Things are okay the way they are

Lyn felt so happy with his words that she wanted to cry. So, when Kazuya does kiss her - Lyn lets him. Even though Lyn just said all that about being afraid, she didn't push him away, instead; she leaned into him, pressing their bodies together.


"So, do you two actually know what you're doing?" Rhys asked once Kazuya had left to get some drinks.

Lyn flushed red, "If you were there, say something!" Besides, it's not like much happened. Sure they kissed a lot, and maybe there was a bit of him touching her chest and all that. But other than that, nothing happened. Wait, would the touching her chest part really be considered nothing? That's a form of contact, isn't it?

"I didn't want to interrupt."


"Well," Rhys trailed off, "I have to admit, for somebody who admitted their fears. You got into that real quick,"

Damn, he heard everything. Lyn, however, wasn't going to let him get the upper hand in this, "The thing is, it's Kazuya. Even though I started to fear the opposite gender after that incidence. When I first met Kazuya, I didn't shiver or anything," that's part of the reason why she was bold enough to find him and do that. Lyn wanted to test it, and sure enough, she didn't get that bad feeling from before. When Lyn realized that Kazuya was different, she wanted to keep on meeting with him.

"So, you were using him?"

"Why are you acting surprised now."

Rhys smiled, "Somebody, has become more honest with me. Does Kazuya know you are like this?"

Isn't he asking that because he knows full well that she can't show this side of herself to Kazuya? Lyn does not reply, and strangely, he does not pursue the topic further.

It did not take long before Kazuya returned and his arms slid around her waist, "So, apparently there's a storm tonight. We ought to find the nearest inn and take shelter. We can get into town quicker if we use the mountain path, but soldiers patrol that way, so I asked them to lend us horses."

Rhys sighed, "We should have at least kept one horse, after all, it's such a pain walking," he trailed off, "Then again, I guess it is stupid for us to use horses."

Kazuya nodded, "Yeah."

Stupid? Lyn looked at the two confused, and Kazuya quickly explained, "Our magic, we can use the power of sound, so our movements are a lot faster than most people."

Ah, so, in other words, the only reason they had horses was because of her. Lyn knew she was slowing them down before, but now she feels even more guilty. Kazuya leads them to where the horse is. When Lyn saw one horse, she looked at Kazuya confused.

"Rhys, Lyn, I think you two ought to go ahead of me."


Kazuya smiled, "Go ahead for a bit."

They have to part? But why? Lyn didn't understand; however, she knew Kazuya would not tell her anything. As honest as Kazuya has been with her since their relationship started. From time to time, he disappears and goes somewhere.


Lyn was very reluctant to leave Kazuya behind, but Rhys grabbed her and saddled her on to the horse so quickly that she didn't get a chance to react. The two of them had been riding in silence for a while since she refused to speak with him. Lyn didn't appreciate him throwing her onto the horse like that.

"Princess Lethia is trailing us," Rhys spoke up.

Ah, that's not fair. He's bringing up a topic he knows she can't ignore. Lyn signed, she supposes this silence is enough for now, "Sister?"

Rhys deeply sighed, "Yeah,"

"So Kazuya is.."

"According to him, he saw an old friend. But what are the chances of that being true?" Rhys makes a point there, but still, Lyn has to wonder, "So, I was wondering this for a while now. Why are you shifting about so uncomfortably?"

"I'm not used to sharing a horse with someone," more importantly, with the way Rhys rode, she was more worried about them falling off. Why does this man ride so recklessly?

"I'm more surprised that you can ride."

Lyn looked at him with puffed cheeks, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It's a serious question. You're supposed to be clueless about the world."

A knowing, "Ah," passed her lips. That's true, it would seem a bit strange for somebody in her circumstances to have knowledge of the outside world let alone riding, Lyn smiled, "It was my eldest brother, he taught me how to ride."

"Prince Andrew?"

"Ah-huh, Eldest Brother is very good at riding."

"Yeah, that's not what I'm getting at," Rhys trailed off before saying, "Don't take this the wrong way, but I can't picture your brother doing something like teaching you to ride."

"Why? He's good at teaching; he's always training and supervising the soldiers."

"But it's dangerous; you could hurt yourself."

'What is he going on about?' Lyn muttered. Dangerous? Like falling off because the saddle isn't adjusted properly or something? It's true that initially, brother was reluctant because of that, but then Lyn suggested that he could use his magic just in case she fell.

Rhys sighed, "What would you do if somebody attacked you when you were practicing? I mean, the Prince had to keep a distance from you when you were training, right?"

"Ah, I didn't think of that."

His sweat fell, "You, are way too careless. But I'm surprised Prince Andrew didn't think of that."

"I think it's because brother knew that nobody would attack me if he were around," Lyn nodded to herself. It would be suicidal; her brother can train with Mother and Father of all people. Nobody would think to attack when her brother is in the area. However, Rhys makes a point, "Horse riding isn't exactly ladylike, so I wonder what he was thinking," while she is exempted from her duties as a Princess. They still raised her as one.

How confusing, then again, Lyn knew better than to dwell on the matter. Trying to understand her brother's mindset is like trying to understand the way criminals think. It's that scary, while she isn't as afraid of her eldest brother now. Lyn knew better than to confide in him completely.

She knew him very well, after observing him for so long. Her Eldest Brother, the First Prince Of The Mist Kingdom, is a ruthless man. Her thoughts broke off when she felt Rhys' lips brush against her neck, "Rhys?"

"You were never going to be the average Princess. But, I do have to ask you. Lyn, what do you intend to do? How do you intend to change things without using your status?"

Lyn immediately understood what he was getting at. It's difficult; it won't be easy. How does she get the people to listen to her when she has no power at all? Then again, "It makes little difference, even if I am a Princess. I'm a Princess in name only," she murmured.

She's only a Princess in name, that's why she's had no true responsibilities and can do as she wishes under certain restrictions.

"You don't want to change that? What if I tell you I can help you become a Princess of power?"

Her eyes widened at his words, but Lyn immediately shook her head, "I'm used to this," as cruel as being locked away seemed. Lyn had gotten used to this lifestyle; her only other wish was to see beyond the castle walls and since meeting Kazuya that wish has been granted bit by bit, "That's why things are okay the way they are."