Looking for the Perfect Present

There was something there, something she had never seen before. Since she first met Rhys, Lyn has never seen him in this manner. She thought she got to know him quite well since they spent a lot of time together. But it turned out she was wrong. There are still things about him that she doesn't know. Lyn buried her face further in Kazuya's arms.

Maybe he sensed something was wrong since he pulled her close and whispered, "I'm right here Lyn," those three words were the only thing she needed to hear. That he is right here beside her, she doesn't need anybody else. As long as she has Kazuya, Lyn knew she wouldn't have to worry about anything anymore.


Town 2:00 PM

While Rhys laid out the traps in the inn, she and Kazuya went ahead to town. At first, Kazuya had suggested that she and Rhys went on ahead, but Lyn didn't want to be left alone with him after what happened. Kazuya thought it was just her being cute and wanting to have a date with him, so he agreed. 'Stupid,' she repeated in her head. She completely destroyed their plans. There is a reason why Kazuya is in charge of traps. It's because he's better suited at that job. Yet, Lyn didn't want to be left alone with Rhys. Now that she knows what he is capable of, she will be more careful now.

"Lyn, look, this would look nice on you," Kazuya pointed to a vendor selling clothes. Since the dress was on the rack amidst several others, Lyn is amazed that he saw it from afar. Her eyes lit up when she saw how pretty it looked, and he chuckled, "Mister, can we get that?"

"Sure, buying a present for your girlfriend? Must be nice."

Kazuya laughed, "Well, if I don't shower her with gifts who else would?"

"Quite the talker aren't you?"

"It's confidence," Kazuya squeezed her hands, "Right?"

Lyn blushed, she didn't know what to say and nodded. Whenever she is around Kazuya, she always ends up acting all shy. Lyn didn't know what it was; it's not like she was a particularly shy or reserved person. Pupillam always instructed her to act more like a Princess, and the General too said they would work on her manners.

After they bought the outfit, Kazuya's lead her to a small corner and gently kissed her lips. Lyn turned even more red than before, "Um," she looked at him with a confused look.

"That was embarrassing even for me, do you dislike public displays of affection?"

Public displays of affection, "I never gave it much thought before," displaying affectionate acts in a public place, huh? Pupillam and the General would surely be against it. After all members of the royal family are like rare gems, getting close was already considered an honor, let alone touch, "But if it's you Kazuya, it's okay for me."

This person is the only exception to everything if it were anybody else she would tell them off. The grin on his lips widened, "Good, well, let's go," he turned to leave.

However, Lyn reached over and tugged on his sleeves, "Lyn?"

"My turn."

Kazuya laughed, "Still competing, aren't you?"


Still, Lyn had to admit that their relationship wasn't getting anywhere. Spending endless days happy like this, is that really fine? Isn't something supposed to happen? Her thoughts broke off, though, as she examined her surroundings. It's really different down here, the weather aside - Lyn had analyzed the town since they entered. The people living here spend too much money. Why do small stands have to made out of gold? And the soldier's weapons to seem to be coated in gold or silver. But, there are houses with broken roofs and shops with no doors or windows.

'How terrible,' Lyn thought. They should focus on rebuilding the houses with that much wealth. The living circumstances must be harsh here with it always snowing too. Earlier she saw soldiers pick-pocketing the taxes they were collecting too. Lyn almost interfered and stopped them. But Kazuya pulled her away; he told her that while it's harsh, it would be bad if they drew attention to themselves.

She hates it, hates not being able to do anything despite having this fancy Princess title. Then again, in the Mist Kingdom, having this title would be more of a hindrance. The village people clarified that they dislike members of the royal family or elite whenever a carriage goes by in town.

"Lyn, I will get some food. Rest here for a bit," Kazuya pointed to the benches by the stalls. Lyn nodded, and Kazuya walked off.

No sooner had Kazuya left her alone though, Lyn felt herself getting restless. Maybe it's because whenever she isn't doing anything, her thoughts would wander back to things she always pushed to the back of her mind like the incidences that have happened as of late. While meeting Kazuya is a blessing for her, other people think so otherwise. Lyn was aware that many rumors were circling about the Sound Kingdom people are cursed. 'A lot has indeed happened since they came here,' Lyn thought. Many incidences and issues have cropped up since Kazuya and his team's arrival.

But Lyn knew that they didn't do anything. It's more likely that somebody is setting them up, Lyn shook her head. If she sits down doing nothing, she will continue dwelling on her thoughts. It would be better to walk around, so Lyn got up. It should be okay to look at the stands nearby, right? Lyn looked back over; she saw Kazuya lining up not too far from where she was. This should be fine; Lyn turned to the stand on the right.

'Ah, pendants,' Lyn muttered as she bent down. How pretty, and the price is low too. Maybe she should get something for Kazuya. Though Kazuya has been buying her stuff since they started dating, no even long before then Lyn had yet to buy him a gift. Like this it's no good, she can't be the only spoiled one. But, she's never gotten anybody a present - at least not a member of the opposite sex and her age too. He's the person she loves too, so it's not like when she gets the general gifts or occasionally her eldest brother.

Initially, Lyn thought to make Kazuya a cloak; she is confident in her sewing skills to make him one. However, Lyn realized that she didn't have the time for it. In between her lessons and now training with Rhys, she seldom had the free time she once had. A deep sigh passed her lips; something hand made would be perfect though. Kazuya would praise her.

Still, her gaze landed on the pendants there's nothing wrong with this too.

"Excuse me, can men use these too?" Lyn asked.

The shop keeper smiled, "Yes, dear, these jewels are for both men and woman."

That's good; then she ought to find something for Kazuya.