What do I think of You?

"A dream?"

Lyn nodded, "Yes," her gaze turned soft, "I want to help people. The people of the Mist Kingdom."

Rhys paused before he replied, "That is quite the ambition," he was genuinely surprised. Though Rhys knew from the beginning that the woman named Lyn was not your average woman, he didn't think that behind her small frame, was such a firm resolve. Rhys wonders why he is still surprised. From the moment he laid his eyes on her, his fate was sealed, huh?

"You know back before I met you and Kazuya. I didn't think the day would come where I could truly freely travel like this. I thought I'd always be trapped. But, at the same time, I thought that if I continued to do my best then one day, then something would change. I thought that maybe just maybe, I'd meet people who genuinely cared for me."

Rhys listened to her and didn't interrupt, 'It's strange,' he thought. The General and her aide aside, her family members do care about her. All aside from that sister of hers, the others genuinely care. Though he's still a tad bit suspicious when it came to Queen Orthez, that's just a reflex action. Rhys understood that the woman wasn't that bad of a person. At least when it comes to her children, she's just like any normal mother.

Like any good ruler Queen Orthez has analyzed her children and picked out suitable candidates to take her throne. Any of the woman's children could take it, at least that's what people in town say. However, Rhys knew better than them. The one who will take the throne is Lyn. During the meetings he attends, Queen Orthez always drops subtle hints on who will succeed her. Many people don't notice it, but he does.

He would have probably missed the hints too if it were about anybody else. But the Queen spoke about Lyn. At first, Rhys thought it was a sheer coincidence. But as time went by, and the hints increased. Rhys understood, Queen Orthez was sending out those hints so he and Kazuya would notice.

"Well, you've met us now. People who care, though it's late," Rhys sentence fell short when he felt the warmth of the girls' hands on his own.

"Do not lie to me anymore. No, do not lie to yourself anymore. Why did you not tell me when you first came? Had you asked me, I would have come."

Yes, he knew that. Knew that if he asked her, then Lyn would have left Kazuya side. Knew that during that time, her emotions weren't stable, and he could have easily taken advantage of that situation. Right now, Rhys could easily tell her everything; he could reveal the things he knew, yet he shook his head as Rhys removed her hand and yet squeezed it tightly.

"I'm still the king of thieves."

"Your an idiot."

He is. If he has to remain one to keep her safe, then he would do so.

"Anyway, why did those guys earlier attack us?" Rhys swiftly changed the topic. He doesn't like it when the topic shifts to him. Thankfully Lyn went along with him.

On there way here they were suddenly attacked. They held them of alright since Lyn fights better when it's raining, but Rhys found it odd that somebody attacked them. Sure Lyn stood out, but they are using normal roads like regular people. They aren't doing anything shady.

"They might have been aiming for me," Lyn tapped her hands on the edge of the wooden table.


"They're assassins poisoned by drugs. So it's possible that my sister sent them after me."

"She's using this chance now that you're not in the safety net of the main town..."

Lyn nodded, "Ah-huh, sister, however, seems to be getting careless. She is directly sending her people without disguising them anymore. The person you crossed blades with earlier is my sister's head knight; He has a horrible grudge against me. It's no wonder he's in a frenzy and trying to kill me."

Despite being surprised at the news, Rhys remained calm. So, that explains the bloodlust and those crazy eyes. It didn't occur to him that Princess Lethia would associate with such a man, though. When he crossed blades with him earlier, Rhys felt it, 'the same type as me,' somebody who is a brute stood by the First Princess side.

If that's so, it might be dangerous to move ineptly in the town right now," they'll have to lie low if they are to wander around for a while, "Sorry, looking for an inn will have to wait."

But camping out seems dangerous too.

The rain isn't going to let up anytime soon, and he isn't exactly sharp when in comes to fighting in the rain, It's okay, we will be fine if we stay here. They will not come this far," Rhys said. Their current location was practically in the mountains, while he wanted to avoid soldier patrol or training grounds. The rain suddenly poured heavily, and this was the best place for shelter. Rhys knew how frail the Princess was, too; she got sick far too easily. Speaking of which, the girl had stopped talking since she was shivering all over.

"Are you cold?"

"A little."

Rhys shifted closer to the girl until he sat right beside her. Lyn looked at him, cautiously, "No."

"Hey, you don't even know what I'm going to say."

"I don't want to hear it."

He glanced over indeed to see her wrap her arms around her frame. She's serious, huh? Rhys took something out of his bag and wrapped it around the girl, pulling her closer to him in the process, "All right, I won't mess around. Borrow my cloak and get closer to me."

Lyn seemed hesitant about that last part, and Rhys added, "I won't do anything strange."

She slowly shifted closer, "Your warm, un, I guess this is good."

His gaze was firm on the girl cuddled up against his chest. What he thought of her, even now he doesn't want to admit it. Beth, despite everything, was sharp, she understood that even though he said goodbye already he had yet to let Lyn leave his heart truly. 'We can't get engaged if you still like her,' Beth was the only one who knew that he fell for Lyn. In the midst of all that investigating about her, Rhys started to care.

When he saw her close her eyes. Rhys softly brushes his hands against her locks, but even now, you are still so important. That's as far as he will go though, he will not say anything more than this,"Sweet dreams, Lyn."