Some Traits Remain The Same

"You'll catch a cold Princess Lyn. Although it is autumn, the nights are still chilly."

Her eyes went wide at the action.

' Even if it's you. You'll still catch a cold in this weather. Please think about yourself more when you get home. Hurry up and rest up okay? Though I don't dislike that recklessness of yours.'

'Your reckless as always, eh?'

Ah, really what was she doing? Life isn't fair at all. Even though they've both gone through this already. Lyn wondered if he too was thinking the same as her. She's sure if she told these two then they won't tell a soul that they'd both understand. However, saying it would trouble them.

"Yeah, thank you," Lyn said with a weak smile. " Yosh, I guess we should get going. Were going to be late otherwise."
