The Men Who Love her


When she opened her eyes, the image of him didn't disappear.

Lyn reached out and touched his face; she even experimented and pushed his cheeks up so he could make all sorts of expressions.

"I see your manners have vanished."

He wasn't supposed to be here, yet she could feel him and hear him talking. She could see him, that arrogant face plastered on his handsome face. But even though Lyn could see him with her own two eyes,

"W---what? What," Lyn stammered. What was he doing here? What had he been doing this entire time?

There was so much she wanted to say so many things. Yet her mouth was refusing to work, "I've come for you," he let out a long sigh, "I waited," Allen repeated. Lyn blinked in confusion, " I waited a very long time, in that place."

"What are you talking about?"

Allen sighed, "Even if it's you, you cannot leave me waiting for that long."