
Underground Bar (Surri Town)

When humans see things that are out of the norm, there are only two options. One is to ignore it and pretend that it never happened; the second is to face it. The first may seem relatively easy, and indeed a large portion of people forget it right away. If it's something completely out of the un-natural, they will choose to erase it from their memory, or merely dismiss it as a dream.

On the other hand, the later on the surface looks to be the most extreme. To face something out of the ordinary, may seem like the most extreme challenge. But one could easily challenge that by saying that depends on the extent of the unnatural.

In this case, the ordinary people here have chosen to face it and mix with the 'unnatural. ' A place where those with dark magic and regular humans can be together should be a happy place for her. But since she stepped in here, the scent of blood has not left her.