The Mist Kingdom Today

The tense atmosphere felt very suffocating, and Lyn shifted in Kazuya's arms uncomfortably. While being in his embrace made her feel safe and warm, like usual. Due to the current situation, she couldn't enjoy things while Lyn understood that her brothers don't exactly get along with each other. Lyn didn't think there was a grudge of any kind between Eldest Brother and Kazuya. After all, he handled that previous mess without injuring Kazuya, and he even entrusted her to Kazuya. The one Eldest Brother seems to dislike is Rhys. So, why do things feel awkward right now?

Lyn knew it was not just her imagination either when it came to these matters she was very sharp.

After a while, Kazuya spoke up and broke the silence. He let's go of her, " It seems like Prince Andrew has something valuable to discuss with you today. I guess I could leave you two for a bit."

Eh? Ehhh?

Lyn looked at Kazuya puzzled. Despite that deadly atmosphere just now, he isn't going to do anything but this? She tugged on his sleeve, stopping him from leaving.

"I want you to stay."

Eldest brother is right, and she no longer fears him. However, Lyn didn't want to hear any important news without Kazuya anymore. She no longer wants to do her brothers bidding on that matter anymore. Lyn no longer wants to spy on Kazuya, the two of them are in a healthy relationship now. She doesn't want to keep any secrets from him.

Andrew walked over to the window and leaned on it, "Now then I shall be the one asking the questions. Tell me, either of you two. What do you think of this Kingdom?"

Lyn blinked, surprised at his words. What does she think of this Kingdom?

"It's a beautiful town, with the nicest group of villagers I've ever seen."


"But?" Andrew edged forward.

"It needs reformation; Queen Orthez current rule will not do. The people living here are very friendly, they will not hate or discriminate against a person without a valid reason."

Wahhh- wait, that's a dangerous line though Lyn thought the same. Mother is an excellent ruler, but the way things are now in the Mist Kingdom, more conflict will arise than peace. This is why she doesn't think her Mother can become the Empress. 'Being a good ruler is not necessarily a good thing,' Lyn learned this over the years. After seeing and interacting with the village people in person, Lyn understood. Mother is good at ruling, but she cannot unite everybody under her rule. People obey her because she's good at being the Queen, not because they respect her.

Instead of getting mad, her eldest brother simply nodded, "You are not wrong. Why do you think I shadow Mother and help her? It is to dispel the damage."

"Queen Orthez is not responsible for this, she had a vision for peace, and the townsfolk thought well of her."

Andrew smiled, "So, you are aware it was my father who made a mess of things?"

"The previous king, King Nate's Reformation of the previous rule did not go well. Corrupt individuals slipped into the current government because he wished to uphold his family traditions," Kazuya explained.

But, the reason why Uncle Nate made such a mistake was because of her. Lyn didn't want to bring that up though; she knew if she spoke up about it, then Kazuya would surely change his mind about her. It was because of that time she got kidnapped. Uncle Nate rushed to save her - right in the middle of when they were reforming the government system.

"The previous King may have committed a mistake, but he was not a bad man," Lyn spoke up, "He did not mean to disrupt people's peace. People fail to see the truth just because of one mistake. They forgot all about how hard he fought for them, just because of the corruption.'

Andrew reached over and patted her head, "Thank you," he whispered softly so only she could hear it, "But father's mistake lead to this mess of a situation now. It leads to Mother being slandered and attacked everyday. Even as his son, I know better than to make excuses."

"Eldest Brother."

"Despite all this corruption, Lyn loves the town and its people," Kazuya suddenly said.

"I know."

"The amount of dedication your sister has to the people is the same amount as a ruler of your country should have."

"Hm, are you saying the throne should be passed to Lyn?"

"That's not my decision to make. But all of you would do some good and learn from Lyn."

Lyn looked at Kazuya alarmed, learn from her? She tugged on his arm, "Kazuya, what are you talking about? The things I know regarding the Kingdom are very little."

"But even with such limited knowledge, you strive and do your best to learn more. You're doing it for the people, even though you're not exactly the studious type."

That would have sounded a lot better if he didn't say the last part.

Lyn shook her head, "Even so, I don't wish to become a ruler. I have no interest in the throne," it's true that she wants to help the people. She wants things to change, but Lyn intends to change things as 'Lyn' and not as the Princess. Not with any fancy title attached to her name.

"But, if Mother wished for you to take over. Would you refuse her?" Andrew asked.

The question startled her, why is he even asking her that question? There is no what it's, the heir to the throne is him and not her. But when Lyn looked into her eldest brothers eye's, all she saw was his earnest gaze. 'He's serious about this, but why?' Lyn thought. Mother may be kinder to her these days. But she knew full well that Mother still treated her existence as a curse. Even if her identity gets revealed, Lyn knew her current situation would not change. However, as she thought this, Lyn recalled something she overheard recently. Even Prince John's attendant said the same.

These rumors about her taking the throne, where did they come from?

"You see, Lyn, what the Mist Kingdom needs right now is a good ruler. Not somebody who is just good at ruling, but somebody with kindness and compassion towards the people. Mother and I are quite heartless, and we have a hard time understanding peoples emotions. But it's not like that with you. While you make your mistakes, and can't completely read everybody - there is not one human alive who can read people completely. But unlike us, you are more," he paused and thought for a bit before he said, "Human."


Lyn didn't know what to say. What is brother getting at by saying all this?