
Wait a minute, the King's knights? They came here directly to fetch her? Lyn frowned slightly, 'Something is wrong after all,' Lyn thought. At first, she thought it was a mere coincidence that things here were too quiet. After all, it is the middle of the night. But generally most castles operate twenty-four seven, there are those who work the night shift for a reason.

This castle is very strange. For the King to personally send his knights instead of getting normal personnel. Maybe it's because she is a special case? That message expressed clear interest in her mark. Allen was very wary at first, and yet he ended up agreeing for them to come here.

"Ah," her eyes widened when she saw who it was, "Rhys," Lyn called out.

He reached over and pinched her cheeks, "What on earth were you thinking going here alone? Why don't you listen to your fiance for once."