The Morning After

When Lyn woke up a few hours later at exactly 6:30 am, she immediately recalled what happened a few hours prior, and her cheeks burned red. H-how could she do something so shameless? She wants to crawl into a hole and hide. Lyn looked at the blank space beside her, 'he got up and left, when? It's early.' The plan won't start officially till 8:30 am. After what happened, Lyn wondered if Rhys got any sleep at all. Lyn frantically shook her head, why is she worrying about Rhys now of all times?

Ahhh, what on earth is happening to her? Back when they were in the Mist Kingdom, Rhys didn't act this way towards her. Sure his harassment increased by the day, but Lyn calmly brushed it aside. However, since she came to the Snow Kingdom things between her and Rhys are strange. Lyn knew the reason why Kazuya does not hang around her as much anymore meant that Rhys was free to harass her as much as he wanted.