Marriage Talks

If it were anybody else, who asked him if they could meet Lyn, Allen would undoubtedly think that they had an ulterior motive. However, because it's Rei, Allen understood that the woman was merely curious while she is not the type to pay attention to ideal gossip and immerse herself in her research most of the time. For her to express such an interest now.

"Are the rumors that entertaining Lady Rei?"

"It's more like; I am worried about how this will affect your state for the upcoming conference. He will announce you as the next heir then, correct?"

Indeed, contrary to his competitors. He has already won the throne. But Allen continued playing their games and feigning ignorance this whole time to amuse them. It seems, however, that the game will quickly come to an end.

Feeling Rei's eyes on him, Allen sighed, "It will not disrupt me, besides if she cancels it before the conference, then I will have time to prepare myself."