
- Underground Cave-

Only three days had gone by since Lyn last saw Kazuya. But she didn't think she would meet him so soon. After that discussion with Rhys, the two of them explored the grounds for a bit. It was no surprise to her when she found that hidden passage. But, what surprised her was seeing Kazuya. At first, Lyn wasn't sure it was him, but when the man used his abilities, she was sure. Lyn immediately rushed over and hugged Kazuya's back.

"Woah—wh-," Kazuya paused and laughed, "So you found me," he turned her around and picked her up. Lyn wrapped her arms around his neck, "There, there. I missed you as well."

Only three days without Kazuya and she has missed him like crazy. How peculiar, she's never felt this strongly towards another person before. Then again, she's never experienced love until she met Kazuya.

"Kazuya, did you come here alone?"

"Uh, no actually I borrowed Lyn' s---"