
Since this journey started, she's seen Kazuya make this face towards her several times already. He even openly admitted to her that he had desires towards her and wanted to do 'that' thing lovers do. However, Lyn still wasn't sure. She loved Kazuya, that much she understood. But to take things that far? Even now, when he is so close to her like this, she isn't sure. Kazuya brushed his hand against her cheek, it felt strangely warm, and she leaned into his palm.

"Lyn," he called out softly, and yet with a serious look in his eyes, "May I kiss you?"

It's just kissing, why is he asking her so seriously? 'He's acting so stupid,' Lyn thought, and yet she couldn't help but get lost in that serious gaze. Lyn nodded, and Kazuya leaned forward.

Before anything could happen, however, there is a knock on the door. Kazuya stood up and left her side, not before laying her down, though, "Stay here okay?"