spoon and dug in. A fluffy sensation filled her mouth, "Yummy, this tastes so good."

"Glad you like it."

"And um, what's this?" Lyn asked as she looked towards the other plate.

Lyn was suddenly fully aware of how Kazuya had been looking at her, and she turned shy, 'What is he doing, he's making her feel nervous,' Lyn thought to herself as she played with her spoon.

"I was thinking Lyn, maybe I could move in near your quarters? You know, to make it easier."

Ah, he's talking about the nightmares. Lyn shook her head and explained the situation about her brothers magic, "So you see, it's okay."

Kazuya looked dejected and it took her a split second to realize why he even made that offer. Does he really want to stay over so much? While Lyn liked it when Kazuya stayed with her, she knew full well the dangers that came with him being by her side. Lately, the amount of people who are catching word of her existence has increased, she doesn't want to put him at risk.

Although, 'Kazuya is strong,' the image of how he fought, and how he lost control too had yet to leave her mind. It's no wonder the Sound Kingdom treasures him so much. But if it's like that, if Kazuya really is the strongest person in the Sound Kingdom. Lyn doesn't realize why they would send him right at their enemies door.

Her thoughts broke off when Kazuya inches closer to her. She felt his hand on top of hers, "You should drop the oblivious act, at least right now."

"Wh-what," Lyn didn't understand where he was coming from. And no, she was not playing dumb this time.

"As a guy, a healthy young male. Even a gentleman like myself can't resist when my girlfriend is so cute and adorable. I want to keep you close to me, and ensure that nobody else gets to you."

Lyn felt her heartbeat turn rapid. Is he admitting he wants to do those things with her? The things couples do - she gets a flashback to Rhys, how he does those things regardless of whether he is dating that person or not. She suddenly hesitated, she loves Kazuya. At least she is turning a new page when it comes to romance. But when it concerns things like that, she still isn't sure what to do. But the safety and warmth she feels in Kazuya's arms is no lie at all.

It's the first time she's ever felt like this before. The first time she is so curious about a man - about what lays underneath those clothes, about the warmth of his hands.

Lyn realized how close he was getting, and closed her eyes. But before anything could happen, they hear the sound of loud knocking on the door. Kazuya proceeded to ignore it when somebody kicked the door open.

There stood Rhys with a man with dusty brown hair. Ah, this is the one Kazuya mentioned, 'Yuzuhara'.

"The idiot got hurt, treat him."

Kazuya sighed, "Damn, why did you ruin the mood for?"

"Mood?" Rhys looked over and saw her, "What, were you actually going to lay your hands on the Princess? Now that's something I have to see."

"Why do you have to be here when that happens?"

"So I could advise you."

"Like hell."

Lyn's whole face turned red. If she wasn't already blushing before, now she knew she was blushing. 'Oh goodness, Kazuya really was about to,' Lyn didn't know how to finish her sentence. Her mind was all jumbled up.

It's like Kazuya said, he's a normal guy . It is only normal after getting together with the person he liked, he would want to touch her that way. Considering how they both blush and explode whenever they kiss. Lyn didn't think Kazuya even had such thoughts. How naïve of her.

She watched as Kazuya instructed Yuzuhara to sit down on the couch, while he went over to the cabinets and fetched some medical supplies.

Kazuya returned and applied the medicine, lecturing the boy in the process. Despite this the boy was listening intently.

"He's very good at taking care of people," Lyn muttered.

Rhys who was hovering over nodded, "Yeah, I have to agree. Though I am the official leader. But everybody relies on Kazuya when things go wrong," Rhys trailed off. "He's more like everybody's big brother, despite the age thing."

"Ah-huh," Lyn said. Her gaze hadn't left Kazuya, who was lecturing Yuzuhara while he applied some medication on the guy's arms. That wouldn't surprise her.

The warm feeling she gets when Kazuya goes near her, his kindness - it does resemble something older brothers have. And yet Lyn knew even with those traits, the warmth, and kindness Kazuya gives her is different.