
Lyn protested and struggled. But against him, she was no match. At least for now anyway. If Lyn learns how to use her magic properly and builds up her stamina more, then he won't get a chance to get close to her anymore. That's why lately Rhys is in a rush. Before she learns to control it, he has to do something. With this particular mindset, Rhys has increased his level of affection towards her.

Now they are finally at this stage. Rhys gaze fell on the girl below him; she looks so vulnerable right now. 'My prey,' he thought as he licked his lips. Why does somebody this stunningly beautiful exist in this world? Now he understood why they kept her locked away, her powers aside and that mark. If people laid eyes on this beauty, then there would be conflict. It's not an exaggeration to say that those who lay their eyes on her will be 'bewitched.'

"Lyn," he murmured against her lips, "I'll make sure you know that you belong to me, and me alone."