
6:30am Snow Kingdom Outskirts of Main Town

"Come on, come on, let's go!" his girlfriend was very excited as she tugged on his hand.

"Alright, I'm coming," Kazuya replied, feeling less like a boyfriend and more like a father who had agreed to take his daughter to the princess aisle of the toy store. Still, his gaze fell on the girl smiling beside him; he supposes this isn't bad once in a while. He is spending time with Lyn like this.

Kazuya looked around and closed his eyes. He doesn't sense any malicious presence anywhere. What worries him is that the Snow Kingdom Knights have gone after Lyn. That guy, he clearly didn't betray them but even so shouldn't the others have noticed that Lyn disappeared? Unless they are turning a blind eye to things? But why would they do something like that for?

As they walked side-by-side, Lyn continued to bounce around eagerly. 'She's acting like a little kid,' it was amusing to see this sight of her.