His story

To receive a scolding from Pupillam was already something not new. Pupillam often scolded for acting careless and in her words thinking without using her head. Despite all the scolding she did daily, Lyn knew how much the girl cared for her. To the point that it's suffocating.

"I must ask you to refrain from taking such reckless actions from now on," Pupillam lectured, "I mean I know I've warned you and reminded you countless times over the last few years. But, let me repeat it. Acting so carelessly in front of the opposite gender, your behavior, and conduct.."

Lyn sweat fell, here she goes again with the scolding. Currently, they were in the waiting room, Kazuya said he would go ahead and see if the person he wanted was inside. Lyn felt uneasy letting him out of her sight, but Rhys said he would come along too. Lyn did not understand why, but since Rhys would be there, she felt more reassured.