What about brother Allen?

Seconds turned into minutes, no in her head, the three seconds it took for Kazuya to answer felt like decades.

"I'm your sister's boyfriend."

Just four single words and her whole world felt like it just fell apart. She clenched her fist, 'so it's true,' Shaarya thought. Considering how irritated second brother seemed in those letters, she should have prepared for this situation. However, it still surprised her. Shaarya knew of her second sister's feelings towards the Wind Kingdom Prince after all. It's because she knew this, that Shaarya supported her. Shaarya knew how happy Brother Allen made her sister. Her sister, who used to have such a clouded look on her face. Brother Allen is cold-hearted at times and indifferent. But, that man could pull her sister out of the shadows.

With a heavy heart, Shaarya broke the silence and asked, "What about brother Allen? Has..has," Shaarya hesitated, "Second sister canceled the engagement?"